Columns for the Contact List Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Field Description
Activities - Completed This column indicates whether an activity is Pending or Completed.
Activities - Location This column displays the location where the activity occurred or will occur.
Activities - Marketing Campaign This column displays the marketing campaign associated with the activity.
Activities - Notes This column displays the notes from the activity.
Activities - Owner This column displays the name of the employee who is responsible for the activity.
Activities - Primary Firm This column displays the name of the primary firm associated with the activity.
Activities - Priority This column displays the priority ranking that indicates the relative importance of individual activities: High, Medium, or Low.
Activities - Project This column displays the name of the project associated with the activity.
Activities - Start Date This column displays the date and time that the activity is scheduled to begin.
Activities - Subject This column displays a brief description of the activity (for example, Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, Customer Lunch, or Follow-up Visit).
Activities - Type This column displays the activity type (for example, Phone Call, Meeting, or Email).
Associations - Name This column displays the name of a contact who is associated with the current contact.
Associations - Relationship This column displays a description of the relationship of the current contact to the associated contact (for example, Partner, Friend, or Associate).
Associations - Relationship Description This column displays additional text describing the relationship of the current contact to the associated contact (for example, Partner, Friend, or Associate).
Categories - Category This column displays an activity category (for example, Corporate Mailing, Holiday Card, Promotional Brochure, or Newsletter).
Categories - Info This column displays additional text that describes the activity category.
Cell Phone This column displays the record's cellular phone number.
Concatenated Address This column displays the individual's street address, city, state, and ZIP code. The report shows this information in a single column.
Concatenated Firm Address This column displays the firm's street address, city, state, and ZIP code. If the address is too long for the width of the column, it continues on additional lines within the column.
Contact Notes This column displays the text entered in the Contacts hub.
Create Date This column displays the date on which the record was created.
Create User This column displays the Vantagepoint user ID of the employee who created the record.
Custom Currency Code If you set up custom currency fields for any accounts, this column displays the currency code specified for those fields, as specified on the Accounts form (Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts).
Email This column displays the record's email address.
Employees - Description This column displays a description of the employee's relationship with the contact.
Employees - Name This column displays the employee's full name.
Employees - Number This column displays the employee's number.
Employees - Relationship Description This column displays additional text describing the relationship between the contact and the employee.
Firm Address 1-4 Firm Address 1 displays the firm's name. The other address columns display the firm's billing address information (street name and number, suite number, postal box number, and so on).
Firm Address Desc This column displays a description of the firm address.
Firm City This column displays the city from the firm's address.
Firm Country This column displays the country from the firm's address.
Firm Fax If the contact is a firm, this column displays the firm's fax number.
Firm Market This column displays the type of firm, such as Commercial, Government, or Non-Profit).
Firm Memo This column displays the text entered in the Notes field in the Firms hub.
Firm Name This column displays the name of the firm.
Firm Phone This column displays the firm's telephone number.
Firm Relationship This column displays your relationship with the firm, such as Consultant, Prospective, or Existing).
Firm Specialty This column displays the description of the firm's business specialty, or any other information related to the firm, as specified in the Firms hub.
Firms - State This column displays the state from the firm's address.
Firm Status This column displays the current status of your relationship with the firm: Active, Dormant, or Inactive.
Firm UDL Specialty Type This column displays the firm's business specialty (for example, Printing, Interior Design, or Security Systems).
Firm Website This column displays the firm's web site address.
Firm Website This column displays the firm's web site address.
Firm Employee Association - Employee This column displays the number of an employee who is associated with the firm.
Firm Employee Association - Name This column displays the name of an employee who is associated with the firm.
Firm Employee Association - Relationship This column displays a description of the relationship of the firm to the associated employee.
Firm Employee Association - Relationship Description This column displays additional text describing the relationship of the firm to the associated employee.
First Name This column displays the record's first name.
Full Name This column displays the record's full name: Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix.
Home Phone This column displays the record's home telephone number.
Is Mailing Address This column indicates if the address is the contact's mailing address. If the column contains Y (Yes), the address is the contact's other address or home address. If the column contains N (No), the address is one of the following:
  • If the contact is not associated with a firm, the address is the contact's other address or home address.
  • If the contact is a firm contact, the address is the firm's address.
Last Name This column displays the contact's last name.
Links - Description This column displays a brief description of the file link or Web address (URL).
Links - Graphic This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the file is a graphic file.
Links - Link Path The link path can be one of the following::
  • The complete link path for an external file. Click on the link path to open the file link from the external location where it is stored.
  • The complete HTTP, FTP, email, or newsgroup address for a URL. Click the address to go to the Web, FTP, or newsgroup site, or to open and send an email message.
Mail Address 1-4 This column displays the record's address (street name and number, suite number, P.O. Box number).
Mail City This column displays the city from the record's address.
Mail Country This column displays the country from the record's address.
Mail State This column displays the state from the record's address.
Mail Zip This column displays the ZIP code from the record's address.
Market This column displays the type of firm associated with the contact.
Marketing Campaigns - Name This column displays the name of the marketing campaign associated with the record.
Marketing Campaigns - Number This column displays the identifier for the marketing campaign associated with the record.
Middle Name This column displays the record's middle name or initial.
Modify Date This column displays the date on which the record was most recently modified.
Modify User This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the record.
Other Address 1-4 This column displays the record's other or home address (street name and number, suite number, P.O. box number, and so on).
Other City This column displays the city from the record's other address or home address.
Other Country This column displays the country from the record's other address or home address.
Other Fax This column displays the record's business fax number.
Other Phone This column displays the record's business telephone number.
Other State This column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the record's other address or home address.
Other Zip This column displays the ZIP code from the record's other address or home address.
Owner This column displays the person responsible for the record.
Pager This column displays the individual's pager number.
Preferred Name This column displays the name by which the individual prefers to be addressed.
Prefix This column displays the prefix or salutation used with the individual's name (for example, Mr., Mrs., or Ms.).
Professional Suffix This column displays the professional suffix used with the individual's name. That suffix indicates educational degrees or professional licenses or accreditation. It can be a single item (for example, PhD) or a combination of two or more (for example, CPA, CMA, MBA).
Project Description This column displays a brief description of the project.
Projects - Description This column displays additional text describing the projects.
Projects - Name This column displays the name of the project.
Projects - Number This column displays the identifier of the project associated with the record.
Projects - Role This column displays the role of the individual on the project (for example, Transportation Engineer or Geologist).
Project - Stage This column displays the stage of the project that is associated with the record.
Qualified Status This column displays the qualification status of the contact (lead). This column only displays when Enable Lead Qualification is set to Yes in Settings > CRM.
Rating If a contact is associated with a marketing campaign, this column displays the rating of the contact (such as Hot, Warm, or Cold). You specify rating values on the Contact Rating Settings dialog box in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists.
Row Count This column displays the total number of detail lines for each group, based on the sorting and grouping selections. If the report groups data at more than one level, this column displays row counts for all grouping levels.
Source This column displays the source of the contact (for example, specific conferences or trade shows).
Status This column displays the contact's current status: Active or Inactive.
Status Date This column displays the date on which the contact was qualified or disqualified. If you are creating a new contact , this field displays the current date and will update automatically on the date the contact is qualified. Use this information to track the number of leads or contacts that were qualified or disqualified during a specific time frame. This column only displays when Enable Lead Qualification is set to Yes in Settings > CRM.
Status Reason If a contact is associated with a marketing campaign, this column displays the reason for disqualifying a contact. You specify status reasons on the Contact Status Reason Settings dialog box in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists.
Suffix This column displays the suffix used with the individual's name (for example, Jr., Sr., or Esq.)
Title This column displays the person's job title or job function.
Website This column displays the record's web site address.