Payroll Labor Detail Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options for the report.

Time Frame Options

Use these options to specify the time frame for data included on the report.

Field Description
Current Period The report shows data for the active accounting period.
Year-to-Date Select this check box to display time data for the current year.
Job-to-Date Job-to-date amounts are the actual costs or hours incurred on or before the date that you specify in this field. For example, if you select Today's Date, the job-to-date cost amount is the sum of all actual cost amounts dated today or earlier. Select one of the following options to specify the date used to calculate the job-to-date amounts:
  • Today's Date
  • Period End Date: Vantagepoint uses the end date of the current accounting period.
  • Specific Date: Specify the date.
Date Range The report shows data for a date range that you specify. Vantagepoint examines transactions within the specified date range, regardless of the period in which the transactions were posted or the dates of the current active period. Enter the start and end dates, or click the calendar icons to select the dates.
Period Range Select this option to display the Starting and Ending period drop-down lists. Click and select a period (mm/yyyy) range from each list.

Detail Options

Use the Detail options to select the level of detail to display on the report.

Field Description
Include Unpaid Hours Select this check box to display hours reported on timesheets but not yet paid.Vantagepoint marks report lines for unpaid hours with U.
Include Paid Hours Select this check box to display all hours for which employees have been paid.
Employee Page Break Select this check box to insert a page break before each employee's data.
Include Comments Select this check box to include timesheet comments. The expanded text content displays when this option is selected.
Project Lookup To filter the report's contents, use the Project lookup to select projects. This option restricts the transactions on the report to those associated with the selected projects.
Consolidated Phase Select this check box to summarize all phase information for the currently selected project.
Consolidated Task Select this check box to summarize all task information for the currently selected project.

Payroll Posting Runs Grid

The Payroll Posting Runs grid lists all payroll posting runs for the reporting period that you specify in the Time Frame options. You can select one or more runs. The grid columns include the following:

Field Description
Period This field displays the fiscal period in which the payroll posting run was created.
Seq This field displays the posting sequence number for the payroll processing run. Vantagepoint assigns these numbers sequentially to identify the payroll run, starting with one at the beginning of a new accounting period. The posting sequence is not the sequence number of the payment or paycheck. You assign payment numbers after payments are printed.
Type This field displays the payroll run type: Regular, Bonus, or Adjustments.
Name This field displays the username of the user who created the posting run.
Posted This field displays the date that the run was posted.
Comments This column displays a short comment that describes the result of the payroll run, such as "Processed 18 employees".