Columns for Project Progress Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Field Description
% Exp

This column displays the percentage of the budget spent to date, calculated as follows:

JTD Amount / Budget Amount

% Expense Rpt This column displays the percent complete for expenses. The percentage is based on cost or billing amounts, depending on your selection in Report At. This percentage is calculated based on your selection of budget source on the Budget tab and, if you select one of the planning budget sources, the percent complete formula specified for each of the project plans.
% Labor Rpt This column displays the percent complete for labor. The percentage is based on cost or billing amounts, depending on your selection in Report At. This percentage is calculated based on your selection of budget source on the Budget tab and, if you select one of the planning budget sources, the percent complete formula specified for each of the project plans.
% Rpt This column displays the overall percent complete. The percentage is based on cost or billing amounts, depending on your selection in Report At. This percentage is calculated based on your selection of budget source on the Budget tab and, if you select one of the planning budget sources, the percent complete formula specified for each of the project plans.
Balance Amount This column displays the monetary amount remaining to be spent to complete the work, calculated as follows:

Budgeted Amount - Job-to-date spent amount.

Balance Hours

This column displays the labor hours remaining to complete the work, calculated as follows:

Budgeted Hours - Job-to-date hours

Billing Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the billing currency.
Budget Amount

This column displays the budgeted amount.

If you use Planning, your selection in Budget Source on the Options tab determines whether budget information comes from the project budget worksheet, the associated plan's budget, or the associated plan's baseline.

Budget Hours

This column displays the budgeted hours.

If you use Planning, your selection in Budget Source on the Options tab determines whether budget information comes from the project budget worksheet, the associated plan's budget, or the associated plan's baseline.

Budgeted Rate This column displays the rate applied to budgeted labor hours (Budget Hours) to calculate the budgeted amount for labor.
Current Amount This column displays the amount of account activity during the current accounting period.
Current Hours This column displays the total labor hours for the current period. This total includes regular hours, standard overtime hours, and secondary overtime hours.
EAC Amount This column displays the estimate at completion (EAC) amount for the labor code or expense account for the project, phase, or task. This is the estimate of the total monetary amount that will have been charged to the labor code or expense account at the completion of the project.
EAC Hours This column displays the estimate at completion (EAC) hours for the labor code for the project, phase, or task. This is the estimate of the total number of hours that will have been charged to the labor code at the completion of the project.
Effective Rate

This column displays the current effective hourly rate, calculated as follows:

Job-to-date labor amount at cost rates or at billing rates / Job-to-date labor hours

ETC Amount This column displays the estimate to complete (ETC) amount. This is the estimate of the total additional monetary amount, beyond that already charged, that will be charged to the labor code or expense account during the completion of the project.
ETC Hours This column displays the estimate-to-complete (ETC) hours. This is the estimate of the remaining labor hours needed to complete the work, as of the current date.
Functional Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the functional currency.
JTD Amount This column displays the job-to-date labor, overhead, or expense amount spent.
JTD Hours This column displays the actual job-to-date hours worked.
Project Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the project currency.
Row Count This column displays the row number of a line item.