General Tab of Quarterly Processing

Use the General tab of the Quarterly Processing form to enter information for the Quarterly Electronic File.


Field Description
State Select the processing state for quarterly reporting. Some states may require that you specify additional information on the Miscellaneous tab of Quarterly Processing.
Processing Year Select the year for quarterly reporting.
Processing Quarter Select this option if you are processing for quarterly reporting, and then select the quarter from the drop-down list.
Employer's identification number (EIN) Enter your employer federal identification number. Vantagepoint automatically formats the number that you enter. The federal government assigns this number to your company. If you do not know your company’s EIN number, contact the general help desk at the IRS.
Processing Month Select this option if you are processing for monthly reporting, and then select the month from the drop-down list.
State U.I. Account Number Enter your employer unemployment insurance account number. The state assigns your company this number.
Address Line 1-2 Enter the first line of your enterprise's address.
City/State/Zip Enter the city, state, and ZIP code of your enterprise's address.
Transmitter Contact Enter the name of the individual who is responsible for the accuracy of the quarterly report.
Transmitter Contact Title Enter the title of the transmitter contact.
Telephone Number Enter the telephone number of the transmitter contact.
Telephone Extension/Box Enter the telephone extension or box number of the transmitter contact.
Contact FAX Number Enter the fax number of the transmitter contact.
Contact EMail Address Enter the e-mail address of the transmitter contact.
Wage Base Enter the wage base limit, if any, on which the state unemployment insurance tax is calculated. This figure applies to the annual maximum, not to the quarterly maximum.
S.S. Wage Base Enter the wage base limit on which the Social Security tax is to be calculated. This figure applies to the annual, not quarterly, maximum.
Exclude 401(K) Select this option to exclude 401K withholdings from state unemployment insurance total gross wages.
Exclude Cafeteria Select this option to exclude Cafeteria withholdings from state unemployment insurance total gross wages.
Include Employee Specific to Processing State Select this option to include only those employees who have state withholdings specific to the processing state on the quarterly report.