Columns for Project Detail Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Field Description

This column displays the total labor amount or expense amount at billing rates.

If you use multiple currencies and you select Project's Functional Currency in Report in on the General tab, the Billing column does not display on the report and is not available for selection on the Columns tab.

Billing Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the billing currency.
Functional Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the functional currency.
Labor Category This column displays the employee's labor category (for example, Principal, Project Manager. or Engineer).
Overtime Amount

This column displays the amount for standard overtime hours. Vantagepoint calculates overtime costs differently for hourly employees and salaried employees:

  • For hourly employees, Vantagepoint calculates Overtime Amount as follows:

    Overtime Hours * Hourly labor cost rate * Overtime percentage

  • For salaried employees, Vantagepoint calculates Overtime Amount as follows:

    Overtime Hours * Annualized hourly rate * Overtime percentage

    Vantagepoint calculates the annualized hourly rate as follows: Annual salary / (Hours per week * 52)

Overtime Hours This column displays the number of standard overtime hours for which the employee was paid.
Project Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the project currency.
Regular Amount This column displays the amount for regular hours, calculated as follows:

Regular hours x Labor cost rate

Regular Hours This column displays the number of regular hours.
Row Count This column displays the total number of detail lines for each group, based on the sorting and grouping selections. If the report groups data at more than one level, this column displays row counts for all grouping levels.
Secondary Overtime Amount This column displays the amount for secondary overtime hours, which are paid at a different rate than standard overtime hours. This column is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.
Secondary Overtime Hours This column displays the number of secondary overtime hours. Secondary overtime is overtime that is paid at a different rate than standard overtime. If you pay separately for secondary overtime, you must record those hours separately on the timesheet. This column is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.
Total Amount

For the labor detail lines, this column displays the total amount for regular and overtime labor: Regular Amount + Overtime Amount.

For the expense detail lines, this column displays the total expense amount.

Total Hours This column displays the total number of hours entered on the timesheet: Regular Hours + Total Overtime Hours.
Total Overtime Amount This column displays the total amount for all overtime hours: Overtime Amount + Secondary Overtime Amount.
Total Overtime Hours This column displays the number of overtime hours. This includes standard overtime hours and secondary overtime hours.