Key Financial Metrics Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select the data included in the report, so that you can focus on the information most important to you.

Detail Options

Field Description
Organization If your enterprise uses organizations and you want to generate the report for selected organizations rather than for the whole company, use the Organization lookup to select the organizations for the report.
Report In

This option displays if you are using multiple currencies. Select the currency in which to display amounts on the report:

  • Presentation Currency: Select a single currency in which to display all monetary amounts. You must select a currency that is enabled for the active company.
  • Exchange Rate as of: Specify the date that Vantagepoint should use to convert amounts to the presentation currency using the exchange rates that are effective on this date. With a few exceptions, cost amounts are converted to the presentation currency from the project currency amounts, and billing amounts are converted from the billing currency amounts.

General Ledger Options

Field Description
Account Group If you want to generate the report for the accounts in a specific account group table, select the account group table. If you do not want to select accounts by account group table, leave this field blank.
Use Cash Basis Select this option if you want the report to show cash-basis values for revenue, expenses, profit, and profit percentage. To be able to generate the cash-basis version, you must select the Cash Basis Reporting option on the General Ledger Options form (Settings > General Ledger > Options).
Account To limit the report's contents, select an account or use the search lookup to find the accounts.
Starting and Ending To generate the report for selected accounting periods, specify both a starting and ending accounting period. If you do not select any accounting periods, Vantagepoint calculates the metrics for all accounting periods. The ending period cannot be before the starting period, but they can be equal.
Bank Code Use this option to calculate the cash balance metrics for selected bank codes rather than for all bank codes.

Accounts Receivable Options

Field Description
Project Level Select the work breakdown structure level from which the report gets the data for project metrics and accounts receivable metrics. You can select a specific level (for example, Project, Phase, or Task) or all levels.
Exclude Unassigned Receipts An unassigned receipt is a cash receipt posted to an invoice for which there is no record in Vantagepoint. Select this check box to exclude unassigned receipts from this report.
Only Include Invoices Over _____ Days Old Select this check box to include only those invoices with an outstanding balance that is past due over a specified number of days. Enter the number of days in the related field.
Only Include Invoices Through _____

Select this check box to include only those invoices posted in or before a specified accounting period. Select the accounting period in the related field.

The report also includes all receipts for the selected invoices, even receipts that were posted in a later accounting period.

Only Include Clients with Balances Over _____

Select this check box to include only projects for clients with an outstanding balance that is greater than a specified amount. Enter the amount in the related field.

Vantagepoint calculates the total outstanding balance for each client for all of the client's projects. Vantagepoint then compares the total client balance amount to the amount entered in this field. If the balance is greater than the amount you specify, the report includes that client's projects.

Only Include Invoices with Balances Over _____ Select this check box to include only invoices with an outstanding balance that is greater than a specified amount. Enter the amount in the related field.

Employee Options

Field Description
Report At Select Hours to calculate utilization based on hours. Select Cost to calculate utilization based on cost.
Calculate Standard Hours as of ____ To have Vantagepoint calculate standard hours or amounts as of a certain date, specify that date in this field. The date serves as the ending date for selecting the labor transactions used in the calculation. The standard hours calculation can be based either on the actual hours worked or on a formula.
Override Standard Hours To specify the month-to-date standard hours rather than using the value Vantagepoint calculates, select the Month-to-Date check box and enter the number of hours.

To specify the year-to-date standard hours rather than using the value Vantagepoint calculates, select the Year-to-Date check box and enter the number of hours.

Number of Full-Time Employees
Select one of the following to indicate the types of employees you want to Vantagepoint to include when calculating the number of full-time employees:
  • Salary
  • Hourly
  • Both
Exclude Inactive Employees To exclude inactive employees from the number of full-time employees, select this check box.