Save Proposal as Template Dialog Box

After you finalize the layout for a proposal, use this dialog box to save the proposal as a template for creating other proposals. This ensures consistency and saves time when you need to build multiple proposals with similar criteria.

If the template has records, you can leave the records as drafts if you want them to continue to be updated with changes from the hub. For example, if an employee's title changes, you would want that employee's resume updated with that change when included in a proposal.

When you save the template, this information is saved from the proposal and applied when the new template is used for a new proposal.
  • Properties: Organization, Proposal Manager, Source, Type
  • Elements: Text Blocks, Images, Lines, Section Breaks, Records and field options or placeholders, Layout of pages and records, Document Properties, Page Properties.
  • Pages: All pages with the same page properties, but the proposal name and client name must change.