Project Forecast Options Tab

Use the options to set time frame and calculation options for the report..

Time Frame Options

Field Description
Start Date Specify the start date for the data to be displayed on the report.

Select one of the following period scales for the hours or amounts on the report:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Biweekly: A two-week period.
  • Semi-Monthly: One semi-monthly period runs from the first to the fifteenth of the month. The second semi-monthly period runs from the sixteenth to the end of the month.
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Yearly
  • Periods: The fiscal periods. The number of periods is determined by the report's selected Start Date and Duration.
    A message displays in the footer of the report if there are gaps or overlapping dates for the existing fiscal periods included in the project's revenue forecast date range or if there are not enough established fiscal periods to support the project's revenue forecast date range. Vantagepoint automatically adjusts the column heading for those affected dates depending on the value set for the Periods Per Year field in Utilities > Period > Period Setup:
    • If Periods Per Year is 12 or is not 13, any missing fiscal periods display in months.
    • If Periods Per Year is 13, any missing fiscal periods display as 4 week (28 day) periods.

    If the first or last fiscal period dates do not coincide with their corresponding month start/end dates, partial months display in those calendar columns.

Fiscal Year This field is only enabled if the Scale option is set to Quarterly or Yearly. Use this field to identify the start and end month of your fiscal year.

For example, select Fiscal Year October - September and the Year Determined by End Month. That means that October 2016 - September 2017 is FY 2017.

The first quarter of FY 2017 would be October 2016 - December 2016 and the second quarter would be January 2017 - March 2017.

Year Determined by This option is enabled if the Scale option is set to Quarterly or Yearly. Use this option to specify whether the year of the start month or the year of the end month is used to determine the year of the fiscal year.
For example, let's say that you set Fiscal Year to October - September.
  • If you set Year Determined by to Start Month, then the fiscal year for October 2015 - September 2016 is 2015.
  • If you set Year Determined by to End Month, then the fiscal year for October 2015 - September 2016 is 2016.
Duration Select the number of reporting periods to display. The related Scale option determines the type of period. For example, if the scale is monthly and you enter 6 here, the report displays data for six monthly periods.
Column Width

Enter the width for the data columns in inches or millimeters, based on which one you selected in the Unit of Measure field on the Layout tab.

Enter inches and millimeters with decimals. For example, enter one and a half inches as 1.5.

Show Timescale Chart Select this option to display the Project Time Series graph at the end of the report. The graph displays the type of revenue that you specify in Calculate Pursuit Forecast by for the periods you specified in Scale. The data points on the graph are based on the first grouping that you specify on the Columns & Groups tab. If you do not specify a grouping, the graph is based on project name.

Calculation Options

Field Description
Fee Allocation Select one of the following methods for allocating revenue to periods:
  • Spread Evenly Across Timescale: Vantagepoint allocates estimated revenue evenly from the start date of each project to its completion date.
  • Allocate All Fee to Estimated Start Date: Vantagepoint allocates the total estimated revenue to each project's start date.
  • Allocate All Fee to Estimated Completion Date: Vantagepoint allocates the total estimated revenue to each project's completion date.
  • Allocate All Fee to Close Date: Vantagepoint allocates the total estimated revenue amount to the project's completion date.
  • Use Allocation Method of Project: Vantagepoint allocates estimated revenue using the allocation method specified for each project in the Projects hub. The allocation methods available there are the same as those listed above, with the following addition. You can also choose a Specific Dates method and allocate the estimated revenue to specific dates on which you expect to receive revenue. This allocation method is designed for companies that receive revenue for projects at irregular intervals, rather than monthly, quarterly, and so on. Be sure to select the Use Allocation Method of Project option for this report, if you want it to show the dates on which payment is expected.
Calculation Period If you select Spread Evenly Across Timescale in Fee Allocation, use this option to specify the period for which Vantagepoint calculates the fee. Vantagepoint then uses that unit of revenue to calculate the revenue forecast for the period displayed on the report.

Select the calculation period from the following options:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Bi-Weekly: A bi-weekly period is a two-week period that starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday.
  • Semi-Monthly: One semi-monthly period runs from the first day of the month to the fifteenth day of the month. The other semi-monthly period runs from the sixteenth day of the month to the end of the month.
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Yearly

Vantagepoint first determines how many of the calculation periods exist for the project. For example, a project has an estimated start date of 1/1/18 and an estimated completion date of 1/1/19. If the calculation period is daily, the project date range has 366 calculation periods.

Vantagepoint then calculates how much revenue will be earned during one calculation period of the project. If the estimated revenue for the project is $100,000, the daily revenue amount is $273.224 ($100,000/366 days).

Vantagepoint uses the revenue amount for the calculation period to calculate the forecasted revenue for the display period you select for the report. If you specify a start date of 1/1/18, select Monthly in Display Period, and enter 3 in Display Range, the report displays three columns containing forecasted revenue for January, February, and March. The amount for each month is the number of days in that month multiplied by the daily revenue amount. For example, the forecasted revenue for the project for January would be $8469.94 ($273.224 x 31).

Calculate Pursuit Forecast By Select the type of fee that you want Vantagepoint to use as the basis for the forecasts for in pursuit projects:
  • Estimated Fee: The estimated fee is the amount that you expect to earn if you are awarded the project. You specify the project's estimated fee in the Projects hub.
  • Weighted Fee: In the Projects hub, you specify a percentage that represents the probability that you will win the project. Vantagepoint calculates the weighted fee as follows: Estimated fee x Probability / 100. (Example: $100,000 estimated fee x 80% / 100 = $80,000 weighted fee)
Calculate Awarded Forecast By Select the compensation amount that you want Vantagepoint to use as the basis for the forecasts for won projects:
  • Labor: Forecasts are based on the total direct labor compensation amount for each work breakdown structure (WBS) element from the Compensation tab of the Contract Management form, less the job-to-date (JTD) amount already earned.
  • Compensation (Labor and Direct Expense): Forecasts are based on the sum of the direct labor and direct expense compensation amounts for each WBS element from the Compensation tab of the Contract Management form, less the JTD amount already earned.
  • Total Compensation: Forecasts are based on the sum of the direct labor, direct expense, and direct consultants compensation amounts for each WBS element from the Compensation tab of the Contract Management form, less the JTD amount already earned.

Reporting Amounts

Field Description
Report In

Select the currency in which to display amounts on the report:

  • Billing Currency: Choose this option to use the currency specified in Billing Currency on the Overview tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.
  • Presentation Currency: Choose this option to use the currency that you specify for the Presentation Currency option.