
Deltek Vantagepoint is a single cloud-based or on-premises solution that puts projects and people at the center of your business so that you can improve productivity, efficiency, and profitability.

Connector Overview

The Deltek Vantagepoint connector empowers you to build automation around Vantagepoint to help you make better, more informed decisions throughout the entire project lifecycle, by enabling connections with other Deltek products or third-party applications.

API Version

The Deltek Vantagepoint connector uses Vantagepoint API. It requires Vantagepoint app version 5.0.0 or later.


An app connection or connection authorizes the Deltek Vantagepoint connector to interact with the Vantagepoint application.

Connection Name

By default, this connector uses the connection name My Deltek Vantagepoint account. You can opt to replace this default connection name and use your preferred connection name.


This connector requires the following parameters.

Parameter Description

Vantagepoint Domain and Path

The fully qualified domain name and path to your Vantagepoint instance.

For example:

Consumer Key

The unique identifier for your Vantagepoint instance.

Note: For Vantagepoint 5.0 or later, the Client ID is called the Consumer Key.

For example: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx111111>


The unique code associated with your Consumer Key.

Note: For Vantagepoint 5.0 or later, the Client Secret is called the Secret.

For example: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx111111>

Redirect URL

The callback URL for the application that is designated to receive an authorization code on behalf of your application.

Note: For Vantagepoint 5.0 or later, the Redirect URL is called the Callback URL.


The name of the database to log into.

Note: To get the database name, navigate to Help > About in your Vantagepoint instance.

For example: TestDatabaseName


The language associated with your Vantagepoint instance.

Select the same language you used when you logged into Vantagepoint to connect. This will determine what language to use when adding records.

For example: English (United States)


Authentication requires the Deltek Vantagepoint connector to prove that it has the correct identity before its connection authorizes or allows you to do certain actions.

This connector supports the following authentication methods.

Authentication Method Description

API Key or Secret

This method allows a connector to authenticate through a single API key or secret. In Vantagepoint, this is the access token you obtain using the unique code (Client Secret) associated with the Client ID (or Consumer Key) of your application instance.

Note: The Allow Password Grant Type checkbox must be selected when using API Key or Secret.


Triggers check for certain events to occur and can group these events for further processing. Triggers need to support an input field for an integration key.

Note: Deltek recommends that you always use real-time triggers over polling triggers to have quicker responses and lesser load on your application instances.

This connector provides the following triggers:

Trigger Description

AP Voucher posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when an AP voucher is posted.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Ignore active period
  • Ignore active company

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • When first started, pick up events from
  • Page size
  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes if not specified.

Employee created/updated (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when an employee is created or updated.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • When first started, pick up events from

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes if not specified.

Employee Expense posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when an employee expense is posted.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • When first started, pick up events from

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes if not specified.

Firm created/updated (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when a firm is created or updated.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • When first started, pick up events from

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes if not specified.

Journal Entry posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when a journal entry is posted.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • When first started, pick up events from

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes if not specified.

Invoice posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when an invoice is posted.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Ignore active period
  • Ignore active company

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • When first started, pick up events from
  • Page size
  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes if not specified.

Timesheet posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when a timesheet is posted.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • When first started, pick up events from

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes if not specified.

Account created (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when an account is created.

Account updated (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when an account is updated.

Employee created (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when an employee is created.

Employee updated (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when an employee is updated.

Employee deleted (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when an employee is deleted.

Firm created (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when a firm is created.

Firm updated (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when a firm is updated.

Project created (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when a project is created.

Project updated (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when a project is updated.

Activities posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when an activity is posted.

Contacts posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when a contact is posted.

Employee Credentials posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when an employee credential is posted.

Employee Education posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for whenan employee education is posted.

Marketing Campaigns posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when a marketing campaign is posted.

Users posted (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for when a user is posted.

Activities created (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when an activity is created.

Activities updated (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when an activity is updated.

Contacts created (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when a contact is created.

Contacts updated (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when a contact is updated.

Marketing Campaigns created (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when a marketing campaign is created.

Marketing Campaigns updated (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when a marketing campaign is updated.

Users created (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when a user is created.

Users updated (Real-time)

This trigger checks in real-time (through a webhook) for when a user is updated.


When a trigger event occurs, you can specify at least one action (or step) to execute through the Deltek Vantagepoint connector.

This connector provides the following actions.

Action Description

Create Employee in Vantagepoint

This action creates an employee in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Employee Code/ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Employee Company
  • Org
  • Home Company
  • Approved for Use in Processing
  • Available to Accounting Users

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Status
  • Hire Date
  • Talent User ID
  • Middle Name
  • Work Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Home Phone
  • Supervisor
  • Termination Date
  • Terminated
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP
  • Country
  • SSN
  • Supervisor Name
  • Salutation
  • Suffix
  • Preferred Name
  • Title
  • Language
  • Hours Per Day
  • Labor Type
  • Home Company Name
  • Employee Company Name
  • Organization Name
  • PIM ID
  • Title Name
  • Location
  • Location Description
  • Modified Date
  • Created Date
  • Billing Category
  • Years with Other Firms
  • Prior Years with This Firm
  • Pay Rate
  • Pay Rate OT Pct
  • Pay Rate OT-2 Pct
  • Pay Type
  • Other Pay
  • Other Pay 2
  • Other Pay 3
  • Other Pay 4
  • Other Pay 5
  • Form W-4 Version
  • Step 2 of W-4
  • Dependents (Qualifying Children under 17)
  • Other Dependents
  • Other Tax Credit Amount
  • Other Income
  • Deductions
  • Use total hours as standard on Time Analysis
  • Allow Employee to change Labor Code in timesheet
  • Locale
  • Locale Method
  • Only Include Local Jurisdictions
  • Allow Employee to charge Units in timesheet
  • Require Employee to enter start and end times
  • Allow Employee to enter meals and breaks
  • Default meals and break start date time
  • Default meals and break end date time
  • Occupational Code
  • Geographic Code
  • Statutory Employee
  • Retirement Plan
  • Third Party Sick Pay
  • ClieOp
  • AvailableForCRM
  • Notes
  • Fax
  • Utilization Ratio
  • Target Ratio
  • Work Phone Format
  • Mobile Phone Format
  • Fax Format
  • Firm Indicator
  • Consultant/Partner/Client
  • Vendor
  • Client
  • Raise Date
  • Tax Reg. #
  • Home Phone Format
  • Job Cost Rate
  • Job Cost OT Pct
  • Job Cost OT-2 Pct
  • Job Cost Type
  • Cost Rate
  • Cost OT Pct
  • Cost OT-2 Pct
  • Billing Rate
  • Billing OT Pct
  • Billing OT-2 Pct
  • ADP File Number
  • ADP Company Code
  • ADP Rate Code / Ceridian Distribution Code
  • Paychex Code (Reg)
  • Paychex Code (OT)
  • Paychex Code (OT-2)
  • Paychex Rate Number
  • Email Payroll Remittance
  • Email Expense Remittance
  • Account Number
  • Account Type
  • ClieOp Transaction Type
  • IBAN
  • BIC
  • Timesheet Group
  • Check hours entered against expected
  • Labor Code Level 1
  • Labor Code Level 2
  • Labor Code Level 3
  • Labor Code Level 4
  • Labor Code Level 5
  • Expense Group
  • Default Expense Location
  • Cost Method
  • Cost Table
  • Pay Rate Table Method
  • Pay Table
  • Disable Timesheet Revision Auditing
  • Timesheet Administration Level
  • Expense Administration Level
  • Timesheet Administration Editing
  • Expense Report Administration Editing
  • Professional Suffix
  • Payment Method
  • Citizenship Status
  • Image

Get Single Employee in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single employee in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Employee ID/Code

List Employees in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all employees in Vantagepoint.

Update Employee in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single employee in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Employee ID/Code
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Employee Company
  • Org
  • Home Company
  • Approved for Use in Processing
  • Available to Accounting Users

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Status
  • Hire Date
  • TalentUser ID
  • Middle Name
  • Work Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Home Phone
  • Supervisor
  • Termination Date
  • Terminated
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP
  • Country
  • SSN
  • Supervisor Name
  • Salutation
  • Suffix
  • Preferred Name
  • Title
  • Language
  • Hours Per Day
  • Labor Type
  • Home Company Name
  • Employee Company Name
  • Organization Name
  • PIM ID
  • Title Name
  • Location
  • Location Description
  • Modified Date
  • Created Date
  • Billing Category
  • Years with Other Firms
  • Prior Years with This Firm
  • Pay Rate
  • Pay Rate OT Pct
  • Pay Rate OT-2 Pct
  • Pay Type
  • Other Pay
  • Other Pay 2
  • Other Pay 3
  • Other Pay 4
  • Other Pay 5
  • Form W-4 Version
  • Step 2 of W-4
  • Dependents (Qualifying Children under 17)
  • Other Dependents
  • Other Tax Credit Amount
  • Other Income
  • Deductions
  • Use total hours as standard on Time Analysis
  • Allow Employee to change Labor Code in timesheet
  • Locale
  • Locale Method
  • Only Include Local Jurisdictions
  • Allow Employee to charge Units in timesheet
  • Require Employee to enter start and end times
  • Allow Employee to enter meals and breaks
  • Default meals and break start date time
  • Default meals and break end date time
  • Occupational Code
  • Geographic Code
  • Statutory Employee
  • Retirement Plan
  • Third Party Sick Pay
  • ClieOp
  • AvailableForCRM
  • Notes
  • Fax
  • Utilization Ratio
  • Target Ratio
  • Work Phone Format
  • Mobile Phone Format
  • Fax Format
  • Firm Indicator
  • Consultant/Partner/Client
  • Vendor
  • Client
  • Raise Date
  • Tax Reg. #
  • Home Phone Format
  • Job Cost Rate
  • Job Cost OT Pct
  • Job Cost OT-2 Pct
  • Job Cost Type
  • Cost Rate
  • Cost OT Pct
  • Cost OT-2 Pct
  • Billing Rate
  • Billing OT Pct
  • Billing OT-2 Pct
  • ADP File Number
  • ADP Company Code
  • ADP Rate Code / Ceridian Distribution Code
  • Paychex Code (Reg)
  • Paychex Code (OT)
  • Paychex Code (OT-2)
  • Paychex Rate Number
  • Email Payroll Remittance
  • Email Expense Remittance
  • Account Number
  • Account Type
  • ClieOp Transaction Type
  • IBAN
  • BIC
  • Timesheet Group
  • Check hours entered against expected
  • Labor Code Level 1
  • Labor Code Level 2
  • Labor Code Level 3
  • Labor Code Level 4
  • Labor Code Level 5
  • Expense Group
  • Default Expense Location
  • Cost Method
  • Cost Table
  • Pay Rate Table Method
  • Pay Table
  • Disable Timesheet Revision Auditing
  • Timesheet Administration Level
  • Expense Administration Level
  • Timesheet Administration Editing
  • Expense Report Administration Editing
  • Professional Suffix
  • Payment Method
  • Citizenship Status
  • Image

Search Employees in Vantagepoint

This action searches for employees in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Note: This action does not have any required fields to configure.

You can provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Approved for Use in Processing
  • Available to Accounting Users
  • Employee Code/ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Employee Company
  • Org
  • Home Company
  • Status
  • Hire Date
  • Talent User ID
  • Middle Name
  • Work Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Home Phone
  • Supervisor
  • Termination Date
  • Terminated
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP
  • Country
  • SSN
  • Supervisor Name
  • Salutation
  • Suffix
  • Preferred Name
  • Title
  • Language
  • Hours Per Day
  • Labor Type
  • Home Company Name
  • Employee Company Name
  • Organization Name
  • PIM ID
  • Title Name
  • Location
  • Location Description
  • Modified Date
  • Modified Date From
  • Modified Date To
  • Created Date
  • Labor Category

List Project Experiences for an Employee in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all project experiences for an employee in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Employee ID/Code

Add Skill for an Employee in Vantagepoint

This action adds a skill for an employee in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Employee ID
  • Skill
  • Skill Level
  • Skill Usage

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Primary
  • Create User
  • Create Date
  • Mod User
  • Mod Date
  • Skill Description
  • Skill Level Description
  • Skill Usage Description

Get Single Skill for an Employee in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single skill for an employee in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Employee ID/Code
  • Skill Code

List Skills for an Employee in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all skills for an employee in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Employee ID/Code

Update Skill for an Employee in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single skill of an employee in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Employee ID/Code
  • Skill
  • Skill Level
  • Skill Usage

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Primary
  • Create User
  • Create Date
  • Mod User
  • Mod Date
  • Skill Description
  • Skill Level Description
  • Skill Usage Description

Remove Skill for an Employee in Vantagepoint

This action removes a single skill for an employee in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Employee ID/Code
  • Skill Code

Create Firm in Vantagepoint

This action creates a firm in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Name
  • Is Client? (Y/N)
  • Client Code
  • Is Vendor? (Y/N)
  • Vendor Code
  • Status
  • Organization
  • Client Type (Market)
  • Vendor Type

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Is Exported? (Y/N)
  • Prior Work? (Y/N)
  • Recommended? (Y/N)
  • Is Government Agency? (Y/N)
  • Is Competitor? (Y/N)
  • Search Parent Firm Name
  • Parent Firm
  • Search Employee Name
  • Available for CRM?
  • Available to Accounting Users? (Y/N)
  • Ready for Processing?
  • Ready for Processing for Company?
  • Firm ID
  • Firm Website
  • Memo
  • SpecialtyType Code
  • Number of Employees
  • Annual Revenue
  • Owning Employee
  • Sort Name
  • Primary Address 1
  • Primary Address 2
  • Primary Address 3
  • Primary Address 4
  • Primary City
  • Primary State
  • Primary Zip
  • Primary Country
  • Primary Phone
  • Primary Fax
  • Primary Email
  • Billing Address 1
  • Billing Address 2
  • Billing Address 3
  • Billing Address 4
  • Billing City
  • Billing State
  • Billing Zip
  • Billing Country
  • Billing Phone
  • Billing Fax
  • Billing Email
  • Payment Address 1
  • Payment Address 2
  • Payment Address 3
  • Payment Address 4
  • Payment City
  • Payment State
  • Payment Zip
  • Payment Country
  • Payment Phone
  • Payment Fax
  • Payment Email
  • QBO ID
  • QBOLastUpdated
  • Has Hierarchy?
  • Invoice
  • Invoice Unpaid
  • Outstanding AR
  • Disadv Business
  • Disabled Vet Owned Small Business
  • HBCU
  • Minority Business
  • Small Business
  • Vet Owned Small Business
  • Woman Owned
  • Alaska Native
  • Socio Economic Status
  • Eight A
  • HUB Zone
  • IQ ID
  • Incumbent
  • Fed ID
  • Type of TIN

Get Single Firm in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single firm in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Firm ID

Update Firm in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single firm in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Firm ID

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Is Client? (Y/N)
  • Is Vendor? (Y/N)
  • Is Exported? (Y/N)
  • Prior Work? (Y/N)
  • Recommended? (Y/N)
  • Is Government Agency? (Y/N)
  • Is Competitor? (Y/N)
  • Search Parent Firm Name
  • Parent Firm
  • Search Employee Name
  • Available for CRM?
  • Available to Accounting Users? (Y/N)
  • Ready for Processing?
  • Ready for Processing for Company?
  • Name
  • Client Code
  • Vendor Code
  • Status
  • Organization
  • Client Type (Market)
  • Vendor Type
  • Firm Website
  • Memo
  • Specialty Type Code
  • Number of Employees
  • Annual Revenue
  • Owning Employee
  • Sort Name
  • Primary Address 1
  • Primary Address 2
  • Primary Address 3
  • Primary Address 4
  • Primary City
  • Primary State
  • Primary Zip
  • Primary Country
  • Primary Phone
  • Primary Fax
  • Primary Email
  • Billing Address 1
  • Billing Address 2
  • Billing Address 3
  • Billing Address 4
  • Billing City
  • Billing State
  • Billing Zip
  • Billing Country
  • Billing Phone
  • Billing Fax
  • Billing Email
  • Payment Address 1
  • Payment Address 2
  • Payment Address 3
  • Payment Address 4
  • Payment City
  • Payment State
  • Payment Zip
  • Payment Country
  • Payment Phone
  • Payment Fax
  • Payment Email
  • QBO ID
  • QBO Last Updated
  • Has Hierarchy?
  • Invoice
  • Invoice Unpaid
  • Outstanding AR
  • Disadv Business
  • Disabled Vet Owned Small Business
  • HBCU
  • Minority Business
  • Small Business
  • Vet Owned Small Business
  • Woman Owned
  • Alaska Native
  • Socio Economic Status
  • Eight A
  • HUB Zone
  • IQ ID
  • Incumbent
  • Fed ID
  • Type of TIN

Delete Firm in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single firm in Vantagepoint.

Note: Deleting a firm in Vantagepoint moves its equivalent Contacts to the Archived tab in Xero.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Firm ID

Search Firms in Vantagepoint

This action searches for firms in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Note: This action does not have any required fields to configure.

You can provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Is Client? (Y/N)
  • Is Vendor? (Y/N)
  • Is Exported? (Y/N)
  • Prior Work? (Y/N)
  • Recommended? (Y/N)
  • Is Government Agency? (Y/N)
  • Is Competitor? (Y/N)
  • Available for CRM?
  • Available to Accounting Users? (Y/N)
  • Ready for Processing?
  • Ready for Processing for Company?
  • Firm ID
  • Name
  • Client Code
  • Vendor Code
  • Status
  • Organization
  • Client Type (Market)
  • Vendor Type
  • Firm Website
  • Memo
  • Specialty Type Code
  • Number of Employees
  • Annual Revenue
  • Owning Employee
  • Sort Name
  • Primary Address 1
  • Primary Address 2
  • Primary Address 3
  • Primary Address 4
  • Primary City
  • Primary State
  • Primary Zip
  • Primary Country
  • Primary Phone
  • Primary Fax
  • Primary Email
  • Billing Address 1
  • Billing Address 2
  • Billing Address 3
  • Billing Address 4
  • Billing City
  • Billing State
  • Billing Zip
  • Billing Country
  • Billing Phone
  • Billing Fax
  • Billing Email
  • Payment Address 1
  • Payment Address 2
  • Payment Address 3
  • Payment Address 4
  • Payment City
  • Payment State
  • Payment Zip
  • Payment Country
  • Payment Phone
  • Payment Fax
  • Payment Email
  • QBO ID
  • QBO Last Updated
  • Has Hierarchy?
  • Invoice
  • Invoice Unpaid
  • Outstanding AR
  • Disadv Business
  • Disabled Vet Owned Small Business
  • HBCU
  • Minority Business
  • Small Business
  • Vet Owned Small Business
  • Woman Owned
  • Alaska Native
  • Socio Economic Status
  • Eight A
  • HUB Zone
  • IQ ID
  • Incumbent
  • Fed ID
  • Type of TIN
  • Modified Date From
  • Modified Date To

Add Address for a Firm in Vantagepoint

This action adds an address for a firm in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Firm ID
  • Is Primary Address? (Y/N)
  • Is Billing Address? (Y/N)
  • Is Payment Address? (Y/N)
  • Address 1

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • CL Address ID
  • Address
  • Addressee
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • Address 4
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email

Get Single Address for a Firm in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single address for a firm in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Firm ID

List Companies for an Employee in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all companies for an employee in Vantagepoint.

Note: Listed companies cannot be assigned to an employee (through the API) until these companies are associated with a hub record in Vantagepoint (through the UI).

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Employee ID/Code

List Configured Organizations in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all configured organizations in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Create Project in Vantagepoint

This action creates a project in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Project Number (WBS1)
  • Charge Type
  • Stage
  • Organization

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Number (WBS2)
  • Task Number (WBS3)
  • Name
  • Charge Type
  • Act Est Completion Date
  • Labor Code 1
  • Labor Code 2
  • Labor Code 3
  • Labor Code 4
  • Labor Code 5
  • Total
  • Total Billing
  • Total Func
  • Total Direct Fees
  • Total Direct Fees Billing
  • Total Direct Fees Func
  • Proj Mgr
  • Sub Level
  • Principal
  • Supervisor
  • Client ID
  • CL Address
  • Fee
  • Reimb Allow
  • Consult Fee
  • Bud OH Rate
  • Status
  • Rev Type
  • Mult Amt
  • Unit Table
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Pct Comp
  • Lab Pct Comp
  • Exp Pct Comp
  • Bill by Default
  • Billable Warning
  • Memo
  • Budgeted Flag
  • Budgeted Levels
  • Bill WBS 1
  • Bill WBS 2
  • Bill WBS 3
  • X Charge
  • X Charge Method
  • X Charge Mult
  • Description
  • Closed
  • Read Only
  • Default Effort Driven
  • Default Task Type
  • Version ID
  • Contact ID
  • CL Billing Addr
  • Long Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • County
  • Country
  • Federal Ind
  • Project Type
  • Responsibility
  • Referable
  • Est Completion Date
  • Act Completion Date
  • Contract Date
  • Bid Date
  • Compl Date Comment
  • Firm Cost
  • Firm Cost Comment
  • Total Project Cost
  • Total Cost Comment
  • Client Confidential
  • Client Alias
  • Available for CRM
  • Ready for Approval
  • Ready for Processing
  • Billing Client ID
  • Billing Contact ID
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Cost Rate Meth
  • Cost Rate Table No
  • Pay Rate Meth
  • Pay Rate Table No
  • Locale
  • Line Item Approval
  • Line Item Approval EK
  • Budget Source
  • Budget Level
  • Prof Services Compl Date
  • Const Compl Date
  • Project Currency Code
  • Project Exchange Rate
  • Billing Currency Code
  • Billing Exchange Rate
  • Restrict Charge Companies
  • Fee Billing Currency
  • Reimb Allow Billing Currency
  • Consult Fee Billing Currency
  • Rev Upset Limits
  • Rev Upset WBS 2
  • Rev Upset WBS 3
  • Rev Upset Include Comp
  • Rev Upset Include Cons
  • Rev Upset Include Reimb
  • PORMB Rate
  • POCNS Rate
  • Plan ID
  • TK Check RP Date
  • IC Billing Lab
  • IC Billing Lab Method
  • IC Billing Lab Mult
  • IC Billing Exp
  • IC Billing Exp Method
  • IC Billing Exp Mult
  • Require Comments
  • TK Check RP Planned Hrs
  • Bill by Default Consultants
  • Bill by Default Other Exp
  • Bill by Default OR Table
  • Phone Format
  • Fax Format
  • Rev Type 2
  • Rev Type 3
  • Rev Type 4
  • Rev Type 5
  • Rev Upset Category to Adjust
  • Fee Functional Currency
  • Reimb Allow Functional Currency
  • Consult Fee Functional Currency
  • Revenue Method
  • IC Billing Lab Table No
  • IC Billing Exp Table No
  • Biller
  • Fee Dir Lab
  • Fee Dir Exp
  • Reimb Allow Exp
  • Reimb Allow Cons
  • Fee Dir Lab Billing Currency
  • Fee Dir Exp Billing Currency
  • Reimb Allow Exp Billing Currency
  • Reimb Allow Cons Billing Currency
  • Fee Dir Lab Functional Currency
  • Fee Dir Exp Functional Currency
  • Reimb Allow Exp Functional Currency
  • Reimb Allow Cons Functional Currency
  • Rev Upset Include Comp Dir Exp
  • Rev Upset Include Reimb Cons
  • Award Type
  • Duration
  • Contact Type Gov Con
  • Competition Type
  • Master Contract
  • Solicitation
  • Ajera Sync
  • Serv Pro Code
  • FE Surcharge Pct
  • FE Surcharge
  • FE Addl Expenses Pct
  • FE Addl Expenses
  • FE Other Pct
  • FE Other
  • Project Template
  • Ajera Spent Labor
  • Ajera Spent Reimbursable
  • Ajera Spent Consultant
  • Ajera Cost Labor
  • Ajera Cost Consultant
  • Ajera WIP Labor
  • Ajera WIP Reimbursable
  • Ajera WIP Consultant
  • Ajera Billed Labor
  • Ajera Billed Reimbursable
  • Ajera Billed Consultant
  • Ajera Received Labor
  • Ajera Received Reimbursable
  • Ajera Received Labor
  • Ajera Received Reimbursable
  • Ajera Received Consultant
  • TL Internal Key
  • TL Project ID
  • TL Project Name
  • TL Charge Band Internal Key
  • TL Charge Band External Code
  • TL Sync Mod Date
  • Sibling WBS 1
  • Est Start Date
  • Est End Date
  • Est Construction Cost
  • Revenue
  • Probability
  • Weighted Revenue
  • Close Date
  • Open Date
  • Source
  • Public Notice Date
  • Lab Bill Table
  • Lab Cost Table
  • Alloc Method
  • Timescale
  • Closed Reason
  • Closed Notes
  • IQ ID
  • IQ Last Update
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Proposal Manager
  • Business Developer Lead
  • SF ID
  • SF Last Modified Date
  • Total Contract Value
  • Period of Performance
  • Lost To
  • Pre Award WBS1
  • Utilization Schedule Flag
  • PIM ID
  • Create User
  • Create Date
  • Mod User
  • Mod Date
  • Modified Date From
  • Modified Date To
  • Billing Limit Contacts
  • Primary Limit Contacts
  • Exp Bill Multiplier
  • Con Bill Multiplier
  • Create User Name
  • Mod User Name
  • Org Name
  • Org Status
  • Biller Name
  • Biller Phone
  • Biller Phone Format
  • Biller Email
  • Biller Title
  • Has Billing Terms
  • Rev Upset WBS2 Name
  • Rev Upset WBS2 Sub Level
  • Rev Upset WBS3 Name
  • Level 1 Number
  • Level 1 Name
  • WBS1 Ready for Processing
  • Closed Reason Description
  • Owner Name
  • Owner Address
  • Owner City State Zip
  • Owner Phone
  • Owner Phone Format
  • Billing Client Contact
  • Billing Client Email
  • Billing Client Phone
  • Billing Client Phone Format
  • Billing Client Mobile Phone
  • Billing Client Mobile Phone Format
  • Billing Client Address
  • Billing Client City State Zip
  • Billing Client Country
  • Billing Clients Phone
  • Billing Clients Phone Format
  • Billing Client Name
  • Has Photo
  • Photo Mod Date
  • Contact Name
  • Contact First Name
  • Contact Last Name
  • Contact Work Phone
  • Contact Work Phone Format
  • Contact Cell Phone
  • Contact Cell Phone Format
  • Contact Email
  • Contact Home Phone
  • Contact Home Phone Format
  • Contact Pager
  • Contact Fax
  • Contact Suffix
  • Contact Salutation
  • Contact Title
  • Contact Home Address
  • Contact Mailing Address
  • Contact Business Address
  • Client Primary Address
  • Client Address
  • Client City State Zip
  • Client Phone
  • Sibling WBS1 Name
  • Client Name
  • Lost To Name
  • NAICS Description
  • Stage Step
  • Stage Description
  • Days Open
  • Is Main WBS1
  • Is Billing Group WBS1
  • Plan Start Date
  • Plan End Date
  • Level 2 Number
  • Level 2 Name
  • Level 3 Number
  • Level 3 Name
  • Key
  • Parent ID

Get Single Project in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single project in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Search Project Name
  • Project Number (WBS1)
  • Phase Number (WBS2)
  • Task Number
Note: To get a Project, enter a project number. To get a Phase, enter both a project number and phase number. To get a Task, enter a project number, phase number, and task number.

Update Project in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single project in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Project Number (WBS1)
  • Charge Type
  • Stage
  • Organization

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Phase Number (WBS2)
  • Task Number (WBS3)
  • Name
  • Charge Type
  • Act Est Completion Date
  • Labor Code 1
  • Labor Code 2
  • Labor Code 3
  • Labor Code 4
  • Labor Code 5
  • Total
  • Total Billing
  • Total Func
  • Total Direct Fees
  • Total Direct Fees Billing
  • Total Direct Fees Func
  • Proj Mgr
  • Sub Level
  • Principal
  • Supervisor
  • Client ID
  • CL Address
  • Fee
  • Reimb Allow
  • Consult Fee
  • Bud OH Rate
  • Status
  • Rev Type
  • Mult Amt
  • Unit Table
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Pct Comp
  • Lab Pct Comp
  • Exp Pct Comp
  • Bill by Default
  • Billable Warning
  • Memo
  • Budgeted Flag
  • Budgeted Levels
  • Bill WBS 1
  • Bill WBS 2
  • Bill WBS 3
  • X Charge
  • X Charge Method
  • X Charge Mult
  • Description
  • Closed
  • Read Only
  • Default Effort Driven
  • Default Task Type
  • Version ID
  • Contact ID
  • CL Billing Addr
  • Long Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • County
  • Country
  • Federal Ind
  • Project Type
  • Responsibility
  • Referable
  • Est Completion Date
  • Act Completion Date
  • Contract Date
  • Bid Date
  • Compl Date Comment
  • Firm Cost
  • Firm Cost Comment
  • Total Project Cost
  • Total Cost Comment
  • Client Confidential
  • Client Alias
  • Available for CRM
  • Ready for Approval
  • Ready for Processing
  • Billing Client ID
  • Billing Contact ID
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Cost Rate Meth
  • Cost Rate Table No
  • Pay Rate Meth
  • Pay Rate Table No
  • Locale
  • Line Item Approval
  • Line Item Approval EK
  • Budget Source
  • Budget Level
  • Prof Services Compl Date
  • Const Compl Date
  • Project Currency Code
  • Project Exchange Rate
  • Billing Currency Code
  • Billing Exchange Rate
  • Restrict Charge Companies
  • Fee Billing Currency
  • Reimb Allow Billing Currency
  • Consult Fee Billing Currency
  • Rev Upset Limits
  • Rev Upset WBS 2
  • Rev Upset WBS 3
  • Rev Upset Include Comp
  • Rev Upset Include Cons
  • Rev Upset Include Reimb
  • PORMB Rate
  • POCNS Rate
  • Plan ID
  • TK Check RP Date
  • IC Billing Lab
  • IC Billing Lab Method
  • IC Billing Lab Mult
  • IC Billing Exp
  • IC Billing Exp Method
  • IC Billing Exp Mult
  • Require Comments
  • TK Check RP Planned Hrs
  • Bill by Default Consultants
  • Bill by Default Other Exp
  • Bill by Default OR Table
  • Phone Format
  • Fax Format
  • Rev Type 2
  • Rev Type 3
  • Rev Type 4
  • Rev Type 5
  • Rev Upset Category to Adjust
  • Fee Functional Currency
  • Reimb Allow Functional Currency
  • Consult Fee Functional Currency
  • Revenue Method
  • IC Billing Lab Table No
  • IC Billing Exp Table No
  • Biller
  • Fee Dir Lab
  • Fee Dir Exp
  • Reimb Allow Exp
  • Reimb Allow Cons
  • Fee Dir Lab Billing Currency
  • Fee Dir Exp Billing Currency
  • Reimb Allow Exp Billing Currency
  • Reimb Allow Cons Billing Currency
  • Fee Dir Lab Functional Currency
  • Fee Dir Exp Functional Currency
  • Reimb Allow Exp Functional Currency
  • Reimb Allow Cons Functional Currency
  • Rev Upset Include Comp Dir Exp
  • Rev Upset Include Reimb Cons
  • Award Type
  • Duration
  • Contact Type Gov Con
  • Competition Type
  • Master Contract
  • Solicitation
  • Ajera Sync
  • Serv Pro Code
  • FE Surcharge Pct
  • FE Surcharge
  • FE Addl Expenses Pct
  • FE Addl Expenses
  • FE Other Pct
  • FE Other
  • Project Template
  • Ajera Spent Labor
  • Ajera Spent Reimbursable
  • Ajera Spent Consultant
  • Ajera Cost Labor
  • Ajera Cost Consultant
  • Ajera WIP Labor
  • Ajera WIP Reimbursable
  • Ajera WIP Consultant
  • Ajera Billed Labor
  • Ajera Billed Reimbursable
  • Ajera Billed Consultant
  • Ajera Received Labor
  • Ajera Received Reimbursable
  • Ajera Received Labor
  • Ajera Received Reimbursable
  • Ajera Received Consultant
  • TL Internal Key
  • TL Project ID
  • TL Project Name
  • TL Charge Band Internal Key
  • TL Charge Band External Code
  • TL Sync Mod Date
  • Sibling WBS 1
  • Est Start Date
  • Est End Date
  • Est Construction Cost
  • Revenue
  • Probability
  • Weighted Revenue
  • Close Date
  • Open Date
  • Source
  • Public Notice Date
  • Lab Bill Table
  • Lab Cost Table
  • Alloc Method
  • Timescale
  • Closed Reason
  • Closed Notes
  • IQ ID
  • IQ Last Update
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Proposal Manager
  • Business Developer Lead
  • SF ID
  • SF Last Modified Date
  • Total Contract Value
  • Period of Performance
  • Lost To
  • Pre Award WBS1
  • Utilization Schedule Flag
  • PIM ID
  • Create User
  • Create Date
  • Mod User
  • Mod Date
  • Modified Date From
  • Modified Date To
  • Billing Limit Contacts
  • Primary Limit Contacts
  • Exp Bill Multiplier
  • Con Bill Multiplier
  • Create User Name
  • Mod User Name
  • Org Name
  • Org Status
  • Biller Name
  • Biller Phone
  • Biller Phone Format
  • Biller Email
  • Biller Title
  • Has Billing Terms
  • Rev Upset WBS2 Name
  • Rev Upset WBS2 Sub Level
  • Rev Upset WBS3 Name
  • Level 1 Number
  • Level 1 Name
  • WBS1 Ready for Processing
  • Closed Reason Description
  • Owner Name
  • Owner Address
  • Owner City State Zip
  • Owner Phone
  • Owner Phone Format
  • Billing Client Contact
  • Billing Client Email
  • Billing Client Phone
  • Billing Client Phone Format
  • Billing Client Mobile Phone
  • Billing Client Mobile Phone Format
  • Billing Client Address
  • Billing Client City State Zip
  • Billing Client Country
  • Billing Clients Phone
  • Billing Clients Phone Format
  • Billing Client Name
  • Has Photo
  • Photo Mod Date
  • Contact Name
  • Contact First Name
  • Contact Last Name
  • Contact Work Phone
  • Contact Work Phone Format
  • Contact Cell Phone
  • Contact Cell Phone Format
  • Contact Email
  • Contact Home Phone
  • Contact Home Phone Format
  • Contact Pager
  • Contact Fax
  • Contact Suffix
  • Contact Salutation
  • Contact Title
  • Contact Home Address
  • Contact Mailing Address
  • Contact Business Address
  • Client Primary Address
  • Client Address
  • Client City State Zip
  • Client Phone
  • Sibling WBS1 Name
  • Client Name
  • Lost To Name
  • NAICS Description
  • Stage Step
  • Stage Description
  • Days Open
  • Is Main WBS1
  • Is Billing Group WBS1
  • Plan Start Date
  • Plan End Date
  • Level 2 Number
  • Level 2 Name
  • Level 3 Number
  • Level 3 Name
  • Key
  • Parent ID

Delete Project in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single project in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Search Project Name
  • Project Number (WBS1)
  • Phase Number (WBS2)
  • Task Number (WBS3)

Search Projects in Vantagepoint

This action searches for projects in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Project Number (WBS1)
  • Phase Number (WBS2)
  • Task Number (WBS3)
  • Name

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Charge Type
  • Stage
  • Organization
  • Charge Type
  • Act Est Completion Date
  • Labor Code 1
  • Labor Code 2
  • Labor Code 3
  • Labor Code 4
  • Labor Code 5
  • Total
  • Total Billing
  • Total Func
  • Total Direct Fees
  • Total Direct Fees Billing
  • Total Direct Fees Func
  • Proj Mgr
  • Sub Level
  • Principal
  • Supervisor
  • Client ID
  • CL Address
  • Fee
  • Reimb Allow
  • Consult Fee
  • Bud OH Rate
  • Status
  • Rev Type
  • Mult Amt
  • Unit Table
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Pct Comp
  • Lab Pct Comp
  • Exp Pct Comp
  • Bill by Default
  • Billable Warning
  • Memo
  • Budgeted Flag
  • Budgeted Levels
  • Bill WBS 1
  • Bill WBS 2
  • Bill WBS 3
  • X Charge
  • X Charge Method
  • X Charge Mult
  • Description
  • Closed
  • Read Only
  • Default Effort Driven
  • Default Task Type
  • Version ID
  • Contact ID
  • CL Billing Addr
  • Long Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • County
  • Country
  • Federal Ind
  • Project Type
  • Responsibility
  • Referable
  • Est Completion Date
  • Act Completion Date
  • Contract Date
  • Bid Date
  • Compl Date Comment
  • Firm Cost
  • Firm Cost Comment
  • Total Project Cost
  • Total Cost Comment
  • Client Confidential
  • Client Alias
  • Available for CRM
  • Ready for Approval
  • Ready for Processing
  • Billing Client ID
  • Billing Contact ID
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Cost Rate Meth
  • Cost Rate Table No
  • Pay Rate Meth
  • Pay Rate Table No
  • Locale
  • Line Item Approval
  • Line Item Approval EK
  • Budget Source
  • Budget Level
  • Prof Services Compl Date
  • Const Compl Date
  • Project Currency Code
  • Project Exchange Rate
  • Billing Currency Code
  • Billing Exchange Rate
  • Restrict Charge Companies
  • Fee Billing Currency
  • Reimb Allow Billing Currency
  • Consult Fee Billing Currency
  • Rev Upset Limits
  • Rev Upset WBS 2
  • Rev Upset WBS 3
  • Rev Upset Include Comp
  • Rev Upset Include Cons
  • Rev Upset Include Reimb
  • PORMB Rate
  • POCNS Rate
  • Plan ID
  • TK Check RP Date
  • IC Billing Lab
  • IC Billing Lab Method
  • IC Billing Lab Mult
  • IC Billing Exp
  • IC Billing Exp Method
  • IC Billing Exp Mult
  • Require Comments
  • TK Check RP Planned Hrs
  • Bill by Default Consultants
  • Bill by Default Other Exp
  • Bill by Default OR Table
  • Phone Format
  • Fax Format
  • Rev Type 2
  • Rev Type 3
  • Rev Type 4
  • Rev Type 5
  • Rev Upset Category to Adjust
  • Fee Functional Currency
  • Reimb Allow Functional Currency
  • Consult Fee Functional Currency
  • Revenue Method
  • IC Billing Lab Table No
  • IC Billing Exp Table No
  • Biller
  • Fee Dir Lab
  • Fee Dir Exp
  • Reimb Allow Exp
  • Reimb Allow Cons
  • Fee Dir Lab Billing Currency
  • Fee Dir Exp Billing Currency
  • Reimb Allow Exp Billing Currency
  • Reimb Allow Cons Billing Currency
  • Fee Dir Lab Functional Currency
  • Fee Dir Exp Functional Currency
  • Reimb Allow Exp Functional Currency
  • Reimb Allow Cons Functional Currency
  • Rev Upset Include Comp Dir Exp
  • Rev Upset Include Reimb Cons
  • Award Type
  • Duration
  • Contact Type Gov Con
  • Competition Type
  • Master Contract
  • Solicitation
  • Ajera Sync
  • Serv Pro Code
  • FE Surcharge Pct
  • FE Surcharge
  • FE Addl Expenses Pct
  • FE Addl Expenses
  • FE Other Pct
  • FE Other
  • Project Template
  • Ajera Spent Labor
  • Ajera Spent Reimbursable
  • Ajera Spent Consultant
  • Ajera Cost Labor
  • Ajera Cost Consultant
  • Ajera WIP Labor
  • Ajera WIP Reimbursable
  • Ajera WIP Consultant
  • Ajera Billed Labor
  • Ajera Billed Reimbursable
  • Ajera Billed Consultant
  • Ajera Received Labor
  • Ajera Received Reimbursable
  • Ajera Received Labor
  • Ajera Received Reimbursable
  • Ajera Received Consultant
  • TL Internal Key
  • TL Project ID
  • TL Project Name
  • TL Charge Band Internal Key
  • TL Charge Band External Code
  • TL Sync Mod Date
  • Sibling WBS 1
  • Est Start Date
  • Est End Date
  • Est Construction Cost
  • Revenue
  • Probability
  • Weighted Revenue
  • Close Date
  • Open Date
  • Source
  • Public Notice Date
  • Lab Bill Table
  • Lab Cost Table
  • Alloc Method
  • Timescale
  • Closed Reason
  • Closed Notes
  • IQ ID
  • IQ Last Update
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Proposal Manager
  • Business Developer Lead
  • SF ID
  • SF Last Modified Date
  • Total Contract Value
  • Period of Performance
  • Lost To
  • Pre Award WBS1
  • Utilization Schedule Flag
  • PIM ID
  • Create User
  • Create Date
  • Mod User
  • Mod Date
  • Modified Date From
  • Modified Date To
  • Billing Limit Contacts
  • Primary Limit Contacts
  • Exp Bill Multiplier
  • Con Bill Multiplier
  • Create User Name
  • Mod User Name
  • Org Name
  • Org Status
  • Biller Name
  • Biller Phone
  • Biller Phone Format
  • Biller Email
  • Biller Title
  • Has Billing Terms
  • Rev Upset WBS2 Name
  • Rev Upset WBS2 Sub Level
  • Rev Upset WBS3 Name
  • Level 1 Number
  • Level 1 Name
  • WBS1 Ready for Processing
  • Closed Reason Description
  • Owner Name
  • Owner Address
  • Owner City State Zip
  • Owner Phone
  • Owner Phone Format
  • Billing Client Contact
  • Billing Client Email
  • Billing Client Phone
  • Billing Client Phone Format
  • Billing Client Mobile Phone
  • Billing Client Mobile Phone Format
  • Billing Client Address
  • Billing Client City State Zip
  • Billing Client Country
  • Billing Clients Phone
  • Billing Clients Phone Format
  • Billing Client Name
  • Has Photo
  • Photo Mod Date
  • Contact Name
  • Contact First Name
  • Contact Last Name
  • Contact Work Phone
  • Contact Work Phone Format
  • Contact Cell Phone
  • Contact Cell Phone Format
  • Contact Email
  • Contact Home Phone
  • Contact Home Phone Format
  • Contact Pager
  • Contact Fax
  • Contact Suffix
  • Contact Salutation
  • Contact Title
  • Contact Home Address
  • Contact Mailing Address
  • Contact Business Address
  • Client Primary Address
  • Client Address
  • Client City State Zip
  • Client Phone
  • Sibling WBS1 Name
  • Client Name
  • Lost to Name
  • NAICS Description
  • Stage Step
  • Stage Description
  • Days Open
  • Is Main WBS1
  • Is Billing Group WBS1
  • Plan Start Date
  • Plan End Date
  • Level 2 Number
  • Level 2 Name
  • Level 3 Number
  • Level 3 Name
  • Key
  • Parent ID

Create Account in Vantagepoint

This action creates an account in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Account
  • Status
  • Name
  • Type

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Cash Basis Account
  • Detail
  • Fas Account
  • Account Currency Code
  • Global Account
  • Unrealized Loss Account
  • Unrealized Gain Account
  • Cash Basis Revaluation
  • QBO Account ID

Get Single Account in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single account in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Account Code

List Accounts in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all accounts in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Update Account in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single account in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Account
  • Status
  • Name
  • Type

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Cash Basis Account
  • Detail
  • Fas Account
  • Account Currency Code
  • Global Account
  • Unrealized Loss Account
  • Unrealized Gain Account
  • Cash Basis Revaluation
  • QBO Account ID

Delete Account in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single account in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Account Code

Create Currency Code in Vantagepoint

This action creates a currency code in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Decimal Places
  • Currency Symbol
  • Description
  • Major Unit Label Plural
  • Major Unit Label Singular
  • Minor Unit Label Plural
  • Minor Unit Label Singular

List Currency Codes in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all currency codes in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Update Currency Code in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single currency code in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Code

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Decimal Places
  • Currency Symbol
  • Description
  • Major Unit Label Plural
  • Major Unit Label Singular
  • Minor Unit Label Plural
  • Minor Unit Label Singular

Delete Currency Code in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single currency code in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Currency Code

Add Option for the Organization List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Organization list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description
  • Org Level

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Organization List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Organization list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Add Option for the Employee Status List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Employee Status list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Employee Status List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Employee Status list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Add Option for the Employee Job Title List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Employee Job Title list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description

You may also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Employee Job Title List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Employee Job Title list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Add Option for the Location List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Location list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Location List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Location list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Add Option for the Country List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Country list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Country List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Country list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Add Option for the Employee Skill List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Employee Skill list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Employee Skill List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Employee Skill list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Add Option for the Employee Skill Level List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Employee Skill Level list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Employee Skill Level List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Employee Skill Level list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Add Option for the Employee Skill Usage List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Employee Skill Usage list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Employee Skill Usage List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Employee Skill Usage list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Add Option for the Client Status List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Client Status list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Client Status List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Client Status list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Add Option for the Client Type List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Client Type list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Client Type List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Client Type list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Add Option for the Vendor Type List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action adds an option for the Vendor Type list settings in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Status

List Options for the Vendor Type List Settings in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all options for the Vendor Type list settings in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Create Tax Code in Vantagepoint

This action creates a tax code in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description
  • Status

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Apply to PO
  • Company
  • Rate
  • Low Rate
  • High Rate
  • Credit Account
  • Debit Account
  • IC Billing AR Acct
  • IC Billing Apply to Lab
  • IC Billing Apply to Exp
  • IC Billing Apply to Balance Sheet
  • Apply to Lab
  • Apply to Con
  • Apply to Exp
  • Apply to Fee
  • Apply to Unit
  • Apply to Add On
  • Non Recover Credit Account
  • Non Recover Debit Account
  • Non Recover Credit WBS1
  • Non Recover Credit WBS2
  • Non Recover Credit WBS3
  • Non Recover Debit WBS1
  • Non Recover Debit WBS2
  • Non Recover Debit WBS3
  • Non Recover Percent
  • Tax Region
  • Tax Currency Code
  • Apply to Transaction Entry
  • Apply to EK
  • Reverse Charge
  • Compound on Tax Code
  • QBO ID
  • QBO Last Updated

List Tax Codes in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves all tax codes in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action does not have any required or optional fields to configure.

Update Tax Code in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single tax code in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Code
  • Description
  • Status

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Apply to PO
  • Company
  • Rate
  • Low Rate
  • High Rate
  • Credit Account
  • Debit Account
  • IC Billing AR Acct
  • IC Billing Apply to Lab
  • IC Billing Apply to Exp
  • IC Billing Apply to Balance Sheet
  • Apply to Lab
  • Apply to Con
  • Apply to Exp
  • Apply to Fee
  • Apply to Unit
  • Apply to Add On
  • Non Recover Credit Account
  • Non Recover Debit Account
  • Non Recover Credit WBS1
  • Non Recover Credit WBS2
  • Non Recover Credit WBS3
  • Non Recover Debit WBS1
  • Non Recover Debit WBS2
  • Non Recover Debit WBS3
  • Non Recover Percent
  • Tax Region
  • Tax Currency Code
  • Apply to Transaction Entry
  • Apply to EK
  • Reverse Charge
  • Compound on Tax Code
  • QBO ID
  • QBO Last Updated

Delete Tax Code in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single tax code in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Tax Code

Create AP Voucher in Vantagepoint

This action creates an AP voucher in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Description
  • Creator
  • End Date
  • Approval Status
  • Approval Status Desc
  • Trans Type
  • Batch
  • Company
  • Period
  • Raw Period
  • Post Status
  • Post Status Desc
  • Post Comment
  • Post Date
  • Post User
  • Post Seq
  • Trans List Report Path
  • Post Log Report Path
  • Post Log Report Name
  • Auto Post
  • Address

Get Single AP Voucher in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single AP voucher in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • AP Voucher Batch

Delete AP Voucher in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single AP voucher in Vantagepoint.

Note: This action should only be used on un-posted AP voucher transactions. Deleting an AP voucher transaction that had already been posted will not un-post the said transaction.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • AP Voucher Batch

Search AP Vouchers in Vantagepoint

This action searches for AP vouchers in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Note: This action does not have any required fields to configure.

You can provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Description
  • Creator
  • End Date
  • Approval Status
  • Approval Status Desc
  • Trans Type
  • Batch
  • Company
  • Period
  • Raw Period
  • Post Status
  • Post Status Desc
  • Post Comment
  • Post Date
  • Post User
  • Post Seq
  • Trans List Report Path
  • Post Log Report Path
  • Post Log Report Name
  • Auto Post

Create Cash Receipt in Vantagepoint

This action creates a cash receipt in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Description
  • Recurring
  • End Date
  • Total
  • Default Bank
  • Selected
  • Posted
  • Creator
  • Period
  • Post Period
  • Company
  • CR Master > Batch
  • CR Master > Ref No
  • CR Master > Trans Date
  • CR Master > Trans Comment
  • CR Master > Posted
  • CR Master > Bank Code
  • CR Master > Seq
  • CR Master > Currency Code
  • CR Master > Currency Exchange Override Method
  • CR Master > Currency Exchange Override Date
  • CR Master > Currency Exchange Override Rate
  • CR Master > Status
  • CR Master > Authorized By
  • CR Master > Reject Reason
  • CR Master > Mod User
  • CR Master > Mod Date
  • CR Master > Diary
  • CR Master > Diary No
  • CR Detail > Batch
  • CR Detail > Ref No
  • CR Detail > PKey
  • CR Detail > Seq
  • CR Detail > Description
  • CR Detail > WBS1
  • CR Detail > WBS2
  • CR Detail > WBS3
  • CR Detail > Org
  • CR Detail > Account
  • CR Detail > Amount
  • CR Detail > Interest
  • CR Detail > Tax Code
  • CR Detail > Tax Basis
  • CR Detail > Retainer
  • CR Detail > Currency Exchange Override Rate
  • CR Detail > Source Currency Code
  • CR Detail > Source Balance
  • CR Detail > Source Amount
  • CR Detail > Source Exchange Info
  • CR Detail > Link Company
  • CR Detail > Pre Invoice
  • CR Detail > Invoice

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Batch
  • Ref No
  • CR Master > CR Master Source List
  • CR Detail > CR Detail Source List

Get Single Cash Receipt in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single cash receipt in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Cash Receipt Batch

Delete Cash Receipt in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single cash receipt in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Cash Receipt Batch

Search Cash Receipts in Vantagepoint

This action searches for cash receipts in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Note: This action does not have any required fields to configure.

You can provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Creator
  • Recurring
  • Description
  • End Date
  • Approval Status
  • Approval Status Desc
  • Trans Type
  • Company
  • Period
  • Raw Period
  • Post Status
  • Post Status Desc
  • Post Comment
  • Post Date
  • Post User
  • Post Seq
  • Trans List Report Path
  • Post Log Report Path
  • Post Log Report Name
  • Auto Post
  • Recur Schedule
  • Reverse
  • Reversed
  • Display Creator

Create Employee Expense in Vantagepoint

This action creates an employee expense in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Transaction Batch Code
  • Description
  • Recurring? (Y/N)
  • End Date
  • Default Currency Code
  • Total
  • Selected? (Y/N)
  • Posted? (Y/N)
  • Period
  • Company
  • EX Master > Batch Number of Expense File
  • EX Master > Employee Number
  • EX Master > Report Date
  • EX Master > Report Name
  • EX Master > Advance Amount
  • EX Master > Master Primary Key
  • EX Master > Posted? (Y/N)
  • EX Master > Default Currency Code
  • EX Master > Payment Currency Code
  • EX Detail > Batch Number of Invoice File
  • EX Detail > Master Primary Key
  • EX Detail > Primary Key
  • EX Detail > Transaction Date
  • EX Detail > Description
  • EX Detail > Project Number (WBS1)
  • EX Detail > Account Code
  • EX Detail > Account Currency Code
  • EX Detail > Currency Code
  • EX Detail > Amount
  • EX Detail > Net Amount
  • EX Detail > Payment Amount
  • EX Detail > Payment Exchange Rate
  • EX Detail > Suppress Bill

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • EX Master > EX Master Source List
  • EX Master > Currency Exchange Override Method
  • EX Master > Currency Exchange Override Rate
  • EX Master > Payment Exchange Override Method
  • EX Master > Payment Exchange Override Rate
  • EX Master > Status
  • EX Detail > EX Detail Source List
  • EX Detail > Currency Exchange Override Rate
  • Sum Total
  • Difference Total
  • Advance Amount
  • EX Master > Currency Exchange Override Date
  • EX Master > Payment Exchange Override Date
  • EX Detail > Phase Number (WBS2)
  • EX Detail > Task Number (WBS3)
  • EX Detail > Total Tax
  • EX Detail > Tax Code

Get Single Employee Expense in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single employee expense in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Employee Expense Batch

Delete Employee Expense in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single employee expense in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Employee Expense Batch

Search Employee Expenses in Vantagepoint

This action searches for employee expenses in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Note: This action does not have any required fields to configure.

You can provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Creator
  • Recurring
  • Description
  • End Date
  • Approval Status
  • Approval Status Desc
  • Trans Type
  • Company
  • Period
  • Raw Period
  • Post Status
  • Post Status Desc
  • Post Comment
  • Post Date
  • Post User
  • Post Seq
  • Trans List Report Path
  • Post Log Report Path
  • Post Log Report Name
  • Auto Post
  • Recur Schedule
  • Reverse
  • Reversed
  • Display Creator

Create Expense Payment in Vantagepoint

This action creates an expense payment in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Period
  • Post Seq
  • Post Date
  • Transaction Type
  • Payment Date
  • Check Date
  • Company
  • EXCHECKS > Period
  • EXCHECKS > Seq
  • EXCHECKS > Employee Number
  • EXCHECKS > Voucher Number
  • EXCHECKS > Bank Code
  • EXCHECKS > Check Date
  • EXCHECKS > Organization
  • EXCHECKS > Amount
  • EXCHECKS > Check Amount

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • EXCHECKS > Detail Type
  • Post Comment
  • EXCHECKS > Check Number
  • EXCHECKS > Report Name
  • EXCHECKS > Report Date
  • EXCHECKS > Applied Advance
  • EXCHECKS > Email Remittance
  • EXCHECKS > Email
  • EXCHECKS > Export Text
  • EXCHECKS > Check No Ref
  • EXCHECKS > SEPA Indicator
  • EXCHECKS > Diary

Search Expense Payments in Vantagepoint

This action searches for expense payments in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Note: This action does not have any required fields to configure.

You can provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Post Seq
  • Post Date
  • Transaction Type
  • EXCHECKS > Organization
  • EXCHECKS > Detail Type
  • Period
  • User Name
  • Completed
  • Post Comment
  • Payment Date
  • Check Date
  • Company
  • EXCHECKS > Period
  • EXCHECKS > Post Seq
  • EXCHECKS > Employee Number
  • EXCHECKS > Seq
  • EXCHECKS > Voucher Number
  • EXCHECKS > Printed
  • EXCHECKS > Assigned
  • EXCHECKS > Bank Code
  • EXCHECKS > Sequence
  • EXCHECKS > Check Number
  • EXCHECKS > Check Date
  • EXCHECKS > Report Name
  • EXCHECKS > Report Date
  • EXCHECKS > Applied Advance
  • EXCHECKS > Amount
  • EXCHECKS > Check Amount
  • EXCHECKS > Email Remittance
  • EXCHECKS > Email
  • EXCHECKS > Export Text
  • EXCHECKS > Check No Ref
  • EXCHECKS > SEPA Indicator
  • EXCHECKS > Diary

Create Journal Entry in Vantagepoint

This action creates a journal entry in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Transaction Batch Code
  • Description
  • Recurring? (Y/N)
  • End Date
  • Default Currency Code
  • Total
  • Credits Total
  • Allow Tax Entries? (Y/N)
  • Selected? (Y/N)
  • Period
  • Company
  • JE Master > Batch Number of Journal File
  • JE Master > Reference Number
  • JE Master > Transaction Date
  • JE Master > Description
  • JE Master > Type
  • JE Master > Update Billed? (Y/N)
  • JE Master > Posted? (Y/N)
  • JE Master > Currency Code
  • JE Detail > Batch Number of Invoice File
  • JE Detail > Reference Number
  • JE Detail > Primary Key
  • JE Detail > Description
  • JE Detail > Project Number (WBS1)
  • JE Detail > Account Code
  • JE Detail > Account Currency Code
  • JE Detail > Debit Amount
  • JE Detail > Net Amount
  • JE Detail > Total Tax Debit
  • JE Detail > Net Amount
  • JE Detail > Suppress Bill

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • JE Master > JE Master Source List
  • JE Master > Currency Exchange Override Method
  • JE Master > Currency Exchange Override Rate
  • JE Master > Status
  • JE Detail > JE Detail Source List
  • JE Detail > Currency Exchange Override Rate
  • Sum Debits Total
  • Sum Credits Total
  • Difference Debits Total
  • Difference Credits Total
  • JE Master > Currency Exchange Override Date
  • JE Detail > Phase Number (WBS2)
  • JE Detail > Task Number (WBS3)
  • JE Detail > Tax Code

Get Single Journal Entry in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single journal entry in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Journal Entry Batch

Delete Journal Entry in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single journal entry in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Journal Entry Batch

Search Journal Entries in Vantagepoint

This action searches for journal entries in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Note: This action does not have any required fields to configure.

You can provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Creator
  • Recurring
  • Description
  • End Date
  • Approval Status
  • Approval Status Desc
  • Trans Type
  • Company
  • Period
  • Raw Period
  • Post Status
  • Post Status Desc
  • Post Comment
  • Post Date
  • Post User
  • Post Seq
  • Trans List Report Path
  • Post Log Report Path
  • Post Log Report Name
  • Auto Post
  • Recur Schedule
  • Reverse
  • Reversed
  • Display Creator

Complete Posting of Transactions using Batch Number

This action completes the posting of transactions by batch number.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Transactions > Batch Number
  • Transactions > Description
  • Transactions > Period
  • Transactions > Transaction Type

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Transactions > Transactions Source List

Create Invoice in Vantagepoint

This action creates an invoice in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Transaction Batch Code
  • Description
  • Recurring? (Y/N)
  • End Date
  • Total
  • Selected? (Y/N)
  • Posted? (Y/N)
  • Period
  • Company
  • IN Master > Batch Number of Invoice File
  • IN Master > Invoice Number
  • IN Master > Project Number (WBS1)
  • IN Master > Charge Type Code
  • IN Master > Organization Number
  • IN Master > Transaction Date
  • IN Master > Client
  • IN Master > Due Date
  • IN Master > Transaction Comment
  • IN Master > Currency Code
  • IN Master > Status
  • IN Detail > Batch Number of Invoice File
  • IN Detail > InvoiceNumber
  • IN Detail > Project Number (WBS1)
  • IN Detail > Primary Key
  • IN Detail > Invoice Section
  • IN Detail > Account Code
  • IN Detail > Amount

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • IN Master > IN Master Source List
  • IN Master > Search Project Name
  • IN Master > Phase Number (WBS2)
  • IN Master > Task Number (WBS3)
  • IN Master > Search Client Name
  • IN Detail > IN Detail Source List
  • Default Tax Code
  • Sum Total
  • Difference Total
  • Retention Total
  • IN Detail > Phase Number (WBS2)
  • IN Detail > Task Number (WBS3)
  • IN Detail > Tax Code
  • IN Detail > Tax Basis

Get Single Invoice in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single invoice in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Invoice Batch

Delete Invoice in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single invoice in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Invoice Batch

Search Invoices in Vantagepoint

This action searches for invoices in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Note: This action does not have any required fields to configure.

You can provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Creator
  • Recurring
  • Description
  • End Date
  • Approval Status
  • Approval Status Desc
  • Trans Type
  • Batch
  • Company
  • Period
  • Raw Period
  • Post Status
  • Post Status Desc
  • Post Comment
  • Post Date
  • Post User
  • Post Seq
  • Total
  • Invoice
  • Trans Date
  • Auto Post
  • Recur Schedule
  • Reverse
  • Reversed

Create Timesheet in Vantagepoint

This action creates a timesheet in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Transaction Batch Code
  • Description
  • Recurring? (Y/N)
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Regular Hours Total
  • Sum Regular Hours Total
  • Selected? (Y/N)
  • Posted? (Y/N)
  • Period
  • Company
  • TS Master > Batch Number of Timesheet File
  • TS Master >Employee Number
  • TS Master > Billing Category
  • TS Master > Status
  • TS Master > Posted? (Y/N)
  • TS Detail > Batch Number of Invoice File
  • TS Detail > Employee Number
  • TS Detail > Primary Key
  • TS Detail > Transaction Date
  • TS Detail > Project Number (WBS1)
  • TS Detail > Billing Category
  • TS Detail > Regular Hours

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • TS Master > TS Master Source List
  • TS Detail >TS Detail Source List
  • Difference Regular Hours Total
  • Overtime Hours Total
  • Sum Overtime Hours Total
  • Difference Overtime Hours Total
  • Special Overtime Hours Total
  • Sum Special Overtime Hours Total
  • Difference Special Overtime Hours Total
  • TS Detail > Phase Number (WBS2)
  • TS Detail > Task Number (WBS3)
  • TS Detail > Overtime Hours
  • TS Detail > Special Overtime Hours

Get Single Timesheet in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single timesheet in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Timesheet Batch

Delete Timesheet in Vantagepoint

This action deletes a single timesheet in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Timesheet Batch

Search Timesheets in Vantagepoint

This action searches for timesheets in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Note: This action does not have any required fields to configure.

You can provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Creator
  • Recurring
  • Description
  • End Date
  • Approval Status
  • Approval Status Desc
  • Trans Type
  • Batch
  • Company
  • Period
  • Raw Period
  • Post Status
  • Post Status Desc
  • Post Comment
  • Post Date
  • Post User
  • Post Seq
  • Trans List Report Path
  • Post Log Report Path
  • Post Log Report Name
  • Auto Post
  • Recur Schedule
  • Reverse
  • Reversed

Create Vendor Payment in Vantagepoint

This action creates a vendor payment in Vantagepoint.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Period
  • Post Seq
  • Transaction Type
  • Payment Date
  • Check Date
  • Company
  • APPPCHECKS > Period
  • APPPCHECKS > Vendor Number
  • APPPCHECKS > Voucher Number
  • APPPCHECKS > Invoice Number
  • APPPCHECKS > Invoice Date
  • APPPCHECKS > Check Date
  • APPPCHECKS > Liability Code
  • APPPCHECKS > Project Number (WBS1)
  • APPPCHECKS > Account Code
  • APPPCHECKS > Organization
  • APPPCHECKS > Amount
  • APPPCHECKS > Payment Amount
  • APPPCHECKS > Payment Terms
  • APPPCHECKS > Bank Code

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • APPPCHECKS > Previous Payment Amount
  • Post Comment
  • APPPCHECKS > Disc Code
  • APPPCHECKS > Address
  • APPPCHECKS > Phase Number (WBS2)
  • APPPCHECKS > Task Number (WBS3)
  • APPPCHECKS > Discount
  • APPPCHECKS > Check Number
  • APPPCHECKS > Check Date
  • APPPCHECKS > CB Debit Amount
  • APPPCHECKS > Email
  • APPPCHECKS > Email Remittance
  • APPPCHECKS > Export Text
  • APPPCHECKS > Check No Ref
  • APPPCHECKS > SEPA Indicator
  • APPPCHECKS > Diary

Search PSA Ledger Entries in Vantagepoint

This action searches for PSA Ledger entries in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Transaction Type

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Post Seq
  • Period
  • PKey
  • WBS1
  • WBS2
  • WBS3
  • Account
  • Org
  • Sub Type
  • Ref No
  • Trans Date
  • Desc 1
  • Desc 2
  • Amount
  • CB Amount
  • Bill Ext
  • Project Cost
  • Auto Entry
  • Suppress Bill
  • Bill Status
  • Skip GL
  • Bank Code
  • Invoice
  • Invoice Section
  • Employee
  • Vendor
  • Line
  • Partial Payment
  • Discount
  • Voucher
  • Billed WBS1
  • Billed WBS2
  • Billed WBS3
  • Billed Invoice
  • Billed Period
  • Unit
  • Unit Table
  • Unit Quantity
  • Unit Cost Rate
  • Unit Billing Rate
  • Unit Bill Ext
  • Xfer WBS1
  • Xfer WBS2
  • Xfer WBS3
  • Xfer Account
  • Tax Code
  • Tax Basis
  • Tax CB Basis
  • Bill Tax Code Override
  • Written Off Period
  • Transaction Amount
  • Transaction Currency Code
  • Exchange Info
  • Amount Project Currency
  • Project Exchange Info
  • Amount Billing Currency
  • Billing Exchange Info
  • Auto Entry Amount
  • Auto Entry Exchange Info
  • Auto Entry Org
  • Auto Entry Account
  • Amount Source Currency
  • Source Exchange Info
  • PO Number
  • Unit Cost Rate Billing Currency
  • Link Company
  • Link WBS1
  • Link WBS2
  • Link WBS3
  • Bill Tax 2 Code Override
  • Gains and Losses Type
  • Amount Tax Currency
  • CB Amount Tax Currency
  • Tax Basis Tax Currency
  • Tax CB Basis Tax Currency
  • Discount Functional Currency
  • Mod User
  • Authorized By
  • Realization Amount Employee Currency
  • Realization Amount Project Currency
  • Realization Amount Billing Currency
  • Non Bill
  • Credit Memo Ref No
  • Original Amount Source Currency
  • Original Payment Currency Code
  • In Process Account
  • In Process Account Cleared
  • Invoice Status
  • EK Original Line
  • Originating Vendor
  • Diary
  • Diary No
  • Credit Card Primary Code
  • Credit Card Code
  • Credit Card PKey
  • Transferred Period
  • Transferred Bill Status
  • Pre Invoice
  • Equipment ID
  • Book Code
  • Em Org
  • Last PSA Export Date

Get Activities in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single activity in Vantagepoint.

Search Activities in Vantagepoint

This action searches for activities in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Add Activities in Vantagepoint

This action creates an activity in Vantagepoint.

Update Activities in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single activity in Vantagepoint.

Get Contacts in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single contact in Vantagepoint.

Search Contacts in Vantagepoint

This action searches for contacts in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Add Contacts in Vantagepoint

This action creates a contact in Vantagepoint.

Update Contacts in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single contact in Vantagepoint.

Get Employee Credentials in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single employee credential in Vantagepoint.

Search Employee Credentials in Vantagepoint

This action searches for employee credentials in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Add Employee Credentials in Vantagepoint

This action creates an employee credential in Vantagepoint.

Update Employee Credentials in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single employee credential in Vantagepoint.

Get Employee Education in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single employee education in Vantagepoint.

Search Employee Education in Vantagepoint

This action searches for employee education in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Add Employee Education in Vantagepoint

This action creates an employee education in Vantagepoint.

Update Employee Education in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single employee education in Vantagepoint.

Get Marketing Campaigns in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single Marketing Campaigns in Vantagepoint.

Search Marketing Campaigns in Vantagepoint

This action searches for Marketing Campaigns in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Add Marketing Campaigns in Vantagepoint

This action creates an Marketing Campaigns in Vantagepoint.

Update Marketing Campaigns in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single Marketing Campaigns in Vantagepoint.

Get Users in Vantagepoint

This action retrieves a single user in Vantagepoint.

Search Users in Vantagepoint

This action searches for users in Vantagepoint based on a given set of fields as filters.

Add Users in Vantagepoint

This action creates an users in Vantagepoint.

Update Users in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for a single user in Vantagepoint.

Batch Create Employees in Vantagepoint

This action creates multiple employees in Vantagepoint.

Batch Update Employees in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for multiple employees in Vantagepoint.

Batch Create Firms in Vantagepoint

This action creates multiple firms in Vantagepoint.

Batch Update Firms in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for multiple firms in Vantagepoint.

Batch Create Projects in Vantagepoint

This action creates multiple projects in Vantagepoint.

Batch Update Projects in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for multiple projects in Vantagepoint.

Batch Create Contacts in Vantagepoint

This action creates multiple contacts in Vantagepoint.

Batch Update Contacts in Vantagepoint

This action updates data for multiple contacts in Vantagepoint.

Custom Actions

This connector also provides custom actions. These custom actions allow you to create and implement actions you need that were not available in the connector.

Note: It is recommended to use the available actions as much as possible.

For more information about actions and custom actions, refer to the Vantagepoint API Reference.

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