Columns for the Key Financial Metrics Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Field Description
Actual Overhead Rate - Current

This column displays the actual overhead rate for the current accounting period. For the most accurate value, run the Overhead Allocation process before you generate the Key Financial Metrics report:

  • If you set the overhead allocation scope to Firm-wide, Actual Overhead Rate on this report should match the overhead rate in the header section of the Overhead Allocation report.
  • If you set the overhead allocation scope to by Organization, this report uses the Effective Rate for the selected organization as listed on the Overhead Allocation report.
  • If you include more than one organization in this report, Vantagepoint displays an average of effective rates for all the included organizations.
Actual Overhead Rate -YTD

This column displays the year-to-date actual overhead rate.

For the most accurate value, run the Overhead Allocation process before you generate the Key Financial Metrics report:

  • If you set the overhead allocation scope to Firm-wide, Actual Overhead Rate on this report should match the overhead rate in the header section of the Overhead Allocation report.
  • If you set the overhead allocation scope to by Organization, this report uses the Effective Rate for the selected organization as listed on the Overhead Allocation report.
  • If you include more than one organization in this report, Vantagepoint displays an average of effective rates for all the included organizations.
Average Age of AR This column displays the average age of all accounts receivable.
Backlog-Billing Currency

This column is only available if you are using multiple currencies. It displays the monetary value of work that is under contract but that has not yet been earned. Backlog is an indicator of a firm's business volume.

Vantagepoint calculates backlog as follows:

Total Compensation - Job-to-date revenue. (Total compensation = Compensation + Consultant fee + Reimbursable allowance)

For this backlog column, Vantagepoint converts billing currency amounts to presentation currency amounts.

Backlog or Backlog-Project Currency

This column displays the monetary value of work that is under contract but that has not yet been earned. Backlog is an indicator of business volume.

Vantagepoint calculates backlog as follows:

Total Compensation - Job-to-date revenue. (Total compensation = Compensation + Consultant fee + Reimbursable allowance)

If you use multiple currencies, the column name is Backlog-Project Currency. For this backlog column, Vantagepoint converts project currency amounts to presentation currency amounts.

Billed - Current This column displays the amount billed amount for the current accounting period.
Billed - Total This column displays the total amount billed.
Billed - YTD This column displays the amount billed for the fiscal year to date.
Cash Balance This column displays the cash balance of the bank accounts for the bank codes.
Cash Change - Current This column displays the difference between the cash balance of the bank account now and the cash balance at the start of the current accounting period.
Cash Change - Period Range This column displays the difference between the cash balance of the bank account at the beginning of the range of periods and the cash balance at the end of the period range.
Cash Change - YTD This column displays the difference between the cash balance of the bank account now and the cash balance at the start of the current fiscal year.
Effective Multiplier - Current

This column displays the effective multiplier for the current accounting period. The effective multiplier is a productivity measure. It represents the amount of net revenue earned for each labor dollar spent.

Vantagepoint calculates net revenue as follows:

Earned Revenue - (Direct and reimbursable expenses)

Vantagepoint then calculates the effective multiplier as follows:

Net revenue / Direct labor at cost rates

Effective Multiplier - JTD

This column displays the job-to-date effective multiplier. The effective multiplier is a productivity measure. It represents the amount of net revenue earned for each labor dollar spent.

Vantagepoint calculates net revenue as follows:

Earned Revenue - (Direct and reimbursable expenses)

Vantagepoint then calculates the effective multiplier as follows:

Net revenue / Direct labor at cost rates

Effective Multiplier - YTD This column displays the year-to-date effective multiplier. The effective multiplier is a productivity measure. It represents the amount of net revenue earned for each labor dollar spent.

Vantagepoint calculates net revenue as follows:

Earned Revenue - (Direct and reimbursable expenses)

Vantagepoint then calculates the effective multiplier as follows:

Net revenue / Direct labor at cost rates

Expenses - Current This column displays the total expenses (direct, indirect, and other charges) for the current accounting period.
Expenses - Period Range This column displays the total expenses for the period range you specify on the Options tab.
Indirect Expenses - Current This column displays the indirect expenses for the current accounting period.
Expenses - YTD This column displays the year-to-date expenses (direct, indirect, and other charges).
Indirect Expenses - Range This column displays the indirect expenses for the period range that you specify on the Options tab.
Indirect Expenses - YTD This column displays the year-to-date indirect expenses.
Labor Direct Billing - Current This column displays the direct labor billing amount for the current accounting period.
Labor Direct Billing - Total This column displays total direct labor billing amount.
Labor Direct Billing - YTD This column displays direct labor billing amount for the fiscal year to date.
Labor Direct Cost - Current This column displays the labor direct cost for the current accounting period.
Labor Direct Cost - Total This column displays the total labor direct cost.
Labor Direct Cost - YTD This column displays the labor direct cost for the fiscal year to date.
Labor Indirect Cost - Current This column displays the labor indirect cost for the current accounting period.
Labor Indirect Cost - YTD This column displays the labor indirect cost for the fiscal year to date.
Number of Full-Time Employees This column displays the number of full-time employees at your firm. This number can be the number of hourly employees, salary employees, or both, depending on the option you select under Number of Full-Time Employees on the Options tab. You can also include or exclude inactive employees. (This number never includes terminated employees.)
Outstanding AR (31-60) This column displays the total outstanding amount for billed invoices that are 31-60 days old.
Outstanding AR (61-90) This column displays the total outstanding amount for billed invoices that are 61-90 days old.
Outstanding AR (91-120) This column displays the total outstanding amount for billed invoices that are 91-120 days old.
Outstanding AR (Current) This column displays the total outstanding amount for billed invoices that are 0-30 days old.
Outstanding AR (Over 120) This column displays the total outstanding amount for billed invoices that are over 120 days old.
Profit - Current This column displays the profit amount for the current accounting period: Revenue - Expenses
Profit - Period Range

This column displays the profit for the period range that you specify on the Options tab. Vantagepoint calculates profit as follows:

Revenue - Expenses

Profit (incl. OH) - YTD This column displays the year-to-date profit: Revenue - Expenses.
Profit Percentage - Current This column displays the profit percentage for the current accounting period: Profit / Revenue
Profit Percentage - Period Range

This column displays the profit percentage for the period range you specify on the Options tab. Vantagepoint calculates the profit percentage as follows:

Profit / Revenue

Profit Percentage (incl. OH)-YTD This column displays the year-to-date profit percentage: Profit / Revenue.
Realization Ratio - Current

This column displays the realization ratio for the current accounting period. The realization ratio compares net revenue earned to labor at billing rates:

Net revenue / Direct labor at billing rates.

Realization Ratio - JTD

This column displays the job-to-date realization ratio. The realization ratio compares net revenue earned to labor at billing rates:

Net revenue / Direct labor at billing rates.

Realization Ratio - YTD

This column displays the year-to-date realization ratio. The realization ratio compares net revenue earned to labor at billing rates:

Net revenue / Direct labor at billing rates

Revenue - Current This column displays the revenue for the current accounting period.
Revenue - Period Range This column displays the revenue for the period range that you specify on the Options tab.
Revenue - YTD This column displays the year-to-date revenue.
Total Outstanding AR This column displays the total amount that has been billed but not yet received.
Unbilled - Current This column displays the amount of revenue that is not yet billed for the current accounting period: Revenue - Billed
Unbilled - Total This column displays the total amount of revenue that is not yet billed: Revenue - Billed.
Unbilled - YTD This column displays the amount of revenue that is not yet billed for the fiscal year to date: Revenue - Billed
Utilization - MTD [Direct/Total] This column displays the month-to-date gross chargeable ratio (ratio A): Direct hours / Total hours. This metric includes terminated employees.
Utilization - MTD [Direct/(Total-Benefit)] This column displays the month-to-date net chargeable ratio (ratio B): Direct hours / (Total hours - Benefit hours).This metric includes terminated employees.
Utilization - MTD [Target] This column displays the month-to-date target ratio (ratio C). This ratio is the percentage of an employee's time that you expect will be charged to revenue-producing projects. This metric includes terminated employees.
Utilization - MTD [Direct/Std] This column displays the month-to-date ratio D: Direct hours / Standard hours. This metric includes terminated employees.
Utilization - MTD [Direct/(Std-Benefit)] This column displays the month-to-date ratio E: Direct hours / (Standard hours - Benefit hours). This metric includes terminated employees.
Utilization - YTD [Direct/Std] This column displays the year-to-date ratio D: Direct hours / Standard hours. This metric includes terminated employees.
Utilization - YTD [(Direct/Std-Benefit)] This column displays the year-to-date ratio E: Direct hours / (Standard hours - Benefit hours). This metric includes terminated employees.
Utilization - YTD [Direct/Total] This column displays the year-to-date gross chargeable ratio (ratio A): Direct hours / Total hours. This metric includes terminated employees.
Utilization - YTD [(Direct/ Total-Benefit)] This column displays the year-to-date net chargeable ratio (ratio B): Direct hours / (Total hours - Benefit hours). This metric includes terminated employees.
Utilization - YTD [Target] This column displays the year-to-date target ratio (ratio C). This ratio is the percentage of an employee's time that you expect will be charged to revenue-producing projects. This metric includes terminated employees.