Columns for Project Planning List

You can select the columns to display on your report.

Field Description
Client Name This column displays the client associated with the project plan.
Linked Project This column displays the project number of the linked project. For example, the promotional project associated to a regular project.
Phase Name This column displays the name of the phase.
Plan End Date This column displays the date on which the plan ended or is scheduled to end.
Plan Start Date This column displays the date on which the plan started or is scheduled to start.
Probability This column displays the probability that your company will win the project.
Project Name This column displays the name of the project.
Project Number This column displays the project number.
Project Status This column displays the project status: Active, Dormant, Inactive, or Purged.
Row Count This column displays the total number of detail lines for each group, based on the sorting and grouping selections. If the report groups data at more than one level, this column displays row counts for all grouping levels.
Stage This field indicates the current stage for the project.
Task Name This column displays the name of the task.
Task Number This column displays the task number.