Period Audit Options Tab

Use this tab to specify the time frame for data to be included or to restrict contents by the name of the employee who made modifications. If you use multiple companies, you can also include the identifier for each company on the report.

Time Frame Options

Use the Time Frame options to specify the date for which you want to know cash requirements. This option applies only to vouchers with payment terms set to Date. Vantagepoint includes vouchers due for payment on or before the date you specify.

Field Description
Time Frame Select the range of dates or periods to include on the report.
  • Date Range: Specify the start and end dates of the range. Vantagepoint examines transactions within the specified date range, regardless of the period in which the transactions were posted or the dates of the current active period.
  • Period Range: Specify a range of accounting periods.
Modification User This option displays the name of the employee who modified the record. To show information for one user, select the user ID. You can enter part of the user ID or employee name to filter results or select Search to find a user. Repeat this step to add additional users who modified the record during the selected date range.
Company If you use multiple companies, this field displays the identifier of the company for which the budget was created.
Starting and Ending To generate the report for selected accounting periods, specify both a starting and ending accounting period. If you do not select any accounting periods, Vantagepoint calculates the metrics for all accounting periods. The ending period cannot be before the starting period, but they can be equal.