Employee Labor Summary Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options for the Employee Labor Summary report.


Field Description
Report Format Select one of the following report formats:
  • Specific Labor Posting: Select this option to generate the report for specific labor posting runs. When you select this option, the Labor Posting Logs grid displays, listing all timesheet, labor adjustment, and billing labor transfer posting runs for the current period. Use this grid to select the posting runs for which you want to generate the report. If you save the report options, the labor posting run selections are not saved.
  • Time Frame Options: Select this option to generate the report for a specific time frame. When you select this option, the Time Frame field displays so you can select the time frame you want.
Labor Posting Runs Grid This grid displays all timesheet, labor adjustment, and billing labor transfer posting runs for the current period. Use this grid to select the posting runs for which you want to generate the report. Note that if you save the report options, the labor posting run selections are not saved.

This grid is only available if you select Specific Labor Posting in Report Format.

Time Frame
Use these options to specify the time frame for data included on the report.
  • Current Period: The report shows data for the active accounting period.
  • Year-to-Date: The report shows data for the current fiscal year through the active accounting period.
  • Job-to-Date: The report shows data from the beginning of the project through the active accounting period.
  • Date Range: The report shows data for a date range that you specify. Vantagepoint examines transactions within the specified date range, regardless of the period in which the transactions were posted or the dates of the current active period. Enter the start and end dates, or click the calendar icons to select the dates.
  • Period Range: The report shows data for a range of accounting periods that you specify.