Resource Utilization by Organization Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options including limiting the report to employees with assigned hours for plans for which you are the project manager.

Field Description
Reporting Time Frame

Specify the start and end dates for the period for which you want to review resource utilization information.

Vantagepoint uses the reporting period and your selection in Scale to determine the number of period columns to display on the report. If you specify too long a period, the number of period columns can exceed the maximum of 20 columns. If that occurs, either specify a shorter reporting period or select a larger interval in Scale.


Select one of the following period scales for the hours or amounts on the report:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Biweekly: A two-week period.
  • Semi-Monthly: One semi-monthly period runs from the first to the fifteenth of the month. The second semi-monthly period runs from the sixteenth to the end of the month.
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Yearly
  • Periods: The fiscal periods. The number of periods is determined by the report's selected Start Date and Duration.
    A message displays in the footer of the report if there are gaps or overlapping dates for the existing fiscal periods included in the project's revenue forecast date range or if there are not enough established fiscal periods to support the project's revenue forecast date range. Vantagepoint automatically adjusts the column heading for those affected dates depending on the value set for the Periods Per Year field in Utilities > Period > Period Setup:
    • If Periods Per Year is 12 or is not 13, any missing fiscal periods display in months.
    • If Periods Per Year is 13, any missing fiscal periods display as 4 week (28 day) periods.

    If the first or last fiscal period dates do not coincide with their corresponding month start/end dates, partial months display in those calendar columns.

Report Inclusions

Field Description
Employees Select this option to include employees (named resources). To include only selected employees, use the Employee lookup.
Select Generic Resources If you select the Generic Resources check box to include generic resources on the report, and you only want to include selected generic resources, select them in this field. If you do not select generic resources, the report includes all generic resources, unless they are excluded by other report options.
Include Soft Booked Hours Select to include soft booked hours on the report.
Planned Hours in the Time Frame

Select this option to include only resources with planned hours in the reporting period you specify on the Options tab. Inactive and terminated employees are included along with active employees if they have planned hours in the period.

If you select Planned Hours in the Time Frame, select Planned Hours on Projects I Manage to include only employees and generic resources with assigned hours for plans for which you are the project manager.

If an employee or generic resource has assigned hours for a plan that you manage, the report displays data for all plans for which the employee or generic resource has assigned hours, whether or not you are the project manager. Because it does this, the report gives you a complete view of the utilization of the employees and generic resources.

Include Employees Who Are

Select one or more of the following check boxes:

  • Over Utilized: The report includes employees for whom the employee's billable planned hours exceed the proper utilization level.
  • Under Utilized: The report includes employees for whom the billable planned hours fall short of the proper utilization level.
  • Properly Utilized: The report includes properly utilized employees for whom the billable planned hours result in the proper utilization level.
  • Over Scheduled: The report includes employees for whom the scheduled hours exceed the proper number of scheduled hours.
  • Under Scheduled: The report includes employees for whom the scheduled hours fall short of the proper number of scheduled hours.
  • Properly Scheduled: The report includes employees for whom the scheduled hours result in the proper number of scheduled hours.

You must select at least one of these check boxes. If you do not, the report will not include any employees.

The Utilization Determination group box and the Availability Determination group box on the Resource Management Settings form provide the rules used to calculate the proper levels of employee utilization and availability.

Resource Summary Rows

Field Description
Scheduled: Planned Hours on All Projects Included in Capacity Calculations Select this option to display the hours from the following types of projects on the report: Promotional, Overhead, In Pursuit stage regular projects that are included in capacity calculations, and regular projects that are in a Won stage.
Utilization: Planned Hours on Regular Billable Projects Included in Capacity Calculations Select this option to display hours from regular projects that are included in capacity calculations.

Assignment Rows

Field Description
All Projects Included in Capacity Calculations Select this option to include all promotional, all overhead, and regular projects that are included in scheduled and utilization that the resource has hours on for the report.
All Regular Billable Projects in Capacity Calculations Select this option to show regular projects that are included in scheduled and utilization that the resource has hours on for the report. This option is only available if the Utilization: Planned Hours on Regular Billable Projects Included in Capacity Calculations is selected under Resource Summary Rows.
All Projects Select this option to see all projects that the resource has hours on for the report.

Report Details

Field Description
Employees Schedule and Utilization

Select this option to use color to display data in employee rows: red for over-utilized or over-scheduled, yellow for under-utilized or under-scheduled, and gray for properly utilized or properly scheduled.

If you also select Include Report Settings on Last Page, the options page displays a legend that provides the meaning of each color.

Resource Soft and Hard Booking

Select this option to use color to indicate resource assignment booking status in plan rows.

This option is available only if the Use Soft and Hard Booking for Employee's Planned Hours option is selected on the Resource Management Settings form.

If you also select Include Report Settings on Last Page, the options page displays a legend that provides the meaning of each color.

Include Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Calculations Use this option to include full-time equivalent information in the data section of the report. If you do include full-time equivalent values, the report displays them with the organization totals and employee final totals.
Hours Per Day Equals One FTE Enter the number of hours that equals one full-time equivalent. Vantagepoint uses this entry to calculate full-time equivalents for the data sections and for the graph.
Include Report Settings on Last Page Select this option to include a list of the options used to generate the report. The options are grouped by the tab on the Options tab on which they are located. This list displays on the last page of the report.