Tax Analysis Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options for the Tax Analysis report.

Detail Options

Field Description
Tax Type Select whether a tax is an input tax, output tax, or both.
Hide Detail Select this check box to generate the summary version of the report. Clear this check box to generate the detailed version of the report.
Use Cash Basis Select this option if you want the report to show cash-basis values for revenue, expenses, profit, and profit percentage. To be able to generate the cash-basis version, you must select the Cash Basis Reporting option on the General Ledger Options form (Settings > General Ledger > Options).
Run Report Based on Originating Vendor

This check box is enabled only if the Enable Originating Vendor for Employee Expenses and AP Vouchers check box is selected on the Options form in Cash Management Settings(Settings > Cash Management > Options). This setting allows you to enter an originating vendor (if appropriate) in addition to the actual vendor or employee to be paid when you enter line items for employee expense report, accounts payable voucher, and accounts payable disbursement transactions. For example, for a charge card bill, you enter an AP voucher with the charge card company as the actual vendor whom you are directly paying. A line item from the charge card statement is for a hotel charge. You enter the hotel vendor as the originating vendor for the voucher line item. The hotel vendor will indirectly receive payment from you via the charge card company.

Select this check box if you want sorting, selection, and columns on the Tax Analysis report based on the originating vendor. The transactions and amounts for each vendor in the report include both the line items for which a vendor is entered as the originating vendor and the line items for which the vendor is entered as the actual vendor. This allows you to see the total amounts that are paid (both directly and indirectly) to a vendor. When you do no select this check box, the transactions and amounts included in the report are only the ones that are directly paid to a vendor as an actual vendor.

Example 1

Vendor X has two voucher items entered:
  • One line item is for $100, and vendor X is entered as the actual vendor (paid directly). No originating vendor is entered.
  • Another line item is for $50, and vendor X is entered as the originating vendor (paid indirectly).

When you run the report without the Run Report Based on Originating Vendor check box selected, only the $100 line item is included on the report for vendor X.

When you run the report with the Run Report Based on Originating Vendor check box selected, both the $100 and $50 line items for vendor X are included on the report for a total of $150.

If this example were for line items for employee expenses instead of voucher line items, the actual vendor for the line item with no originating vendor in bullet one above is the employee (not a vendor). This means that when you run the report without the Run Report Based on Originating Vendor check box selected, the report includes the transaction and amount for only the employee (per bullet one). When you run the report with the Run Report Based on Originating Vendor check box selected, the report includes transactions and amounts for both the employee (per bullet one) and the vendor entered as the originating vendor (per bullet two).

Example 2

Vendor Y has been entered as an actual vendor, but not as an originating vendor for transactions. The transaction total for vendor Y as an actual vendor is $900.
  • When you run the report without the Run Report Based on Originating Vendor check box selected, vendor Y is included on the report with an amount of $900.
  • When you run the report with the Run Report Based on Originating Vendor check box selected, vendor Y is included on the report with an amount of $900.
Tax Code Select <all tax codes> if you want the report to include transactions for all tax codes. To select one or more tax codes, use the lookup.
Report In

If you use multiple currencies, select the currency in which to display net amounts, tax basis amounts, and tax amounts on the report:

  • Transaction Currency: If you choose to use transaction currency, the report displays the amounts in the currency associated with the individual transactions. Use the Currency field to indicate if you want to include all currencies or only selected currencies. Vantagepoint then limits the transactions on the report to those with the specified transaction currencies.
  • Functional Currency: If you choose to use the functional currency, the report displays the amounts in the functional currency of the active company.
  • Tax Currency: (This option is only available if tax auditing is enabled for the active company.) If you choose to use the tax currency, the report displays the amounts in the currency specified for the tax code in the Tax Codes form. Normally, this is the currency in which the tax is reported and paid to the taxing authority.
Currency If you use multiple currencies and you set the Report in option to Transaction Currency, use this field to indicate whether you want to include all currencies or only selected currencies. Vantagepoint then limits the transactions on the report to those with the transaction currencies that you specify. Use the lookup to select the currencies.
Include Select one or more of these options to specify the tax analysis information to include on the report. If no selections are made, the report includes all tax analysis data, according to the report options that you select.
If you select all options in this section, all vendors, employees, and client transactions charged to the selected project are included on the report.

Time Frame Options

Field Description
Time Frame
Use these options to specify the time frame for data included on the report.
  • Current Period: The report shows data for the active accounting period.
  • Year-to-Date: The report shows data for the current fiscal year through the active accounting period.
  • Date Range: The report shows data for a date range that you specify. Vantagepoint examines transactions within the specified date range, regardless of the period in which the transactions were posted or the dates of the current active period. Enter the start and end dates, or click the calendar icons to select the dates. When you select Date Range, select the tax date for AP vouchers to use:
    • Invoice Date: Include all AP vouchers with an invoice date within those dates.
    • Voucher Date: Include all AP vouchers with a voucher date within those dates
  • Period Range: The report shows data for a range of accounting periods that you specify.