Role Summary Options Tab

Use the Options tab to define the types of information you want to appear on the Role Summary report. You can specify a new report name, select sections, set access rights, or include query information.

Report Options

Select the following options to include section information on the report. These options correspond to the tabs in Settings > Security > Roles.

For example, if you select Accounting, the security options (Transaction Type, Miscellaneous, Billing, Payroll, Multicompany, and so on) that relate to Accounting are displayed in a section labeled Accounting.

Field Description
Overview Select the Overview check box to include the security options that relate to role type, save rights, process queues, Desktop application search options, and others.
Record Access Select the Record Access check box to include the security options that relate to record-level security or row-level security for a role. This determines how a role can access and work with those records.
Accounting Select the Accounting check box to include the security options that relate to accounting-related functions and records.
Planning Select the Planning check box to include the security options that relate to resource management- and planning-related functions and records.

Access Rights

Use the Access Rights options to include information about the roles' access rights to application tabs, companies, favorite and standard reports, saved options, saved searches, and users as defined on the Access Rights tab in Settings > Security > Roles. You can include all access rights on the report, or only selected access rights.

For more detailed information about defining access rights, see Access Rights Tab of the Roles Form.

Field Description
Select All Click this check box to select all the Access Rights options in the list.
Companies If your enterprise has multiple companies, select this check box to include roles' access to data by company. Employees in the role can have access to only their home company, or to multiple companies. The list of available companies is based on the companies that are set up in Organization Settings.
Favorite Reports Click this check box to include access rights to favorite reports, which are available for either an individual role, or multiple roles. For more information, see Set Up Access to Favorite Reports.
Lookups - Desktop Click this check box to include roles' access rights to lookups on the Desktop application.
Saved Options Click this check box to include access rights to saved sets of options, which are available for individual role, multiple roles, or all roles.
Saved Searches Click this check box to include a set of saved search criteria that is available for an individual role, or multiple roles, or all roles.
Application Tabs Click this check box to include access rights to standard or custom tabs in Vantagepoint for an individual role, or multiple roles, or all roles.
Users Click this check box to include access rights to user information for an individual role or multiple roles.
Reports Click this option to include access rights to column and/or group information on the report. Vantagepoint automatically selects the secondary Column Access and Group Access check boxes. If you want to exclude either column or group information from the report, clear one of the check boxes. If you clear both check boxes, the Reports access rights will be excluded from the report.

Legacy SQL Query Options

Use these options to include legacy SQL Query information on the Role Summary report.

Field Description
Show Legacy SQL Query Option Select this check box to include legacy SQL query information on the report.