Employee Payroll List Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options for the report.

Reporting Period

Use these options to display the W-2 year, W-2 quarter, and last payroll withholding for the posted payroll run.

Field Description
W-2 Quarter Select the W-2 quarter for which you want to display quarter-to-date contribution amounts.
W-2 Quarter Select the W-2 quarter for which you want to display quarter-to-date contribution amounts.
Include Last Payroll Withholding Column Select this check box to display pay and withholding data from the most recent payroll run.


Use these options to exclude payroll bonuses and adjustments from the report.

Field Description
Exclude Bonuses Select this check box to exclude bonus pay from the wages subject to the tax.
Exclude Adjustments Select this check box to exclude payroll adjustments from the wages subject to the tax.

Employee Sort

Use the Employee Sort options to specify the sort order for the employees included on the report:

Field Description
Number Select this button to sort by employee number.
Last Name Select this button to sort by employee last name.

Time Frame Options

Use the Time Frame options to specify the period and range of dates for the report data.

Field Description
Current Period The report shows data for the active accounting period.
Date Range Use this field to select the reporting period for calculating the value for hit rates. For example, if you select Won/Lost Date in Date Field Used in Calculation and Last14 Days in this field, the report uses only the projects with a won/lost start date that falls within the last two weeks to calculate the hit rate.
Period Range The report shows data for a range of accounting periods that you specify.