Use Custom Labels for Estimate Table Columns

While you create an estimate, you can customize the labels that display for the table name, as well as the columns, in the estimate table.

To customize the table name and/or labels for the columns:

  1. Double-click the estimate table to open the Edit Estimate Table dialog box and enter or change any of the following:
    • Choose Project
    • Choose Table
  2. In the Table Display Name field, enter a custom name for the table, if needed.
    By default, this field displays the name of the table that is selected in the Choose Table field.
  3. From the Include list, select the column options that you want to include in the table.
    These options are based on the table that is selected in the Choose Table list.

    By default, the Include option is selected for all columns except cost columns. Use this option to add or remove column options.

  4. To specify a custom label for a column, replace the default label provided in the Display Name column.

    For example, for the Labor table option, you selected to include the Planned Hours column. You can then change the Planned Hours column name to Hours by entering Hours in the Display Name column.

    Leave the label blank if you do not want a column header for a particular column.

  5. On the Actions bar, click Save.