Contents of the Firm Hierarchy Form

Use the Firm Hierarchy feature to create a hierarchy of records in the hubs that are representative of parent and subsidiary relationships between multiple firms. This enables firm hierarchies in the Firms hub.

When you establish firm hierarchy levels, you specify the number of levels that users can include when building their firm hierarchies. You can set up a maximum of four parent levels with a label for each level, which allows for hierarchies of up to five total levels. The hierarchy and labels for each level are then used when grouping firm information on reports.

Use the fields and options on this tab to specify the number of levels and their respective labels for the firm hierarchy.

Firm Hierarchy Levels Grid

Field Description
Use Select the check box in the Use column to activate the hierarchy levels.

By default, the hierarchy is set up to include four parent levels. The order of the hierarchy levels determines the actual hierarchy. If you attempt to clear the Firm level, Vantagepoint displays a message prompting you to disable firm hierarchy.

With this setup, users can configure hierarchies up to five levels with the firm as the lowest level, and use any of the four parent levels as groupings in report.

Label Enter a label for the hierarchy level, for example Sub Level 1.The order of the hierarchy levels determines the actual hierarchy and the descriptions are listed in the hierarchy in the Firms hub. These descriptions are also used on the Project Forecast, Project Hit Rate List, Project List, and Firm List reports.


This section reflects the current settings in the Firm Hierarchy Levels section of this form. If you change the Firm Hierarchy Levels settings and click Save, this section updates accordingly.

Field Description
Save Click this button to save your changes.