Role Audit Detail Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options for the Role Audit Detail report.

Field Description
Start Date

Select the start date for the data on the report:

  • Today's Date: The report displays data starting with the current date.
  • Specific Date: The report displays data starting with the date that you specify.
End Date Specify the end date for the data to be displayed on the report. If you do not specify a date range, the report is not filtered based on the modification date. You can also specify only one date. For example, if you select a start date but no end date, the report includes all modifications made on or after the start date.
Modification User This option displays the name of the employee who modified the record. To show information for one user, select the user ID. You can enter part of the user ID or employee name to filter results or select Search to find a user. Repeat this step to add additional users who modified the record during the selected date range.
Operation Type By default, the report includes all operations. To show information for a single type of operation, select Delete, Insert, or Update.