Unbilled Detail and Aging Report Options Tab

The Options tab gives you additional control over the data displayed on the Unbilled Detail and Aging report.

Detail Options

Field Description
Single Line Summary Select this check box to display a one-line summary for each project, phase, and task.
Billable transactions Select this check box to include transactions with a status of Billable.
Held transactions Select this check box to include transactions with a status of Held.
Transactions to be Written Off Select this check box to include transactions with a status of Write off.
Transactions to be Deleted Select this check box to include transactions with a status of Deleted.
Non-billable transactions

Select this check box to include transactions with a status of Non-billable.

  • Non-billable transactions at billing rates display with a status of B and no amount.
  • Non-billable transactions at cost rates display with a status of B and the transaction amount. Generate the report at cost rates to review the non-billable transactions for a project with their amounts.
Show Timesheet Comments Select this check box if you want timesheet comments included in the report.
Bill Through Date Specify a cutoff date for transactions to be included in the report from the following options:
  • Today's Date : The cutoff date is the date on which you generate the report.
  • Accounting Period End Date: The cutoff date is the end date of the current accounting period (the one in which you generate the report). For example, if you generate the report on 5/11/2021, the cutoff date is 5/31/2021, the last day of the accounting period.
  • Specific Date : You specify the cutoff date.
Bill Through Date Specify a cutoff date for transactions to be included in the report from the following options:
  • Today's Date : The cutoff date is the date on which you generate the report.
  • Accounting Period End Date: The cutoff date is the end date of the current accounting period (the one in which you generate the report). For example, if you generate the report on 5/11/2021, the cutoff date is 5/31/2021, the last day of the accounting period.
  • Specific Date : You specify the cutoff date.
Bill Through Period If you enter a specific date in Bill Through Date, the period that you specify in Bill Through Period must be consistent with that date. Specify a cutoff period for transactions to be included in the report from the following options:
  • Current: The cutoff period is the current active period when you generate the report. For example, if you generate the report on 5/11/2021, the cutoff period is 05/2021.
  • Period: You specify a cutoff period.
Aging Date

Select one of the following to indicate the date used to calculate the age of vouchers or to calculate the number of days until payment for vouchers:

  • Today's Date: The report compares the date in Schedule According to to the current date.
  • Accounting Period End Date: The report compares the date in Schedule According to to the last day of the current accounting period.
  • Specific Date: The report compares the date in Schedule According to to the date that you specify.

You can specify up to four age ranges (for example, 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, over 90 days). The report includes a column for each range. Each column displays the amounts for vouchers with an age in that range.

Show Employee Totals Select this check box if you want the report to show total hours and amounts for each employee.
Use Reporting Default Terms

If you select this check box, the report uses default billing terms when no labor or expense billing terms are defined for a project. If you have projects that have only fee terms, you can use this option to the see the labor and expense at a billing value.

Vantagepoint determines default terms for a project as follows:

  • If default billing terms exist for the project on the Labor tab and Expenses/Units tab of the Billing Terms form, the report uses those billing terms.
  • If no default billing terms exist for the project on the Labor tab or Expenses/Units tab of the Billing Terms form, the report uses the global default terms defined on the Reporting Default Terms form in Settings > Billing > Reporting Default Terms).
Show Project/Phase/Task Info

Select this check box to include the following additional information for each project, phase, and task:

  • Compensation
  • Revenue Type
  • Principal
  • Project Manager
  • Client Number

If you select this check box, you can also include job-to-date billed amounts.

Reporting Amounts

Field Description
Final Totals and Aging Report Basis Select one of the following:
  • At Cost: The report includes non-billable transactions.
  • At Billing: The report excludes non-billable transactions.

Rollup Options

Field Description
Project Number Rollup Options Use this option to summarize information for projects that use a standard numbering system. For example, if the first five characters of your project number represent a master contract, you can summarize (roll up) information for all projects that have a common master contract number. The Project Base Rollup slider box displays the number of characters in your project numbers. For example, if you use a 10-digit project number, the slider box displays 1234567890. A project number can also include up to two delimiters (for example, 12-345.67890).
  • A phase total is the total of all occurrences of that phase across the base project.
  • A task total is the total of all occurrences of that task across the base project.

To roll up project numbers, drag a slider to cover the characters that you want rolled up. You can drag a slider from the left side of the slider box, the right side, or both sides.

Display Data As If you set a project base rollup, use this field to select how you want Vantagepoint to display the project data from the following:
  • Subtotal on Base Number: Select this option to display a group header at the beginning of each group of projects that matches the base rollup and then list each project in full detail. After the last project in the group, the report displays a group total.
  • Summary on Base Number: Select this option to display totals for each group but no project detail.
Phase Base Rollup Use this option to summarize report information for phases that use a standard numbering system. The Phase Base Rollup slider box displays the number of characters in your firm’s phase numbers. For example, if you use a 7-digit phase number, the slider box displays 1234567. A phase number can also include one delimiter (for example, 12345.12).

You can roll up the base phase and still display information by task. When you do, a task total is the total of all occurrences of that task across the base project. For example, the total for Task 00001 is the total of all Task 00001s in the base project.

To display only phases and tasks, use the Project Base Rollup slider to cover the project number completely.

To roll up phase numbers, drag a slider to cover the characters that you want rolled up. You can drag a slider from the left side of the slider box, the right side, or both sides.

Task Base Rollup Use this option to summarize information at the task level for tasks that use a standard numbering system. This option is only available if you use tasks. The Task Base Rollup slider box displays the number of characters in your firm’s task numbers. For example, if you use a 3-digit task number, the slider box displays 123.

This option works in the same way as the project and phase rollup options. For example, if the first two characters of your task number represent a department, you can roll up information for all tasks that have the same department number.

To show only tasks, use the Project Base Rollup and Phase Base Rollup sliders to cover the project number and phase number completely.

To roll up task numbers, drag a slider to cover the characters that you want rolled up. You can drag a slider from the left side of the slider box, the right side, or both sides.