Obtain HMRC Authorization

If this is the first time that you are submitting to HMRC, or if your access token has expired, you must log in to the HMRC website with your personal/company credentials and give Vantagepoint authorization to interact with your data and HMRC. This authorization is completed using the OAuth 2.0 protocol from HMRC.

You can obtain HMRC authorization before or after you sign up for the MTD VAT service.

You grant Vantagepoint the authority to interact with HMRC on your behalf for a set of functions or "API scopes." When you grant permission, Vantagepoint receives an authorization code that can be used to gain an OAuth access token for that user and also a refresh token. The access token expires periodically and must be refreshed. After 18 months, the access token fully expires and you must grant authority again.

When you click the Retrieve VAT Obligation button in Vantagepoint and you do not have proper authorization, the HMRC Authorization dialog box displays.

To obtain HMRC authorization:

  1. On the HMRC Authorization dialog box, click HMRC Login Link.
  2. Complete the steps listed on the HMRC site.
  3. When you receive your HMRC authorization code, copy it to the clipboard.
  4. On the HMRC Authorization dialog box, paste the value into the HMRC Authorization Code field.
  5. Click Get/Refresh Token.