Contents of the Add Hub Record Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to insert information from one or more hub records into a proposal.

Field Description
Add records from Specify the hub from which you are adding the record.
Choose Records Choose a record from the hub to add to the proposal. Click the drop-down list to continue to add records, one by one, to the proposal. When you use select common fields, any updates that are made to the associated hub records are automatically applied to the proposal record as well. This relationship remains in tact until you merge and finalize the proposal.
Common Fields The fields that display in this list depend on the hub that you specify. Select one or more common fields that you want to include in the proposal. This automatically inserts information from the records you select in Choose Records directly into the proposal, without requiring that you use the Insert Fields function. When you select common fields, any updates that are made to the associated hub records are automatically applied to the proposal record as well. This relationship remains intact until you finalize the proposal.
How many images per record do you want? Specify the number of images that you want to add to each record in the proposal. You can select images from the Files and Links tab in the specific hub record, or from your local desktop.
Add Click this option to add the record to the proposal. Vantagepoint inserts each record into a separate section within the proposal. You can add text, images, lines, and other general elements into each record as you build the proposal.
Clear All Click this option to clear the records from the dialog box and start over.