Columns for Project Forecast Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Field Description
Activities - Completed This column indicates whether an activity is Pending or Completed.
Activities - Location This column displays the location where the activity occurred or will occur.
Activities - Marketing Campaign This column displays the marketing campaign associated with the activity.
Activities - Notes This column displays the notes from the activity.
Activities - Owner This column displays the name of the employee who is responsible for the activity.
Activities - Primary Contact This column displays the firm's primary contact associated with the activity.
Activities - Primary Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the firm contact's work telephone number.
Activities - Primary Firm This column displays the name of the primary firm associated with the activity.
Activities - Priority This column displays the priority ranking that indicates the relative importance of individual activities: High, Medium, or Low.
Activities - Project This column displays the name of the project associated with the activity.
Activities - Start Date This column displays the date and time that the activity is scheduled to begin.
Activities - Subject This column displays a brief description of the activity (for example, Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, Customer Lunch, or Follow-up Visit).
Activities - Type This column displays the activity type (for example, Phone Call, Meeting, or Email).
Actual Completion Date This column displays the actual completion date of the project.
Actual Start Date This column displays the actual start date of the project.
Additional Details This column displays any text entered in the additional details field.
Address1-4 These columns display record's address information (street name and number, suite number, postal box number, and so on).
Bid Submitted This column displays the date the bid was submitted.
Biller Name This column displays the name of the employee who is responsible for creating the billing invoices for a project.
Billing Currency This column displays the three-character code for the billing currency.
Business Development Lead This column indicates the employee who is the business development lead for the project.
City This column displays the city from the record's address.
Competition - Incumbent This column indicates if the competitor is competing for the contract as the incumbent.
Competition - Name This column displays the name of the firm that is competing for the project.
Competition - Notes This column displays the notes about the competitor.
Competition - Strengths This column displays the description of the competitor's strong points.
Competition - Weaknesses This column displays the description of the areas in which the competitor is weak.
Confidential Client This column indicates if the client was marked as confidential.
Confidential Client Alias If the client is confidential, this column displays the alias used to substitute for the client's actual name.
Contacts - Address 1 This column displays the contact's street address.
Contacts - Business Fax This column displays the contact's business fax number.
Contacts - Business Phone This column displays the contact's business telephone number.
Contacts - City This column displays the city from the contact's address.
Contacts - E-mail This column displays the contact's email address.
Contacts - Firm This column displays the contact's firm.
Contacts - Mailing Address This column displays the contact's address (street name and number, suite number, P.O. Box number)
Contacts - Mobile Phone This column displays the contact's cell phone number.
Contacts - Name This column displays the name of the contact associated with the project, using the format Last Name, First Name.
Contacts - Pager This column displays the contact's pager number.
Contacts - Role This column displays the contact's role on the project (for example, Owner or Project Manager).
Contacts - Role Description This column displays the contact's role on the project.
Contacts - State This column displays the state from the contact's address.
Contacts -Title This column displays the contact's title (for example, Director, Project Manager, or CEO).
Contacts - Zip This column displays the ZIP code from the contact's address.
Contract Awarded This column displays a marked check box if the contract was already awarded or an empty check box if the contract is not yet awarded. The check box is not editable.
Country This column displays the country from the record's address.
County This column displays the county for the address.
Create Date This column displays the date on which the project record was created.
Create User This column displays the Vantagepoint user ID of the employee who created the record.
Date Opened This column displays the date on which you identified the project and began pursuing the job.
Days Open This column displays the number of days the project has been open. For a won, lost, or no longer pursued project, this column displays the number of days from the date it was opened to its won/lost date.
Description This column displays the description of the project.
Employees - Business Fax This column displays the business fax of the employee associated with the project.
Employees - Business Phone This column displays the business phone number of the employee associated with the project.
Employees - Email This column displays the email of the employee associated with the project.
Employees - Mobile Phone This column displays the mobile phone number of the employee associated with the project.
Employees - Name This column displays the name of the employee associated with the project.
Employees - Role This column displays the employee's role in the project (for example, Lead Architect or Structural Engineer).
Employees - Role Description This column displays an additional description of the employee's role on the project.
Employees - Title This column displays the title of the employee associated with the project (for example, Architect, Engineer, or Designer).
Estimated Fee This column displays the estimated revenue you expect to earn from the project.
Estimated Completion This column displays the date on which the project is or was scheduled to be completed.
Estimated Start This column displays the date you expect to begin work if you are awarded the project.
Federal Project This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the project is for the federal government.
Firms - Address This column displays the street address, city, state, and ZIP code of the firm.
Firms - Address Description This column displays the description of the firm's address.
Firms - City This column displays the city from the firm's address.
Firms - Market This column displays the type of firm, such as Commercial, Government, or Non-Profit.
Name This column displays the name of the firm for which the employee has performed work.
Firms - Role This column displays the firm's role in the project (for example, Owner, Developer, or Partner).
Firms - Role Description This column displays additional information about the firm's role in the project.
Firms - State This column displays the state from the firm's address.
Firms - Status This column displays the current status of your relationship with the firm: Active, Dormant, or Inactive.
Firms - Type This column displays the type of firm (for example, Commercial, Government, or Non-Profit).
Firms - Zip This column displays the ZIP code from the firm's address.
Links - Description This column displays a brief description of the file link or Web address (URL).
Links - Graphic This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the file is a graphic file.
Links - Link Path The link path can be one of the following::
  • The complete link path for an external file. Click on the link path to open the file link from the external location where it is stored.
  • The complete HTTP, FTP, email, or newsgroup address for a URL. Click the address to go to the Web, FTP, or newsgroup site, or to open and send an email message.
Long Name This column displays the project's long name. If the Long Name field is blank in the Projects hub, this column displays the project's short name.
Lost To Name This column displays the name of the firm that was awarded the contract.
Marketing Campaigns - Name This column displays the name of the marketing campaign associated with the project.
Marketing Campaigns - Name This column displays the name of the marketing campaign associated with the record.
Marketing Coordinator Name This column displays the name of the employee designated as the Marketing Coordinator for the project.
Master Contract This column displays the master contract that is associated with the project.
Milestones – Completed This column displays the date when a milestone for the project was completed.
Milestones – Location This column displays the location where a milestone for the project will or did take place.
Milestones – Marketing Campaign This column displays the marketing campaign associated with a milestone for the project.
Milestones – Notes This column displays additional notes about a milestone for the project.
Milestones – Owner This column displays the contact designated as the owner of the milestone for the project.
Milestones – Primary Contact This column displays the primary contact associated with a milestone for the project.
Milestones – Primary Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the business phone number of the primary contact associated with a milestone for the project.
Milestones – Primary Firm This column displays the primary firm associated with a milestone for the project.
Milestones – Priority This column displays the priority of the milestone for the project.
Milestones – Project This column displays the project associated with the milestone for the project.
Milestones – Start Date This column displays the start date of the milestone.
Milestones – Subject This column displays the subject of the milestone.
Milestones – Type This column displays the type of milestone.
Modify Date This column displays the date on which the record was most recently modified.
Modify User This column displays the user ID of the employee who most recently modified the plan. The report displays the user ID only in the total line for each plan.
NAICS Code This column displays the six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the project.
NAICS Description This column displays the description for the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the project.
Organization If your enterprise uses organizations, this column displays the code of the organization that is responsible for the project.
Organization Status This column displays the status (active, inactive, or dormant) of the organization that is associated with the record.
Our Cost Displays the total cost to your enterprise for completing the work for the selected project. If you are a subcontractor, this amount is less than the total project cost amount.
Our Cost Comment Displays any comments related to the cost amount for your enterprise.
Owner Address Description This column displays the address description of the firm designated as the owner of the project.
Owner Concatenated Address This column displays the street address, city, state, and ZIP code of the owner of the project. If the address is too long for the width of the column, it continues on additional lines within the column.
Owner Name This column displays the name of the firm designated as the owner of the project.
Owner Number This column displays the firm number of the firm designated as the owner of the project.
PoP (in Months) This column displays the duration (in months) of work on the contract associated with the project.
Primary Client This column displays the name of the primary client associated with the project.
Primary Contact Business Fax This column displays the primary contact's business fax number.
Primary Contact Business Phone This column displays the primary contact's business phone number.
Primary Contact E-mail This column displays the primary contact's email address.
Primary Contact Mobile Phone This column displays the primary contact's cell phone number.
Primary Contact Name This column displays the name of the primary contact associated with the project.
Primary Contact Pager This column displays the primary contact's pager number.
Primary Contact Title This column displays the title of the primary contact associated with the project.
Principal This column displays the name of the principal for the project.
Probability This column displays the probability that your company will win the project.
Professional Services Completion This column displays the date on which your firm completed all professional services.
Project Codes - Description This column displays the description of the project code.
Project Codes - Fee This column displays the estimated fee for the work that the project code represents.
Project Codes - Project Code This column displays the project code associated with the project. Project codes enable you to identify the types work or stages of work you expect to perform and to enter estimated fees for each one.
Project Codes - SF330 This column displays the SF330 code for the project code.
Project Currency This column displays the three-character ISO code for the project currency.
Project JTD AR Amount This column displays the job-to-date amount billed for the project but not yet received. This amount includes taxes.
Project JTD Billed Amount This column displays the job-to-date billed amount for the project.

This amount equals (Labor + Fee + Consultants + Expenses + Units + Interest Billed). It does not include taxes.

Project JTD Direct Cost This column displays the job-to-date cost of direct expenses for the project.
Project JTD Hours This column displays the job-to-date hours for the project.
Project JTD Labor Cost This column displays the job-to-date labor cost for the project.
Project JTD Profit This column displays the job-to-date profit for the project.
Project JTD Revenue Amount This column displays the job-to-date revenue amount for the project.
Project JTD Total Actual Cost This column displays the job-to-date total actual cost for the project's linked promotional project.
Project Manager Name This column displays the name of the project manager for the project, phase, or task.
Project Name This column displays the name of the project.
Project Number This column displays the project number.
Project YTD AR Amount This column displays the year-to-date accounts receivable amount (billed but not yet received) for the project.
Project YTD Billed Amount This column displays the year-to-date billed amount for the project.
Project YTD Direct Cost This column displays the year-to-date direct cost for the project.
Project YTD Hours This column displays the year-to-date hours for the project.
Project YTD Labor Cost This column displays the year-to-date labor costs for the project.
Project YTD Profit This column displays the year-to-date profit amount for the project.
Project YTD Revenue Amount This column displays the year-to-date revenue for the project.
Project YTD Total Actual Cost This column displays the year-to-date actual cost amount for the project.
Promo. Project Actual Completion Date This column displays the actual completion date for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project Estimated Completion Date This column displays the estimated completion date for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project Firm Cost This column displays the firm's total cost for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project JTD Hours This column displays the job-to-date hours for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project JTD Labor Cost This column displays the job-to-date labor cost amount for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project JTD Total Actual Cost This column displays the job-to-date total actual cost amount for a promotional project.
Promotional Project Name This column displays the name of the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project Number This column displays the project number for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project Principal–In–Charge Name This column displays the name of the employee designated as the principal for the promotional project.
Promo. Project Project Manager Name This column displays the name of the project manager for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project Responsibility This column displays the level of responsibility your enterprise has for the project's linked promotional project (for example, Prime, Joint Venture, or Consultant).
Promo. Project Start Date This column displays the start date for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project Supervisor Name This column displays the name of the supervisor for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project Total Project Cost This column displays the total cost for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project Type This column displays the type for the project's linked promotional project (for example, Environmental or Aviation).
Promo. Project YTD Hours This column displays the year-to-date hours for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project YTD Labor Cost This column displays the year-to-date labor cost amount for the project's linked promotional project.
Promo. Project YTD Total Actual Cost This column displays the year-to-date total actual cost for the project's linked promotional project.
Proposal Manager This column displays the name of the assigned proposal manager.
Proposals - Award Date This column displays the date on which you were awarded the contract for the proposed job.
Proposals - Date Advertised This column displays the date on which the request for proposal was published.
Proposals - Due Date This column displays the date by which you must submit the proposal.
Proposals - Fee This column displays the fee associated with the proposal.
Proposals - Linked Proposal If you have created a proposal, this column displays the name of the proposal linked to the project.
Proposals - Linked SF255 If you have created an SF255 proposal, this column displays the name of the SF255 proposal linked to the project.
Proposals - Linked SF330 If you have created an SF330 proposal, this column displays the name of the SF330 proposal linked to the project.
Proposals - Name This column displays the name of the proposal.
Proposals - Notes This column displays any notes associated with the proposal.
Proposals - Number This column displays the proposal identifier.
Proposals - Organizations If you use organizations in Vantagepoint, this column displays the organization in your enterprise that is responsible for producing the proposal.
Proposals - Responsible Person This column displays the name of the employee responsible for producing the proposal.
Proposals - Source This column displays the proposal source (for example, client referral, consultant job, or marketing campaign).
Proposals - Status This column displays the status of the proposal (for example, Pending, Won, Lost, Go/No Go, or Delayed).
Proposals - Submittal Date This column displays the actual date on which you submitted the proposal or expect to submit it.
Proposals - Type This column displays the proposal type (for example, Draft Proposal, or Technical Proposal).
Referable This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the project can be used as a reference when talking with potential clients.
Responsibility This column displays the level of responsibility that your enterprise has for the project, such as Prime, Joint Venture, or Consultant.
Responsibility Description This column displays the description for the level of responsibility the firm has for the project.
Row Count This column displays the row number of a line item.
Solicitation This column displays the ID number of the request for proposal (RFP) for the project.
Source This column displays the source of the project (for example, Client Referral, Consultant Job, or Marketing Campaign).
Stage This field indicates the current stage for the project.
State This column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the project address.
State/Province Description This column displays the state or province name.
Status This column displays the current status of the project: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.
Supervisor Name This column displays the name of the supervisor for the project.
Owner Value This column displays the value for the project owner.
Total Project Cost This column displays the total cost of the project.
Total Project Cost Comment This column displays the comments entered for the total project cost (for example, "Fee only" or "Phase I").
Type This column displays the type of the record.
Weighted Fee This column displays the estimated fee for the project in the project currency and weighted based on the probability: Estimated fee x Probability percentage.
Win/Loss Notes This is a memo field that you can use to fill in any description that relates to winning, losing, or abandoning pursuit of the project.
Won/Lost Date If the project is in a pipeline stage that is designated as a Won, Lost, or Do Not Pursue stage, this column displays the date on which the project was won or lost or on which you decided not to pursue it further.

If the project is assigned to a stage that is designated as an In Pursuit stage, it does not have a won/lost date.

Won/Lost Reason This column displays the reason why the project was won or lost or why you decided not to pursue it.
Zip This columns displays the ZIP code from the record's address.