Sales List Options Tab

The Options tab gives you additional control over the data displayed on the Sales List.

Time Frame Options

Field Description
Time Frame
Use these options to specify the time frame for data included on the report.
  • Current Period: The report shows data for the active accounting period.
  • Year-to-Date: The report shows data for the current fiscal year through the active accounting period.
  • Date Range: The report shows data for a date range that you specify. Vantagepoint examines transactions within the specified date range, regardless of the period in which the transactions were posted or the dates of the current active accounting period. Enter the start and end dates, or click the calendar icons to select the dates.
  • Period Range: The report shows data for a range of accounting periods that you specify.

Report Detail Options

Field Description
Show Client Detail

Select the level of detail from the following options:

  • Totals Only: The report only displays client totals for tax basis, tax amount, and tax received.
  • Tax Code Summary: For each client, the report displays tax code totals for tax basis, tax amount, and tax received.
  • All Transactions: For each client and tax code, the report displays the following for each sales transaction: transaction date, transaction type, invoice number, fiscal period, posting sequence number, project number, task number, phase number, tax basis, tax amount, and tax received.
Foreign Tax Registered Clients Only Select this check box if you only want to report on clients with a tax country that is different from your enterprise's tax country.

You specify client tax countries in the Firms hub.

You specify your enterprise's tax country on the Options tab of the Tax Codes form in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes.

Print Received Details

Select this option to add the Tax Received column, which displays the amount of tax received from clients. If you select this option, the report displays amounts based on both invoices and cash receipts. If you also set the Client Detail option to All Transactions, the report displays invoice transactions and related cash receipt transactions in separate rows.

This option only applies to the accrual-basis version of the report. To generate the cash-basis version, you must clear this check box.

Report In

If you use multiple currencies, select the currency in which to display amounts on the report:

  • Project Currency: Choose this option to use the currency specified in Project Currency on the Overview tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.
  • Billing Currency: Choose this option to use the currency specified in Billing Currency on the Overview tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.
  • Functional Currency: Choose this option to display the amounts in the functional currency of the active company.
  • Transactional Currency: Choose this option to display the amounts in the currency associated with the individual transactions. Use the Currency field to indicate if you want to include all currencies or only selected currencies. Vantagepoint then limits the transactions on the report to those with the specified transaction currencies.
Currency If you use multiple currencies and you set the Report in option to Transaction Currency, use this field to indicate whether you want to include all currencies or only selected currencies. Vantagepoint then limits the transactions on the report to those with the transaction currencies that you specify. Use the lookup to select the currencies.
Tax Code Select <all tax codes> if you want the report to include transactions for all tax codes. To select one or more tax codes, use the lookup.