Reschedule Dialog Box

To change plan dates or assignment dates for plan rows, use the Reschedule dialog box to enter the new dates and to indicate how you want the schedule change to affect the distribution of planned labor hours.

You can display this dialog box to reschedule plan dates from the Labor, Expenses, or Consultants tab on the Plan form in the Projects hub or from Project View in Resource Management. You can display this dialog box to reschedule labor assignment dates from the Labor tab on the Plan form in the Projects hub or from either Project View or Resource View in Resource Management.

After you complete the rescheduling process, you can, if necessary, make changes to individual hours distributions on the Labor tab on the Plan form in the Projects hub or in either Project View or Resource View.

If a work breakdown structure (WBS) row or assignment row has no past or future planned hours that may need to be redistributed, you can change the plan or assignment dates directly in the planning grids without using the Reschedule dialog box.