Talent Management

Deltek Talent Management (Talent) helps you improve the quality of new hires, increase employee engagement, and maintain compliance, all while giving you comprehensive visibility into the state of your workforce.

Connector Overview

The Deltek Talent Management connector empowers you to build automation around Talent to help you support firm-wide growth and make strategic personnel decisions, by enabling connections with other Deltek product or third-party applications.

API Version

The Deltek Talent Management connector uses Talent Management API. It requires Talent Management app version 17.0.0 or later.


An app connection or connection authorizes the Deltek Talent Management connector to interact with the Talent Management application.

Connection Name

By default, this connector uses the connection name My Deltek Talent Management account. You can opt to replace this default connection name to use your preferred connection name.


This connector requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description

Talent API Authentication Token

The authentication token provided by Talent.

Note: To get an authentication token, contact Customer Care.

For example: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx111111>


The Talent Management API Gateway URL.

For example: https://soatest.example.com/

SOA Version

The version of the service-oriented architecture for Talent, which is the same thing as its API version.

Note: This information is set to 2 and cannot be changed.

For example: 2


The language used by Talent.

For example: en

The default value is en (English).


Authentication requires the Deltek Talent Management connector to prove that it has the correct identity before its connection authorizes or allows you to do certain actions.

This connector supports the following authentication method(s):

Authentication Method Description

API Key or Secret

This method allows a connector to authenticate through a single API key or secret. In Talent, this is the Authentication Token (Auth Token).


Triggers check for certain events to occur and can group these events for further processing.

This connector provides the following triggers:

Trigger Description

New Hire (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for new hires.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • When first started, pick up events from

You can also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes .

New Hire Onboarding (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for new hire onboarding.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • When first started, pick up events from

You can also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes.

User Termination (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for user terminations.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • When first started, pick up events from

You can also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes.

User Update (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for user updates.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • When first started, pick up events from

You can also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Trigger poll interval

    By default, the Trigger poll interval field is set to 5 minutes.


When a trigger event occurs, you can specify at least one action (or step) to execute through the Deltek Talent Management connector.

This connector provides the following actions:

Action Description

Post Recipe Error to Talent

This action sends a single recipe error to Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Transaction ID from Event
  • Error Message

Get Single Candidate in Talent

This action retrieves a single candidate in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Candidate Jobseeker ID in Talent

Get API Status in Talent

This action retrieves a health check in Talent’s API.

List Countries in Talent (Locations in Deltek Talent)

This action retrieves the list of countries in Talent.

List States in Talent (Locations in Deltek Talent)

This action retrieves the list of states in Talent.

For the list of states, you need the list of countries first to obtain a value for the Country ID field.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Country ID

Get Single New Hire in Talent

This action retrieves a single new hire in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):
  • HR Smart User ID

List New Hires in Talent

This action retrieves the list of new hires in Talent.

List by Date New Hires in Talent

This action retrieves the list of new hires in Talent based on a given date range.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Start Date
  • End Date

Update New Hire in Talent

This action updates new hire data in Talent to mark them as exported.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • HR Smart User ID
  • Exported Date

Add Offboarding in Talent

This action adds an offboarding in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Talent User ID
  • Terminated Date
  • Termination Reason
  • Rehire Eligibility Option

You may also provide a value for the optional field:

  • Original Email

Finalize Offboarding in Talent

This action finalizes and displays the list of offboarded users in Talent.

Get Single Onboarding in Talent

This action retrieves a single onboarding in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Candidate ID

List Onboarding in Talent

This action retrieves the list of onboarding in Talent.

Create Org in Talent

This action creates organization data in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Org Level Name
  • Org Level Parent ID

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Org Level Category ID
  • Org Level Active
  • Org Level Code

Get Org in Talent

This action retrieves organization data in Talent.

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Org Level ID
  • Org Level Name
  • Org Level Parent ID
  • Org Level Category ID
  • Org Level Active
  • Org Level Code

Update Org in Talent

This action updates organization data in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Org Level ID

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Org Level Name
  • Org Level Parent ID
  • Org Level Category ID
  • Org Level Active
  • Org Level Code

Create Skill in Talent

This action creates skill data in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Skill Category ID
  • Skill Name
  • Skill Suggested By

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Skill Approved
  • Skill Approver
  • Skill Active
  • Skill Code

Create User Skill in Talent

This action creates user skill data in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • User ID
  • Skill ID
  • Skill Level ID
  • Skill Usage ID
  • Skill Last Used ID

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • User Skill Endorsed
  • User Skill Valid From

Get User Skill in Talent

This action retrieves user skill data in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Talent User ID

Search User Skill in Talent

This action searches skill data in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Talent User ID

Get Skill in Talent

This action retrieves skill data in Talent.

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Skill ID
  • Skill Last Modified
  • Skill Date Created
  • Skill Category ID
  • Skill Approved
  • Skill Name
  • Skill Approver
  • Skill Suggested By
  • Skill Active
  • Skill System Flag
  • Skill Code

Update Skill in Talent

This action updates skill data in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Skill ID

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Skill Name
  • Skill Approved
  • Skill Approver
  • Skill Suggested By
  • Skill Active
  • Skill Code

Update User Skill in Talent

This action updates skill data in Talent for a user.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • User Skill ID
  • Skill ID
  • Skill Level ID
  • Skill Usage ID
  • Skill Last Used ID

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • User Skill Endorsed
  • User Skill Valid From

Delete User Skill in Talent

This action deletes skill data in Talent for a user.

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Talent User ID
  • User Employee ID
  • User Skill ID
  • Skill Code
  • Skill Name

Get Single User in Talent

This action retrieves a single user in Talent..

Provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • Talent User ID

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • User Email Address

Update User in Talent

This action update users data in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Talent User ID

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • User Email Address
  • User First Name
  • User Middle Name
  • User Last Name
  • User City
  • User State ID
  • Group
  • User Address One
  • User Address Two
  • User Address Three
  • User Zip Code
  • User Date of Birth
  • User Password
  • User Login
  • User Country
  • User Location ID
  • Job Family ID
  • User Hire Date
  • Manager ID
  • User Employee ID
  • User is External
  • Org Level ID
  • User Rehire Date

Create User in Talent

This action creates user data in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • User Email Address
  • User First Name
  • User Last Name

Select from which group the user is included:

  • Employee
  • External Job Seekers
  • Manager
  • Recruiter
  • Executive

You may also provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • User Middle Name
  • User City
  • User State ID
  • User Address One
  • User Address Two
  • User Address Three
  • User Zip Code
  • User Date of Birth
  • User Password
  • User Login
  • User Country
  • User Location ID
  • Job Family ID
  • User Hire Date
  • Manager ID
  • User Employee ID
  • User Is External
  • Org Level ID
  • User SSN - for employees in USA, format 123-45-6789
  • User National Identifier - for employees in Brazil, Great Britain and United Kingdom, Canada, France, India, Italy, Mauritius, and South Africa

Get Employee Work Details from Talent

This action retrieves work details for a single user in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Talent User ID

Provide a value for the following optional field(s):

  • User Login
  • Talent User Employee ID
  • User Email Address
  • Org Level ID
  • Location ID

Get Employee Personal Details from Talent

This action retrieves personal details for a single user in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Talent User ID
  • User Login
  • Talent User Employee ID
  • User Email Address

Get Employee Education Levels from Talent

This action retrieves education level details for a single user in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Talent User ID

Search Employee Certification from Talent

This action retrieves certification details for a single user in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Talent User ID

Search Employee Requisition Levels from Talent

This action retrieves requisition details for a single user in Talent.

Provide a value for the following required field(s):

  • Requisition Level ID

Custom Actions

This connector also provides custom actions. These custom actions allow you to create and implement actions you need that were not available in the connector.

Note: It is recommended to use the available actions as much as possible.

For more information about actions and custom actions, refer to the Deltek Talent SOA/API Documentation.

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