Columns for Employee Summary Report

You can select the sections to display on your report.

General Information Section

Field Description
Address This column displays the employee's address.
Default Expense Location This column displays the default expense location for the employee if Tax Auditing is enabled.
Email This column displays the record's email address.
Employee This column displays the employees number, full name with salutation and all suffixes.
Hire Date This column displays the date on which the employee was hired.
Home Organization If your enterprise uses organizations, this column displays the name of the organization to which the employee is assigned.
Home Phone This column displays the record's home telephone number.
Memo This column displays the notes entered in the Memo field on the Overview tab of the respective hub.
Number This column displays the employee's identification number.
Preferred Name This column displays the name by which the individual prefers to be addressed.
Prior Years with this Firm The number of years the employee has worked for your firm (if the employee has left your firm and returned).
Professional Suffix This column displays the professional suffix used with the individual's name. That suffix indicates educational degrees or professional licenses or accreditation. It can be a single item (for example, PhD) or a combination of two or more (for example, CPA, CMA, MBA).
Supervisor This column displays the name of the supervisor for the employee.
Title This column displays the person's job title or job function.
Work Phone This column displays the record's work or office related phone number.
Years With Other Firms This column displays the number of years that the employee worked for other firms.

Education Section

Field Description
Degree This column displays the degrees the employee earned (for example, BA Bachelor of Arts, BS Bachelor of Science, or MA Master of Arts).
Institution This column displays the educational institution where the employee earned the degree.
Proposals This Yes/No column indicates whether or not this education information can be used in proposals.
Specialty This column displays the specialty associated with the employee's degree.
Year This column displays the year the employee received the degree.

Credentials Section

Field Description
Description This column displays a description for the type of credentials the individual has earned.
Earned This column displays the type of credentials the individual earned (for example, AIA, PMP, or CPA).
Expires This column displays the expiration date of the employee's credentials.
Last Renewal This column displays the most recent date that the individual's credentials were renewed.
Number This column displays the individual's credentials number.
Proposals This column displays whether or not the individual's credentials (for example, academic degrees, professional licenses, or others) are available for use in proposals.
State This column displays the state or province in which an individual's credential is valid.
Type This column displays the individual's type of credentials, such as academic or professional degrees and certifications.

Skills Section

Field Description
Level This column displays the skill level. For example, you could set up the following set of levels based on years of experience:
  • Entry
  • 1-2 Years
  • 3-5 Years
  • 6-10 Years
  • Over 10 Years
Primary This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the skill is the employee's primary skill.
Skill This column displays descriptions of a resource's or an employee's skills or disciplines (for example, Architect, Civil Engineer, or Interior Designer).
Usage This column displays skill usage options that indicate how frequently a resource or employee uses the skill.

Resumes Section

This section has two columns, but the column labels are not displayed on the report. The left column displays the resume category and the right column displays the description for the resume category.

Field Description
Category This column displays the resume category (for example, Profile-General or Experience-Medical). This column is found on the left side of the Resume section.
Description This column displays the description of the employee's experience related to the category found in the left column. This column is found on the right side of the Resume section.

Activities Section

Field Description
Client This column displays the name of the client associated with the activity.
Date This column displays the date and time that the activity is scheduled to begin.
Subject This column displays a brief description of the activity (for example, Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, Customer Lunch, or Follow-up Visit).
Type This column displays the activity type (for example, Phone Call, Meeting, or Email).

Projects Section

Field Description
Project Name This column displays the name of the project.
Project Number This column displays the identifier of the project associated with the record.
Role This column displays the role of the employee on the project (for example, Transportation Engineer or Geologist).
Role Description This column displays additional text describing the employee's role on the project.
Stage This column displays the stage of the project that is associated with the record.

Firms Section

Field Description
Description This column displays additional text describing the employee's relationship to the firm.
Name This column displays the name of the firm for which the employee has performed work.
Number This column displays the firm identifier.
Relationship This column displays the employee's relationship to the firm (for example, Client Manager or Principal Assigned).


Field Description
Client This column displays the name of the client associated with the record.
Name This column displays the name of the contact with whom the employee is associated.
Phone This column displays the phone number for the record.
Relationship This column displays a description of the employee's relationship to the contact (for example, Client Manager or Former Employee).
Title This column displays the contact's title (for example, Director, Project Manager, or CEO).


Field Description
Citizenship Type This column displays the employee's citizenship type that is entered on the Personal and Contact Details tab of the Employees hub.
Country This column displays the employee's citizenship country that is entered on the Personal and Contact Details tab of the Employees hub.
Expiration Date This column displays the expiration date of the employee's citizenship that is entered on the Personal and Contact Details tab of the Employees hub.