Columns for the Role Summary Report

The Role Summary report presents detailed information for each security role. The report options, access rights, and query information that you select on the Options tab determine which columns are included on the report.

The report options that appear on the Role Summary report are determined by settings that are defined in Settings > Security > Roles, Settings > Security > Users, and other application settings for the both the browser and desktop Reporting applications.

Report Options

The Report Options section displays several groupings of field information that correspond to the tabs in Settings > Security > Roles. For example, if you select Record Access, the record security options (Info Center, Access, Record Level Read, Record Level Update, and so on) that relate to access are displayed in a section labeled Record Access.

Overview Report Options

Select this check box to display the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Type of Role This column displays the type of security role (Set Up, Administrator, CRM, Accounting, and others) at the top of the Role Summary report.
Access to All Menu Items This column indicates the type of access rights to all menu items (Full or Limited) in both the browser and the desktop applications.
Favorites Organizing This column describes favorites based on (Save Personal Only, Save for My Role, or Save for All Roles) as defined in Settings > Security > Roles.
Process Queues This column shows the role's ability to schedule report and postings jobs. A value of 0 gives the role access to schedule all reports and postings to all queues. A higher value limits the queues that the role can use. To manage role access for process queues, use the Overview tab of the Roles settings form (Settings > Security > Roles) .
Organization Record Access This column shows which organizations (All or Individual organizations) can be accessed by the role, as specified on the Overview tab of the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles).
Search Options This section lists the desktop application search options that enable the role to access the SQL Where Clause, to search across hubs, and to display search results in a list.

Record Access Report Options

When selected, this report option displays the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Info Center This column lists the hubs to which the security role has access.
Access This column shows the role's application access rights (Read Only, Modify Only, Add/Modify, or Full) as defined in the Application Record Access grid on the Overview tab of the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles) for each role.
Record Level Read This column indicates whether or not the role has read level access (In Use or Not in Use) to hub records.
Record Level Update This column specifies whether or not the role has edit access (In Use or Not in Use) to records for the selected application.

Approval Workflow Record Access

When selected, this report option displays the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Application This column displays the role's approval application.
Access This column displays the type of access (Assignments only, View All Records, Apply Employee Record Level View Access) that is granted to the user for the corresponding approval application.

In order to view a record, the user must be logged into the company to which the record belongs. These access types are set up in the Approval Workflow Record Access Grid of the Overview tab on the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles).

Accounting Report Options

When selected, this report option displays the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Full Access to All Transaction Types This Yes/No column indicates whether or not there is role access to all transaction types.
Miscellaneous This column selection displays a miscellany of accounting access privileges to records that are related to assets, processing, budget, and labor information.
Billing Security This Yes/No column indicates if the role has access to a variety of transaction details related to Interactive Billing, Batch Billing, and Payroll and Multicompany security.
Interactive Billing and Approvals This column lists the types of access a role has to interactive billing and approvals.
Batch Billing This column lists the role's access to batch billing processing information.
Payroll Security This Yes/No column lists the role's access to payroll processing and payment registry.
Multicompany Security This column lists the role's access to reprocessing of intercompany billing files and cash receipts for companies.

Planning Report Options

When selected, this report option displays the role's access rights to several project planning functions.

Field Description
General This column indicates if the role has access privileges to change the baseline plan.

A role can only have only one baseline version for a plan at any given time. If you use the Save Baseline option again for the same plan, you will overwrite the previous contents of the baseline. For more information, see Planning Tab of the Roles Form.

Rates This Yes/No column selection indicates whether or not the role can change a Budget Type and also Rate/Method Tables.

There are three possible budget types: Cost, Billing, and Cost and Billing. Cost rates represent your enterprise's cost to produce a service. Billing rates represent the amount the client will pay for the service your enterprise provides.

Analysis This Yes/No column indicates if the individuals assigned to a role can change the percentage of overhead to be applied to the planned labor cost.
Resource Management The Yes/No column selection indicates if the role can view both soft and hard booking menu options within the Resource Management application.

In the Planning application, all planned labor changes will default to hard booked. If this option is not selected, the role is not allowed to change the booking status. The default is soft booked. For more information, see Resource Settings Form in Settings > Resource Planning > Resource Settings.

Access Rights

The Access Rights Options section provides field information related to the roles' access rights to application tabs, companies, favorite and standard reports, saved options, saved searches, and users. These options are defined on the Access Rights tab in Settings > Security > Roles. All check boxes are selected by default.

For more detailed information about defining access rights, seeAccess Rights Tab of the Roles Form.

Companies Access Rights Option

When selected, this access rights option displays the following columns on the Role summary report:

Field Description
Companies for this Role This column lists all the companies assigned to the security role. All companies in this column share the same security privileges.

Favorite Reports Option

When selected, this access rights option displays the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Report Type This column lists the types of reports (Activity, Administration, Data Export, and others) to which the security role has access.
Favorites for this Role This column lists the favorite reports to which the security role has access.


When selected, this option displays the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Lookup Type This column lists the lookup types (Contacts, Employees, Projects, and so on) to which the security role has access.
Fields for this Lookup This column lists the fields of the lookup type that each security role can search.

Lookups - Desktop Option

When selected, this access rights option displays the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Lookup Type This column lists the lookup types (Contacts, Employees, Projects, and so on) in the desktop application to which the security role has access.
Fields for this Lookup This column lists the fields of the lookup type in the desktop application that each security role can search.

Saved Options

When selected, this access rights option displays the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Option Type This column lists the type of option (Accrued Time, Firm List, Project Detail, and others) to which the security role has access.
Saved Options for this Role This column lists the saved options (for example, Project Earnings, Job to Date, Vacation Accrual, or others) to which this security role has access.

Saved Searches Option

When selected, this access rights option displays the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Lookup Type This column lists the lookup types (Contacts, Employees, Projects, and so on) to which the security role has access.
Saved Searches for this Role This column lists the saved searches to which the security role has access. For more information, see Set Up Access to Saved Searches.

Application Tabs Option

When selected, this access rights option displays the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Info Center Area This column lists the Info Center Area (these include standard and user-defined hubs) to which the security role has access.
Viewable Tab This column lists all the standard and user-defined tabs for each hub to which the security role has view access.

Favorite Tab

If available, the following Favorite tab columns display on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Report Type This column lists the types of reports (Activity, Administration, Data Export, and others) to which the security role has access.
Favorites for this Role This column lists the favorite reports to which the security role has access.


When selected, this access rights option displays the following columns on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
User Name This column lists the user names for each employee assigned to the security role.
Employee Name This column lists names of employees (associated with the user names) assigned to the security role.

Reports Access Rights

When you select this option, Vantagepoint includes both column and group access information on the Role Summary report. Clear either the column access or group access check box to exclude access information from the report. The following columns display on the Role Summary report:

Field Description
Folder This column lists the report folders to which the security role has access.
Report This column lists the name of the report to which the role has access.
Group Access This column indicates whether the security role has access (No Access or All) to the report groups for the associated report.
Column Access This column indicates whether the security role has access (No Access or All) to the report columns for the associated report.

Legacy SQL Query Options

Field Description
Show Legacy SQL Query Option Select this check box to include legacy SQL query information on the report.