Columns for Labor Resource Forecast

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Field Description
Employee Number This column displays the employee's identification number.
Generic Resource Code This column displays the code for the generic resource.
Generic Resource Description This column displays the description of the generic resource.
Labor Category This column displays the employee's labor category (for example, Principal, Project Manager. or Engineer).
Phase Name This column displays the name of the phase.
Phase Number This column displays the phase number.
Plan <Format> Beyond

This column displays the hours or amounts dated after the last period displayed on the report.

The name and contents of this column depends on your selections in Format on the Options tab.

For example, if you select Hours in Format, the column name is Plan Hours Beyond, and the column displays the sum of the forecasted hours for periods after the last period on the report.

Prior Plan <Format>

This column displays the hours or amounts dated prior to the date that you specify in Start Date on the Options tab.

The name and contents of this column depends on your selections in Format on the Options tab.

For example, if you select Hours in Format, the column name is Prior Plan Hours, and the column displays the sum of the forecasted hours for periods prior to the start date for the report.

Project Name This column displays the name of the project.
Project Number This column displays the project number.
Resource Name This column displays the name of the resource.
Row Count This column displays the row number of a line item.
<Scale> Plan <Format>

These columns display the hours, amounts, percentages, or alerts for the periods specified in Scale.

The name and contents of these columns depend upon your selections in Scale and Format on the Options tab.

For example, if you select Monthly in Scale and Hours in Format, the column name on the Columns & Groups tab is Monthly Plan Hours, and the period columns display monthly forecasted hours.

Task Name This column displays the name of the task.
Task Number This column displays the task number.
Total Plan <Format>

This column displays the total hours or amounts for the plan, regardless of the reporting periods displayed on the report.

The name and contents of this column depends on your selections in Format on the Options tab. For example, if you select Hours in Format, the column name is Total Plan Hours, and the column displays the total forecasted hours for the plan.

Total <Scale> Plan <Format>

This column displays the total hours or amounts for all of the period columns displayed on the report.

For example, if the report has six monthly columns, and the sum of the revenue amounts in those columns for a report row is 750.00, this column displays 750.00 for that row.

The name and contents of this column depends on your selections in Scale and Format on the Options tab.

For example, if you select Monthly in Scale and Hours in Format, the column name is Total Monthly Plan Revenue, and the column displays the sum of the monthly forecasted hours displayed on the report.