Contents of the Grid Settings Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on this dialog box to indicate how you want to group rows in the grid and to select columns to display in the grid.


Field Description
Group By Select the data item by which you want to group rows in the grid.
Find Available/Selected Columns Use these search fields to filter long lists of available or selected columns. Enter one or more alphanumeric characters in the search field to display a list of columns that contain those characters.
Available Columns This list contains all of the columns that you can include in the grid but are not currently selected for display. To add a column to the grid, click the column in this list to move the column to the Selected Columns list.
Add All Click this link to add all columns in the Available Columns list to the grid.
Selected Columns

This list contains all of the columns that are selected to display in the grid, in the order they appear in the grid from left to right.

To change the column order, hover over the row for a column that you want to move, and click-and-drag to move the column.

To remove a column from the grid, click to the right of a column in the Selected Columnslist, to move the column back to the Available Columns list.

Remove All Click this link to remove all columns in the Selected Columns list from the grid.
The order of the columns from top to bottom in the Selected Columns list is the order they appear, from left to right, in the Project Review grid. To change that order, hover over the row for a column, and click-and-drag to move the column.
Restore Defaults If you change the settings or columns for the grid and then want to restore the default settings and columns, click Restore Defaults.

This action only restores the default columns for the view currently selected in the Select Columns For field. To restore the default columns for the other view, select that view in Select Columns For and click Restore Defaults again.

Apply After you select the settings and columns that you want, click Apply to close the dialog box and update the grid.