Contents of the Format Number Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to define number formats.

Field Description
Type Indicate whether you want the format to be a number or a percentage. If you select Percent, Vantagepoint adds a percent sign (%) to each number.
Decimal Places Select or enter the number of decimal places. In some cases, a fixed number of decimal places is used for a report column. If you specify a different number, it has no effect on those columns.)
Negative Number Specify how you want to indicate negative numbers:
  • Sign on front: Vantagepoint displays a minus sign before the number.
  • Sign on back: Vantagepoint displays a minus sign after the number.
  • Parentheses: Vantagepoint displays the number within parentheses.
Digit Grouping Select how the numbers are grouped. The digit grouping options are:
  • 123,456,789: The number is always grouped by three digits.
  • 12,34,56,789: The last grouping has three digits, but all others have two.
  • 123456789: There is no digit grouping.
Zero Number Specify how you want to indicate zero values:
  • 0: Vantagepoint displays 0.
  • -: Vantagepoint displays a short dash.
  • Do not display: Vantagepoint leaves the space blank.
Apply Click this to save your changes.