Contents of the Edit Resume Text Dialog Box

Enter resume text for the proposal in this dialog box.

Field Description
Record List This list displays the records that were selected for the proposal. Select a record from this list to specify the resume text to use on the proposal for that record.
Edit All Resumes Select this option to edit all resumes at once. The selected resume category and text formatting will apply to all resumes that are listed in the Record List.

After using this option, you can change a record's resume text by selecting that record and choosing a different category from the Description drop-down list.

Description - Resumes This list includes all resume categories and associated text that were entered for the selected record on the Resumes grid in the Employees hub.

Select a resume category for the record. The category's associated text displays in the Text field. A record may have multiple resume category options, but each record may only have one description category selected for each resume category element on a proposal.

If a category is defined as the Default in employees, it automatically displays when you open this dialog box. You can select a different category from the list.

Text The text that is associated with the category displays in this field. This is the record's actual resume text that will display on the proposal.

If changes are required and you have security access, you can click in the text box and edit the resume text directly in this field which will update the employee record as well. When you save, the resume text in the associated hub is automatically updated.

Save & Update Records Click this option to save the records and insert the descriptions into the proposal. The proposal builder returns to record layout edit mode, where you can continue inserting elements and using the Edit Record Layout options.