Labor Plan Charts Chart Tab

Use the Chart tab to choose the type of chart to be displayed on your report.

Field Description

Select one of the following to indicate the data that you want the report to display:

  • Hours
  • Cost Amount
  • Billing Amount

Your access to labor cost rates and amounts may be restricted by role security.

Decimal Setting

Select the number of decimal digits to display for planned hours or amounts.

If you set Format to Hours, select one of the following:

  • No Decimal: The report displays the number of hours without decimal digits.
  • 1 Digit: The report displays the number of hours with one digit to the right of the decimal point.
  • 2 Digits: The report displays the number of hours with two digits to the right of the decimal point.

If you set Format to Cost Amount or Billing Amount, select one of the following:

  • No Decimal: The report displays amounts without decimal digits.
  • Currency: The report displays amounts with the number of decimal digits specified for the currency on the Currency Configuration form (Settings > General > Currency).
Column Width Enter the width of the data columns in inches or millimeters, based on which one you selected in the Unit of Measure field on the Layout tab.
Chart Height Specify the height of the chart area in inches or millimeters based on the Unit of Measure field on the Layout tab. If you use inches, use decimals for fractions of an inch (for example 3.50). The chart title, legend, and chart will display in the area defined.
Start Date

Select the starting date for the data on the report:

  • Today's Date: The report displays data starting with the current date.
  • Specific Date: The report displays data starting with the date that you specify.

Select one of the following period scales for the hours or amounts on the report:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Biweekly: A two-week period.
  • Semi-Monthly: One semi-monthly period runs from the first to the fifteenth of the month. The second semi-monthly period runs from the sixteenth to the end of the month.
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Yearly
Duration Select the number of reporting periods to display. The related Scale option determines the type of period. For example, if the scale is monthly and you enter 6 here, the report displays data for six monthly periods.
Show Hours/Billing Amount/Cost Amount in Table

This field name changes depending on which option is selected in the Format field. Select the types of hours or amounts that you want the table to display.

If you set Format to Hours, select one of the following:

  • Planned
  • Actual
  • Baseline

Your access to labor cost rates and amounts may be restricted by role security.

Show Hours/Billing Amount/Cost Amount in Chart

This field name changes depending on which option is selected in the Format field. Select the types of hours or amounts that you want the chart to display.

If you set Format to Hours, select one of the following:

  • Planned
  • Actual
  • Baseline

Your access to labor cost rates and amounts may be restricted by role security.

Show Cumulative Totals If you select this check box, the report displays cumulative totals from one period to the next for actual, baseline, and planned values.

If you do not select this check box, the report displays the actual, baseline, and planned values for each period alone.

For example, if the actual hours for March 2018 are 250 and the actual hours for April 2018 are 350, the report displays 250 for March 2018 and 600 (250 + 350) for April 2018 if you select Show Cumulative Totals. If you do not select Show Cumulative Totals, the report displays 250 for March 2018 and 350 for April 2018.