Contents of the Add Assignments Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to assign work on a project to a resource and enter planned hours for the assignments.

Field Description
Resource name

This field displays the name of the employee or generic resource for which you are adding assignments.

If you displayed the Add Assignments dialog box by clicking on a WBS row in the Resource View grid rather than on the resource row, this field does not display. Instead, Vantagepoint displays, as "bread crumbs," the WBS parents for the element you selected in the Resource View grid.

Project search Use the search field to search for and select the project for which you want to make an assignment.
Click the filter drop-down arrow on the left side of the search field, and select one of the following search types:
  • Active: Display a list of all active projects to which you have access. (A project is considered active if the status of the top-level WBS element is Active.)
  • All: Display a list of all projects to which you have access, regardless of status.
  • Projects I Manage: Display a list of all active projects for which you are the project manager at any level of the work breakdown structure (WBS). (A project is considered active if the status of the top-level WBS element is Active.)
  • Organization: Display a list of all active projects that are assigned at any WBS level to the organization to which you are assigned in the Employees hub. (A project is considered active if the status of the top-level WBS element is Active.) This option is only available if Vantagepoint is configured to use organizations.
  • [organization level]: Using organization level 1 as an example, select the organization level 1 name to select from a list of all active projects that are assigned, at any WBS level, to an organization with the same level 1 value as the organization to which you are assigned in the Employees hub. (A project is considered active if the status of the top-level WBS element is Active.) The searches for the other organization levels work in the same way. This option is only available if Vantagepoint is configured for a fixed organization structure.
  • [saved custom search filter]: Select a previously saved custom filter to display the projects returned by that custom search.
  • Custom: Display the Custom Search dialog box. You can then create and apply a new custom search filter, which you can save for future use.

When you select a project, the plan is automatically checked out to you. However, if a plan is currently checked out to someone else, you cannot select it. In that case, appears next to it in the list, and the name of the person who has it checked out displays below it.

If you displayed the Add Assignments dialog box by clicking on a WBS row in the Resource View grid rather than on the resource row, this field does not display.

For information about creating and using searches, see the Search Vantagepoint help topics.


Select this check box for each WBS element for which you want to make an assignment for the resource.

This check box displays only for elements at the lowest, or "leaf," level of each branch of the project tree. You can only make assignments at the lowest levels.


If you displayed the Add Assignments from the resource row in the Resource View grid, this column displays the complete WBS structure for the selected project, with the top two levels expanded.

If you displayed the dialog box from a WBS row in the Resource View grid, this column displays the WBS structure from that WBS element to the bottom level of the WBS branch.

Click and to expand or collapse the WBS levels.

Though any previously added assignments for the resource display, you cannot edit them in this dialog box. Make your changes in the Resource View grid.

The following do not display as part of the WBS hierarchy:
  • Inactive WBS elements at any level of the hierarchy.
  • Active "parent" elements that have no active "child" elements.
  • Active "child" elements whose "parent" element is inactive.
Plan Dates This column displays the planned start and end dates for each of the WBS elements.
Assignment Start

Click in this field and use the calendar to select the start date of the resource assignment.

You can only select a date that is on or after the ETC date. (The ETC date is the day following the date of the latest historical labor record in the database.)

You can select a date that is outside of the date range in Plan Dates. If you do, the planned date range for the WBS element is updated accordingly. Plan dates for parent WBS elements may also be updated.

Assignment End

Click in this field and use the calendar to select the end date of the resource assignment.

You can select a date that is outside of the date range in Plan Dates. If you do, the planned date range for the WBS element is updated accordingly. Plan dates for parent WBS elements may also be updated.

ETC Hours

Enter the estimate-to-complete (ETC) hours for the assignment.

If you are not ready to enter ETC hours, leave this field blank. You can enter hours in the Resource View grid later.

Hard Book

If you consider the ETC hours as hard booked hours, select this check box.

This check box is only available if Vantagepoint is configured to use soft and hard booking and if you have the required security access to hard book assignments.

Add and Cancel Click Add to add the assignments to the plan. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without updating the plan.