Project Planning Performance Options Tab

Use the Options tab to include unposted labor, include committed purchase order expenses, and set detail levels for labor, expenses, consultant expenses, and units on the Project Planning Performance report.

Some options are unavailable if the Resource Planning application is activated, but the Accounting module is not activated.

Field Description
Maximum Task Level Select the number of planning levels to include. Note that if both Resource Planning and Accounting are activated, you can select 1 to 3 WBS levels. If Resource Planning is activated but the Accounting module is not activated, you can select up to 17 planning levels. (Note that if the maximum plan level selected is greater than the levels a project has, this report will display only those levels down to the project's lowest level. For example, if you choose to see 17 levels but the project only has 5, the report will list all the levels down to level 5 only for the project, not through level 17.)
Decimal Setting Select the number of decimal digits to display for amounts:
  • No Decimal: The report displays numbers without decimal digits.
  • 1 Digit: The report displays numbers with one digit to the right of the decimal point.
  • 2 Digits: The report displays numbers with two digits to the right of the decimal point.
Column Width Enter the width of the data columns in inches or millimeters, based on which one you selected in the Unit of Measure field on the Layout tab.
Start Date

Select the starting date for the data on the report:

  • Today's Date: The report displays data starting with the current date.
  • Specific Date: The report displays data starting with the date that you specify.

Select one of the following period scales for the hours or amounts on the report:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Biweekly: A two-week period.
  • Semi-Monthly: One semi-monthly period runs from the first to the fifteenth of the month. The second semi-monthly period runs from the sixteenth to the end of the month.
  • Monthly
  • Accounting Period
  • Quarterly
  • Yearly
Duration Select the number of reporting periods to display. The related Scale option determines the type of period. For example, if the scale is monthly and you enter 6 here, the report displays data for six monthly periods.
JTD Through Date

Job-to-date amounts are the actual costs or hours incurred on or before the date you specify in this field. For example, if you select Today's Date, the job-to-date cost amount is the sum of all actual cost amounts dated today or earlier. Select one of the following options to specify the date used to calculate the job-to-date amounts:

  • Today's Date
  • Period End Date: Vantagepoint uses the end date of the current accounting period.
  • Specific Date: Specify the date.

Rollup Options

Field Description
Project Number Rollup Options Use this option to summarize information for projects that use a standard numbering system. For example, if the first five characters of your project number represent a master contract, you can summarize (roll up) information for all projects that have a common master contract number. The Project Base Rollup slider box displays the number of characters in your project numbers. For example, if you use a 10-digit project number, the slider box displays 1234567890. A project number can also include up to two delimiters (for example, 12-345.67890).
  • A phase total is the total of all occurrences of that phase across the base project.
  • A task total is the total of all occurrences of that task across the base project.

To roll up project numbers, drag a slider to cover the characters that you want rolled up. You can drag a slider from the left side of the slider box, the right side, or both sides.


Field Description
Unposted Labor Select this check box to include hours from unposted timesheets. Vantagepoint includes hours from the following:
  • Unposted timesheet transaction entry files
  • Timesheets that are in progress or submitted, but not posted

Vantagepoint uses extensions for cost and billing rates to calculate unposted labor amounts when timesheets are saved.

This option is not available if the Resource Planning module is activated, but the Accounting module is not activated. It is assumed that you are only importing posted actual values.

Committed PO Expenses Select this check box to include as expenses any amounts committed to approved purchase orders. If you include committed expenses, you can see major upcoming costs that affect a project’s bottom line.

This option is not available if the Resource Planning module is activated, but the Accounting module is not activated. It is assumed that you are only importing posted actual values.

Budgeted Employees Select this option to include employees (named resources) who are budgeted in plans.

Budgeted employees for a plan include not only employees with planned hours and amounts but also any employees who were not explicitly assigned to the plan but for whom job-to-date (JTD) actual charges exist for planned work breakdown structure (WBS) elements.

Generic Resources

Select this option to include generic resource categories (such as architect or geologist). Generic resources can be based on either labor codes or labor categories.

When you select this option, but the Budgeted Employees option is not selected, the Project Planning Performance report groups together generic resources with similar labor categories or labor codes based on the generic method of the plan. The labor category or labor code description displays instead of the generic resource name. If different generic resources exist, an asterisk displays after the labor category or labor code description.

Vendor Name on Expense Assignments Select this option to display the names of vendors associated with planned expenses.
Consultant Name on Consultant Assignments Select this option to display consultant names.

Show Detail For

Field Description
Labor Select this check box to display labor detail.
Sort Labor Resource By If you select Labor , select one of the following sort options for named resources and generic resources:
  • Named Resource, Generic Resource: The report displays named resources (employees) in alphabetical order, and then it displays generic resources in alphabetical order.
  • Generic Resource, Named Resource: The report displays generic resources in alphabetical order, and then it displays named resources (employees) in alphabetical order.
  • All Resources by Name: The report displays all resources in a single alphabetical sequence.
Other Direct Expenses Select this check box to display detail for other direct expenses.
Other Reimbursable Expenses Select this check box to display detail for other reimbursable expenses.
Direct Consultants Select this check box to display detail for direct consultant expenses.
Reimbursable Consultants Select this check box to display detail for reimbursable consultant expenses.


Field Description
Gantt Chart Select this check box to display a Gantt chart (bar chart) on the report.
Only Include Tasks with Planned Values

This option is only available if you select the Gantt Chart option.

If you select this check box, the report includes only those tasks that have one or more of the following:
  • Planned hours
  • Planned expense cost
  • Planned consultant cost
When Cost and Billing are Planned, Use: You can budget a plan at both cost rates and billing rates. Select the type of rates to use to calculate amounts on the report.