Create a Favorite Report Dashpart

Display your existing favorite reports in dashboards by creating a favorite report dashpart.

These steps are not applicable when you are using Vantagepoint on a tablet or smart phone.

To create a favorite report dashpart:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboard form, click Edit Mode to enable editing.

    The Edit Mode toggle option is not enabled when you are using a tablet or smart phone to access Vantagepoint.

  3. On the edit mode toolbar, click + New Dashpart.
  4. On the Add New Dashpart dialog box, in the Dashpart Title field, enter the title of the favorite report dashpart.
  5. Set the Dashpart Base option to Favorite Report and click Continue.
  6. On the Favorite Reports dialog box, select a favorite report and click Continue.
    The favorite report dashpart is displayed on the Dashpart Designer form.
  7. Refine the dashpart settings by using the other options on the Dashpart Designer form.
  8. Click Save.
  9. On the Add to Current Dashboard dialog box, click Yes to include the new dashpart in the dashboard that is currently open, or click No if you do not need to include the dashpart in the open dashboard.
    The Add to Current Dashboard dialog box closes. You can click at the top left of the Dashpart Designer form to return to the Dashboard form and find the dashpart that you created in the Available Dashparts area of the Dashparts Library pane. If you clicked Yes on the Add to Current Dashboard dialog box, you can also find the new dashpart on the displayed dashboard in the Dashboard form.