Columns for Employee Labor Detail Report

Refer to the following for a list of available columns for this report.


Field Description
Billing Status This column displays the billing status of the labor hours. The following are the possible status settings:
  • B: Billable: The transaction is released and available for billing to the client.
  • D: To Be Deleted: The transaction is marked for deletion.
  • F: Final Billed: The transaction has been billed to the client.
  • H: Held: The transaction is being held temporarily to prevent billing to the client.
  • M: Modified: The transaction has been modified in some way from its original form.
  • N: Not Billable: The transaction is not billable.
  • O: Deleted: The transaction was marked for deletion, included in a billing run, and deleted.
  • R: Partial Hold/Released: Part of the transaction has been held or released.
  • T: Transferred: The transaction was moved from one project, phase, or task to another.
  • W: To Be Written Off: The transaction has been written off, but the invoice has not been posted.
  • X: Written Off: The transaction has been written off, and the invoice has been posted.
Debit Account When you post employee timesheets, Vantagepoint automatically posts the labor charges to the general ledger. This column displays the debit account currently specified on the Time Analysis form (Settings > Accounting > Time Analysis) and Absence Accrual form (Settings > Accounting > Absence Accrual). If that account changes between the time at which the timesheet was posted and the time when you generate this report, the account in this column will not be the same account used to post the labor charges.
Employee This column displays the employee's identification number.
Employee Name This column displays the employee's full name: first, middle, and last name, with prefix and suffix.
Employee Status This column displays an employee's status: Active, Inactive, Terminated, or Terminated (cannot reactivate).
Home Company Name If you use multiple companies, the name in this column represents the employee's home company. The home company is the company that manages the employee's current timesheet and expense report processes and that pays the employee. You associate each employee with a home company in the Employees hub.
Labor Category This column displays the employee's labor category (for example, Principal, Project Manager. or Engineer).
Labor Code/Unit This column displays the labor code or unit for which the hours were entered.
Transfer Project If the transaction is a labor adjustment, this column displays the project from which the labor adjustment transaction was transferred.
Organization Name If your enterprise uses organizations in Vantagepoint, this column displays the organization to which an employee is assigned.
Overtime Amount

This column displays the amount for standard overtime hours. Vantagepoint calculates overtime costs differently for hourly employees and salaried employees:

  • For hourly employees, Vantagepoint calculates Overtime Amount as follows:

    Overtime Hours * Hourly labor cost rate * Overtime percentage

  • For salaried employees, Vantagepoint calculates Overtime Amount as follows:

    Overtime Hours * Annualized hourly rate * Overtime percentage

    Vantagepoint calculates the annualized hourly rate as follows: Annual salary / (Hours per week * 52)

Overtime Hours This column displays the number of standard overtime hours for which the employee was paid.
Period This column displays the accounting period during which the posting was made.
Provisional Billing Rate This column displays the billing rate used to calculate labor charges at billing for unposted timesheet entries for the employee.
Regular Amount This column displays the amount for regular hours, calculated as follows:

Regular hours x Labor cost rate

Regular Hours This column displays the number of regular hours.
Row Count This column displays the row number of a line item.
Secondary Overtime Amount This column displays the amount for secondary overtime hours, which are paid at a different rate than standard overtime hours. This column is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.
Secondary Overtime Hours This column displays the number of secondary overtime hours. Secondary overtime is overtime that is paid at a different rate than standard overtime. If you pay separately for secondary overtime, you must record those hours separately on the timesheet. This column is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.
Total Amount This column displays the total cost of all regular and overtime hours. This amount is calculated as follows: (Regular hours x Labor cost rate) + Overtime amount.
Total Hours This column displays the total number of hours entered on the timesheet: Regular Hours + Total Overtime Hours.
Total Overtime Amount This column displays the total amount for all overtime hours: Overtime Amount + Secondary Overtime Amount.
Total Overtime Hours This column displays the number of overtime hours. This includes standard overtime hours and secondary overtime hours.
Transaction Date This column displays the date on which the transaction was posted.
Transaction Type This column displays one of the following types of transaction:
  • TS: Timesheet transaction
  • LA: Labor adjustment transaction
Transfer Project If the transaction is a labor adjustment, this column displays the project from which the labor adjustment transaction was transferred.