Add a Calculated Field to a Table or Chart Dashpart

You can add fields that are based on a formula to a table dashpart or chart dashpart.

Calculated fields that are created using the Calculated Field dialog box accessed from the Dashpart Designer are not available system-wide. These calculated fields are only available to the specific dashpart base that you are working on, and the calculated field becomes available to all dashparts that use the same dashpart base. For example, a calculated field added to a dashpart using the project dashpart base is now available on any dashpart using the project dashpart base.

These steps are not applicable when you are using Vantagepoint on a tablet or smart phone.

To add a calculated field to a table or chart dashpart:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Dashboards.
  2. In the toolbar of the Dashboard form, click Edit Mode to enable editing.

    The Edit Mode toggle option is not enabled when you are using a tablet or smart phone to access Vantagepoint.

  3. Click Dashpart Library in the edit mode toolbar.
  4. In the Dashpart Library pane, select one of these actions:
    • Click + New Dashpart and continue to step 5.
    • Hover over an existing table or chart dashpart, click and continue with step 7.
  5. On the Add New Dashpart dialog box, configure the new table dashpart with the available options and click Continue.
  6. On the Select Dashpart Columns dialog box, select the columns to be included in the dashpart and click Continue.
  7. On the Dashpart Designer form, click Calculated Field.
  8. On the Calculated Field Options dialog box, you can select an existing calculated field or create a new one.
    To select an existing calculated field
    1. Select a calculated field in the Calculated Fields grid.
    2. Click Select.
    To add a new calculated field Calculated fields only return numeric values. You can create a calculated field by creating a mathematical calculation with existing fields or write an SQL statement to create a conditional calculated field.
    1. Click + New Calculation.
    2. On the Calculated Fields dialog box, assign a name to the calculated field in the Description field.
    3. Construct the formula in the Calculation field:
      • Add fields from the Field section to the Calculation field by double-clicking the field in the list.
      • Select the numbers and conditions in the Calculator section.
      • Optional: Use the Calculation field to enter the SQL statement that you want to incorporate with the calculated field.
    4. Click Check Calculation to determine if the formula returns a valid numeric value.
    5. Click Save. The calculated field that you created is displayed in the Calculated Fields grid of the Calculated Field Options dialog box.
    6. Select the new calculated field in the Calculated Fields grid.
    7. Click Select.
    The calculated field is added to the dashpart. You can find the calculated field that you created and selected in the dashpart columns section of the Dashpart Designer form.