Contents of the Contributions Detail Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to view employees' contributions to different funds or specific deduction purposes.

Field Description
Code This field displays the contribution code, as established in Payroll Contribution Setup (Settings > Payroll > Contribution Codes.
Method This field displays the method that Vantagepoint uses to calculate the contribution. The options are:
  • Percent of employee wages: If this method is selected, Vantagepoint calculates the employer contribution as a percentage of an employee’s wages. The wages are calculated as gross wages less:
    • 125 cafeteria amounts, if the Exclude cafeteria plan amounts option is selected in Payroll Contribution Setup
    • 401(k) amounts, if the Exclude 401(k) amounts option is selected in Payroll Contribution Setup
    • Any withholdings entered on the Additional Deductions from Wages grid in Payroll Contribution Setup
    • Any Other Pay amounts if Other Pay is selected in the Deduct before calculating contribution area in Payroll Contribution Setup
    The calculation for this method is not dependent on the amount the employee had withheld.
  • Percent of employee withholding: Select this method to calculate the employer contribution as a percentage of the employee’s withholding. You must select a withholding from the Withholding field to use this method.
  • Fixed amount: Select this method to set the employer contribution as a flat dollar amount.
  • Lesser of employee withholding or wages: If this method is selected, Vantagepoint arrives at the employer contribution amount using a formula that takes a given employee withholding, multiplies it by the employer's matching percentage (in the Amount/Percent field) and compares the result to gross wages multiplied by the maximum percentage of total wages allowed by your enterprise. The maximum percentage is determined by the value entered in the Rate Cap field in Payroll Contribution Setup. Vantagepoint compares the two amounts and selects the lesser amount to arrive at the employer contribution amount.

    For example, if your gross wages are $1000 and your 401(k) employee contribution is 10% of wages, Vantagepoint calculates the withholding amount to be $100. Assume that the employer's percentage rate is set to 50% in the Amount/Percent field and the Rate Cap is set to 6%.

    Vantagepoint arrives at the employer contribution amount as follows:
    • Step 1: 50% of $100 = $50
    • Step 2: 6% of $1,000 = $60
    • Step 3: Since $50 is less than $60, we'll use $50.
  • Rate table: Vantagepoint withholds the amount specified in the tax table. This method is used for any withholding for which Vantagepoint has a corresponding tax table (for example, FICA or State). Deltek sends updates to these tax tables based on tax law changes. Deltek typically sends updates mid-year and at year-end.
Amount/Pct This field displays the amount or percentage for calculating the contribution. The value that you enter here affects the calculation based on the contribution method selected from the Method field.
Limit This field displays the maximum employer payroll contribution amount for this contribution for this employee, if one is specified.
Current This field displays the contribution amount set to be used for the current run.
QTD This field displays the total amount for this contribution for all runs so far in the current quarter.
YTD This field displays the total amount for this contribution for all runs so far in the current year.