Columns for Timesheet Audit Detail Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Time Section

Field Description
Employee Name This column displays the employee's name (Last Name, First Name).
Timesheet Period This column displays the ending date of the timesheet period for which the timesheet was entered. If timesheet period numbers are enabled in Time Settings, the work week number or timesheet period number also displays. This column only displays if you select Timesheet Period on the Groups tab.
Organization If your enterprise uses organizations, this column displays the code for the employee's assigned organization. This column only displays if you select Include Employee Organization on the Options tab for the report.
Status This column displays the current status of the timesheet:
  • Draft Copy: The timesheet is in progress but has not been submitted.
  • Submitted: The timesheet has been submitted for processing but has not been approved.
  • Approved: The timesheet has been approved by the appropriate administrator and is now ready to be posted.
  • Posted: The timesheet has been posted to your database.
Signed Approved This column displays the name of the employee who submitted the timesheet and the date and time when it was submitted display above the Signed line. This data is displayed if Employee Signature Required is set to Yes on the Options form of Settings > Time > Options.

If Use Time Approvals is set to Yes on the Time Approvals form of Settings > Time > Time Approvals, the name of the employee who approved the timesheet and the date and time when it was approved display above the Approved line.

If Employee Signature Required or Use Time Approval is set to No, the name of the employee who submitted or approved the timesheet displays below the Signed or Approved line. You can use the lines for handwritten signatures.

The Signed and Approved lines only display if you select Include Signed/Approved on the Options tab of the report settings.

Project This column displays the number of the project that is associated with the transaction. The project name also displays if you generate the detailed version of the report.
Client This column displays the name of the client that is associated with the transaction. This column only displays if you select Include Client Name on Detail Report on the Options tab of report settings. The option to include the client name is not available for the summarized version of the report.
Phase This column displays the number of the phase that is associated with the transaction, if applicable. If you generate the detailed version of the report, the phase name is also displayed.
Task This column displays the number of the task that is associated with the transaction, if applicable. If you generate the detailed version of the report, the task name is also displayed.
Labor Code This column displays the labor code for the transaction.
Labor Category This column displays the employee's labor category (for example, Principal, Project Manager. or Engineer).
Type of Hours This column displays the type of hours: regular (Reg), overtime (Ovt), or secondary overtime (Ovt-2).
Total Hr This column displays the total number of hours entered on that row for each timesheet row. On the Daily Totals report row, this column displays the total number of hours for the timesheet, for each type of hours.
Date columns These columns displays the individual date columns and the number of hours entered for a transaction for that date.
Home Company This column displays the employee's home company. The home company is the company that manages the employee's timesheet and expense report processes and that pays the employee. You associate each employee with a home company in the Employees hub.
Timesheet Comments This column displays the comments for the timesheet below the corresponding timesheet row. This column is displayed if you selected Include Timesheet Comments on the Options tab of the report settings. The option to include comments is not available for the summarized version of the report.

Timesheet Units Section

The Timesheet Units section of the report only displays if you select Include Timesheet Units Quantities on the Options tab.

Field Description
Organization If your enterprise uses organizations, this column displays the code for the employee's assigned organization. This column only displays if you select Include Employee Organization on the Options tab for the report.
Status This column displays the current status of the timesheet:
  • Draft Copy: The timesheet is in progress but has not been submitted.
  • Submitted: The timesheet has been submitted for processing but has not been approved.
  • Approved: The timesheet has been approved by the appropriate administrator and is now ready to be posted.
  • Posted: The timesheet has been posted to your database.
Signed Approved This column displays the name of the employee who submitted the timesheet displays on the Signed line and the name of the employee who approved the timesheet displays on the Approved line. This column is displayed if you selected Require electronic signature when submitting timesheets in Time Settings and if one or both electronic signatures exist for the timesheet.

If no electronic signature exists, the line is blank.

if you are not using electronic signatures, you can distribute the report to the appropriate employees and request manual signatures on these lines.

The Signed and Approved lines only display if you select Include Signed/Approved on the Options tab of the report settings.

Project This column displays the number of the project that is associated with the transaction. The project name also displays if you generate the detailed version of the report.
Client This column displays the name of the client that is associated with the transaction. This column only displays if you select Include Client Name on Detail Report on the Options tab of report settings. The option to include the client name is not available for the summarized version of the report.
Phase This column displays the number of the phase that is associated with the transaction, if applicable. If you generate the detailed version of the report, the phase name is also displayed.
Task This column displays the number of the task that is associated with the transaction, if applicable. If you generate the detailed version of the report, the task name is also displayed.
Unit This column displays the unit for which the unit quantities were entered.
Unit Table This column displays the unit table to which the unit is assigned.
Total Qty This column displays the total quantity entered for each timesheet row. On the Daily Totals report row, this column displays the total unit quantity for the timesheet.
Date columns These columns displays the individual date columns and the number of hours entered for a transaction for that date.
Timesheet Comments This column displays the comments for the timesheet below the corresponding timesheet row. This column is displayed if you selected Include Timesheet Comments on the Options tab of the report settings. The option to include comments is not available for the summarized version of the report.

Revisions Section

The Revisions section of the report only displays if you select Include Revisions on the Options tab of the report settings.

Field Description
Revision This column displays the timesheet revision number. Once auditing starts for a timesheet, the revision number is incremented each time changes to regular hours, overtime hours, or start and end times are saved, new timesheet rows are saved, or the timesheet is submitted or approved.
Revision Date/Time This column displays the date and time that the revision was saved or that the timesheet was submitted or approved.
Updated by/Submitted by/Approved by This column displays the name of the employee who made the revision.

The displayed column name on the report depends on the type of revision.

Timesheet Date This column displays the date from the timesheet row.
Project This column displays the number of the project that is associated with the transaction.
Phase This column displays the number of the phase that is associated with the transaction.
Task This column displays the task number associated with the transaction.
Labor Code This column displays the labor code for the transaction.
Labor Category This column displays the labor category associated with the transaction.
Field This column displays the field from the revised timesheet row for which the value was changed. If multiple fields were changed on a timesheet row as part of the revision, the report displays a detail row for each field that changed. The fields for which revisions are audited are those for regular hours, overtime hours, and start and end times.
Old Value This column displays the previous content or value of the field before it was changed.
New Value This column displays the content or value of the field after it was changed.
Revision Explanation This column displays an explanation of the revision if you selected Include Revision Explanation on the Options tab in the report settings and if an explanation was required for the revision.