Search Lookups

A Lookup search narrows your search results and eliminates the need to scan through large numbers of records. Each Lookup search locates all records of a single type (all projects, all employees, all contacts, and so on) across the database.

You can search for records that share certain characteristics. For example, use a Lookup search to find all of your contacts who are located in New York, or all of your projects of the same type. You can also use a Lookup search to find a single record, such as a particular employee's Employees hub record.

The New Search dialog box that displays when you search from a lookup is the list view version. Either select a search or click More Search Options to view and edit the search criteria.

Click Search on the Lookup drop-down list to open the New Search dialog box. You can select the More Search Options option to view and edit existing search criteria. Use the Searches list to open a standard, legacy, personal (My Searches), or shared search to locate a different set of records. Some dialog boxes also include an Advanced Settings option, which you can use to access additional features for customizing a search. See the Advanced Searches, Build a SQL Where Clause Search help topics for more information.

The availability of lookup records is determined by the record level access options selected on the Record Access tab in Settings > Security > Roles.

On the Lookups tab in Settings > General > Options, you establish settings that control how lookups work, such as the number of records displayed at one time in the results grid in a lookup dialog box, the maximum number of records that can be retrieved by a lookup at one time, and how search results display on your Dashboard.