Columns for the Contributions by Category Report

The Contributions by Category report contains a standard set of columns. You cannot select columns for this report. The header area lists the W-2 year and quarter for which you generated the report. The body of the report displays employer contribution amounts for each employee.


Field Description
Contribution Code This column displays the code that identifies a type of contribution that the employer makes on the employee's behalf.

For example, your company may have a contribution code for a matching contribution to 401(k) accounts or for contributions to State Unemployment Insurance.

You assign contribution codes to employees on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub.

Employee Number/Name This column displays the employee's identification number and name.


These columns display the contribution amounts during the reporting period and time frame period or dates that you specified on the Options tab.

Field Description
CUR or Periods or Dates If the contribution code is linked to the amount contributed during the W-2 period or dates that you specified on the Options tab.
QTD This column displays the amount contributed during the W-2 quarter that you specified on the Options tab.
YTD If the contribution code is linked to the amount contributed during the W-2 year that you specified on the Options tab.

Linked Withholding

These columns display contribution codes linked to a type of withholding for the employee during the reporting period and time frame period or dates that you specified on the Options tab.

Field Description
CUR or Periods or Dates If the contribution code is linked to a type of withholding for the employee, this column displays the amount withheld from the employee's pay during the W-2 period or dates that you specified on the Options tab.
QTD If the contribution code is linked to a type of withholding for the employee, this column displays the amount withheld from the employee's pay during the W-2 quarter that you specified on the Options tab.
YTD If the contribution code is linked to a type of withholding for the employee, this column displays the amount withheld from the employee's pay during the W-2 year that you specified on the Options tab.

Gross Wage

These columns display the amount of gross wages paid during the reporting period and time frame period or dates that you specified on the Options tab.

Field Description
CUR or Periods or Dates This column displays the amount of gross wages paid during the W-2 period or dates that you specified on the Options tab.
QTD This column displays the amount of gross wages paid during the W-2 quarter that you specified on the Options tab.
YTD This column displays the amount of gross wages paid during the W-2 year that you specified on the Options tab.

Wages Subject to Contribution

This column displays the amount of wages subject to contribution during the reporting period and time frame period or dates that you specified on the Options tab.

Field Description
CUR or Periods or Dates This column displays the amount of wages used to calculate the contribution amount during the W-2 period or dates that you specified on the Options tab.

This amount may not be identical to the gross wages amount. For example, the amount subject to State Unemployment Insurance contributions is calculated as follows: Gross wages - 125 Cafeteria contributions.

QTD (Wages Subject to Contribution) This column displays the amount of wages used to calculate the contribution amount during the W-2 quarter that you specified on the Options tab.
YTD This column displays the amount of wages used to calculate the contribution amount during the W-2 year that you specified on the Options tab.