Warning Indicators

Vantagepoint displays visual indicators on the project search list to alert you to warning conditions that exist with your projects (for example, the estimate-at-completion (EAC) amount is greater than the contract amount, or the contract amount is less than or equal to zero).

Vantagepoint performs tests for labor, expenses, and consultants independently. It also considers the assigned budget type (if projects are planned at cost, billing, or both) and whether the project (cost) currency and the billing currency are different.

If more than one warning condition occurs for the same project, Vantagepoint combines and organizes the warnings by level of severity. For example, if there is a Labor EAC Profit is Negative red warning and a No Expense Contract yellow warning, both are listed together under a red indicator.

When you hover over or tap warning indicators, tooltips display to further explain the warnings.

The indicators that can display are the following:

Indicator Description Detailed

Labor EAC Billing Is Higher than Contract

Expense EAC Billing Is Higher than Contract

Expense EAC Cost Is Higher than Contract

Consultant EAC Billing Is Higher than Contract

Consultant EACCost Is Higher than Contract

This warning displays to notify you that the labor, expense, or consultant EAC is higher than the associated contract amount at the project level.
The checks that Vantagepoint performs for each type of warning are the following:
  • Labor: The project's labor EAC from the Labor planning tab is greater than the labor contract amount shown on the Contract planning tab.
  • Expense: The project's expenses EAC is greater than the expenses contract amount (the sum of the direct or indirect expense and reimbursable expense contract amounts from the Contract planning tab).
  • Consultant: The project's consultants EAC is greater than the consultants contract amount (the sum of the direct consultants and reimbursable consultants contract amounts from the Contract planning tab). This only applies to projects that have the Regular charge type.

Note that the Expense EAC Cost is higher than Contract or the Consultant EAC Cost is higher than Contract warnings only display when the project (cost) currency and billing currency are different. This only applies when the budget type is set to Cost and Billing and when Vantagepoint is set up to use more than one currency.

Labor EACMultiplier is less than Labor Target Multiplier This warning displays to notify you that the labor EAC multiplier is less than the labor target multiplier. This condition could potentially result in your costs exceeding the anticipated revenue. This warning only applies to labor costs.
Labor EAC Profit is Negative This warning displays to notifies you of a negative profit amount based on the labor EAC.

Calculation: Labor contract in the project (cost) currency - EAC labor at cost - estimated overhead

Note that in cases where this indicator and the Labor EAC Multiplier is less than Labor Target Multiplier are both triggered, only the Labor EACProfit is Negative indicator will display.

No Labor Contract at Billing Currency

No Labor Contract at Project Currency

No Expense Contract at Billing Currency

No Expense Contract at Project Currency

No Consultant Contract at Billing Currency

No Consultant Contract at Project Currency

This warning displays if, for either the billing or the project (cost) currency, there is no labor, expense, or consultant contract.

The project currency is the currency in which your project is managed, while the billing currency is the currency in which you bill your client.

If you set up Vantagepoint to use multiple currencies, the project and billing currencies may be different. These warnings will only display for projects for which those currencies are different.

No Labor Contract

No Expense Contract

No Consultant Contract

The corresponding warning displays if one of the following is true:
  • Labor: The labor contract amount at the project level is less than or equal to zero.
  • Expense: The sum of the contract amounts at the project level for direct or indirect expenses and reimbursable expenses is less than or equal to zero.
  • Consultant: The sum of the contract amounts at the project level for direct consultants and reimbursable consultants is less than or equal to zero. This only applies to projects that have the Regular charge type.