Contents of the Payroll Journal

Use the fields and options to view employee information processed and included in payroll runs.

Column Description
Employee Number, Name, and SS number This column displays general employee information from the Employees hub, used for identification purposes.
Rate This column displays the rate at which the employee is paid for regular hours, as well as whether the rate is hourly or salaried (per pay period).
Ovt Pct This column displays the percentage applied to the employee’s regular pay rate to arrive at an overtime pay rate. This information is entered in the Employees hub.
Ovt-2 Pct This column displays the percentage applied to the employee’s regular pay rate to arrive at a secondary overtime pay rate. This information is entered in the Employees hub.

This column is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

Hours This column displays the employee’s regular, overtime, and secondary overtime hours for the current period, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date.
Pay This column displays the employee’s current, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date regular, overtime, secondary overtime, and other pay (before withholdings).

For salaried employees, these amounts are based on the following gross pay computation:

Salary per period + [ Ovt pct * ((Salary per period * Pay periods in a year)/2080) * Ovt hrs] + [Secondary ovt pct * ((Salary per period * Pay periods in a year)/2080) * Secondary ovt hrs] + Other]

For hourly employees, these amounts are based on the following gross pay computation:

(Rate per hour * Regular hours) + ( Ovt pct * Pay rate * Ovt hours) + (Secondary ovt pct * Pay rate * Secondary ovt hours) + Other

The gross pay amount includes pay from automatic and manual select regular payroll runs, as well as for bonuses and adjustments.

Net Pay This column displays the employee’s current period gross pay, minus the employee’s current withholdings.
Check Amt This column displays the total amount of the check made out to this employee during this payroll processing run.
Check # This column displays the check number assigned to this employee during payroll processing.
Withholdings This column displays the current, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date amounts withheld for this employee.
Code This column displays the withholding code.
Method This column displays the method by which the withholding is computed for this employee:
  • System: Indicates that the withholding was calculated based on the enterprise-wide default method specified on the Payroll Withholding Code Setup form.
  • Amount: Indicates that a fixed amount for this employee was used rather than the enterprise-wide default method. The amount used appears in the Amount/Pct field.
  • Percentage: Indicates that a specified percentage of the employee’s wages was used rather than the enterprise-wide default method. The percentage used appears in the Amount/Pct field.
Amount/Pct This field is used in conjunction with the Method field. It shows the fixed amount or percentage of wages withheld. If the employee uses the enterprise-wide default method, no entry appears in this field.
Limit This field displays the limit, if any, for this withholding as entered in the Withholdings grid of the Employees hub Payroll tab.
Withheld This column displays the amount withheld, including withholdings posted during all payroll processing runs (regular, bonus, and adjustments). Withheld amounts display for:
  • Current: The amount withheld during this payroll run.
  • Quarter-to-Date: The total amount withheld this quarter.
  • Year-to-Date: The total amount withheld this year.
Benefit Hours This column displays data about benefit hours:
  • Plan: The name of the employee’s benefit plan.
  • Earned: The number of hours earned (or accrued) by this employee for this benefit plan since the last time a regular payroll was processed for this employee.
  • Taken: The number of hours taken by this employee for this benefit plan since the last time a regular payroll was processed for this employee.
  • Balance: The current balance of benefit hours for this employee for this benefit plan.