Use an Advanced Search to Find Report Data

Use the advanced search options to search a report that is displayed in the Preview window, based on the fields and search values that you specify in the Search Criteria grid. You can then view the search results, print them, or download them to a spreadsheet.

Keep the following guidelines in mind as you use the advanced search feature:

  • The advanced search feature is not available if you use SQL Server Express or SQL Server Workgroup.
  • For quick results, the Search Criteria grid remembers your prior selection each time that you access the grid.
  • The list of search fields generated is based on the structure of the report. That structure is determined by your sorting and grouping criteria, other report options that you select, and groups that are built into the report. Use the information in the Level column and the Name column to locate the fields that you want.

    For example, if you want to search the Project Summary report and include current hours from detail rows in the search results, select the grid row that contains Detail in Level and Current Hours in Name. If you instead want to see total current hours for projects, select the grid row that contains Group Project Number in Level and Current Hours in Name. Vantagepoint attempts to provide meaningful names for the levels and fields, but in some cases, it must use generic names. If you cannot tell from the level and field name which search field to select, pick the most likely candidate and do a trial search.

  • The search results columns display from left to right in the same order that the fields display in the grid on the Search Criteria tab. To change that order before you launch the search, use the row option and drag and drop the rows into the desired order.
  • You cannot use the search output as links to jump to the corresponding location in the report.
Prerequisites: From Reporting, run a report. From other applications, click Print.

To use an advanced search to find report data:

  1. Click Search and Download on the toolbar of the previewed report.
    The Search Criteria grid displays at the bottom of the report and lists the fields that you can select as search targets to include in the search output.
  2. In the Search Criteria grid, select the check box next to each row that you want to include in the search output.
    If you want to search the report based on the values in a field but do not want that field to appear in the search results, leave the checkbox cleared and continue with step 4.

    If the report uses sub reports, the fields in the sub reports are not available as search criteria or search output.

  3. The search results display in the order of the selected rows; to reorder the rows, click Reorder this from and drag the rows to the desired order.
  4. If you want a field to have a different name in the search results, enter that name in the Name field.
  5. If you want to search the report based on the values in this row, select the Filter check box.
    If you want to include the field in the search results but do not want to search based on its values, do not select Filter.
  6. If you selected Filter, select an Operator and then enter in Value the value of the field for which you want to search.
    You cannot use wildcard characters in the search value.
  7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for each field that you want to include in the search output.
  8. Click Show Results on the grid menu.
    The Search Results grid displays the search results and the number of result rows displays at the top of the grid.
  9. Click Download to download the search results to a .CSV file.