
Deltek Ajera puts your projects and people at the center of your business so that you have the visibility to deliver successful projects.

With Ajera, you get the actionable insight you need to proactively manage your projects and improve client satisfaction with a project-based solution designed for your firm. Ajera helps you increase project profitability, improve utilization rates, and streamline back-office accounting processes.

Connector Overview

The Deltek Ajera connector empowers you to build automation around Ajera to help you support and integrate project management with accounting functions from within one system, by enabling connections with other Deltek products or third-party applications.

API Version

The Deltek Ajera connector uses Ajera API (version 1). It requires Ajera app (on-premise and cloud) version 9.80.03 or later.


An app connection or connection authorizes the Deltek Ajera connector to interact with the Ajera application.

Connection Name

Provide a name for the connection.

Note: The option to change the name from the default My Deltek Ajera account is only available if you are using the upgraded platform and create new connections outside of a productized integration.

This connector requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description


The API URL for Ajera.

This value can be found by navigating to Ajera Menu Utility > Setup Integrations > API Settings. Use the Copy API URL button to paste the value into this field.

API Version

The version of the API for Ajera.

For example: 1

API User

The user name.

This is set in Ajera Menu Utility > Setup Integrations > API User.

For example: api.user

API User Password

The password.

This is set and managed in Ajera Menu Utility > Setup Integrations > API User.


Authentication requires the Deltek Ajera connector to prove that it has the correct identity before its connection authorizes or allows you to do certain actions.

This connector supports the following authentication method.

Authentication Method Description

API Key or Secret

This method allows a connector to authenticate through a single API key or secret.


Triggers check for certain events to occur and can group these events for further processing.

Note: Deltek recommends that you always use real time-triggers over polling triggers to have quicker responses and lesser load on your application instances.

This connector provides the following triggers.

Trigger Description

Employees (Polling)

This trigger checks for records at a specified time interval (for example, 5 minutes).

Contacts (Polling)

This trigger checks for records at a specified time interval (for example, 5 minutes).

Project (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for Project Changes.

Expense Report (Polling)

This trigger polls at regular intervals for Expense Report Changes.


When a trigger event occurs, you can specify at least one action (or step) to execute through the Deltek Ajera connector.

This connector provides the following actions.

Action Description

List Companies in Ajera

This action lists company names from Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Company Status

List Contact Types in Ajera

This action retrieves contact types in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Contact Type Status

List Contacts in Ajera

This action lists contacts from Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Filter By Company
  • Filter By Status
  • Filter By Text
  • Filter By Contact Type
  • Filter By Earliest Modified Date
  • Filter By Latest Modified Date

Get Contacts in Ajera

This action retrieves contacts from Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Requested Contacts

Get All Contacts in Ajera

This action retrieves all contacts from Ajera.

Update Contacts in Ajera

This action updates existing contacts in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Contact Key
  • Record Update Time Stamp - autocalculated; do not change this value

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Title
  • Status
  • Primary Phone Number
  • Primary Phone Description
  • Secondary Phone Number
  • Secondary Phone Description
  • Tertiary Phone Number
  • Tertiary Phone Description
  • Fax Number
  • Fax Description
  • Email
  • Website
  • Primary Address Line One
  • Primary Address Line Two
  • Primary Address Line Three
  • Primary Address City
  • Primary Address Zip
  • Primary Address State
  • Primary Address Country
  • Mailing Address Same As Primary
  • Mailing Address Line One
  • Mailing Address Line Two
  • Mailing Address Line Three
  • Mailing Address City
  • Mailing Address Zip
  • Mailing Address State
  • Mailing Address Country
  • Contact Type Key
  • Contact Type Description
  • Contact Type Notes
  • Notes

Create Contacts in Ajera

This action creates contacts in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Contact Key: Autopopulated as -1 for creation. Do not change this value.
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Creation Time Stamp: Autocalculated. Do not change this value.

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Middle Name
  • Title
  • Status
  • Primary Phone Number
  • Primary Phone Description
  • Secondary Phone Number
  • Secondary Phone Description
  • Tertiary Phone Number
  • Tertiary Phone Description
  • Fax Number
  • Fax Description
  • Email
  • Website
  • Primary Address Line One
  • Primary Address Line Two
  • Primary Address Line Three
  • Primary Address City
  • Primary Address Zip
  • Primary Address State
  • Primary Address Country
  • Mailing Address Same As Primary
  • Mailing Address Line One
  • Mailing Address Line Two
  • Mailing Address Line Three
  • Mailing Address City
  • Mailing Address Zip
  • Mailing Address State
  • Mailing Address Country
  • Contact Type Key
  • Contact Type Description
  • Contact Type Notes
  • Notes

Delete Contacts from Ajera

This action deletes contacts from Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Contact Key

List Departments in Ajera

This action lists departments in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Department Status

List Employee Types in Ajera

This action lists employee types in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Employee Type Status

List Employees in Ajera

This action lists employees in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Filter By Department
  • Filter By Company
  • Filter By Supervisor
  • Filter By Status
  • Filter By Name Like
  • Filter By Employee Type
  • Filter By Earliest Modified Date
  • Filter By Latest Modified Date
  • Filter By Email

Get Employees in Ajera

This action retrieves employees in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Employee Key

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Employee Keys Source List

Get All Contacts in Ajera

This action retrieves all contacts from Ajera.

Update Employees in Ajera

This action updates employee info in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Employee Key
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Record Update Time Stamp - autocalculated; do not change this value

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Middle Name
  • Title
  • Status
  • Company Key
  • Department Key
  • Is Supervisor
  • Is Project Manager
  • Is Accounting Manager
  • Is Marketing Contact
  • Supervisor Key
  • Calculate Payment Date Method
  • Number Of Days From Invoice Date
  • Day of the month to pay
  • Primary Phone Number
  • Primary Phone Description
  • Secondary Phone Number
  • Secondary Phone Description
  • Tertiary Phone Number
  • Tertiary Phone Description
  • Fax Number
  • Fax Description
  • Email
  • Website
  • Primary Address Line One
  • Primary Address Line Two
  • Primary Address Line Three
  • Primary Address City
  • Primary Address Zip
  • Primary Address State
  • Primary Address Country
  • Mailing Address Same As Primary
  • Mailing Address Line One
  • Mailing Address Line Two
  • Mailing Address Line Three
  • Mailing Address City
  • Mailing Address Zip
  • Mailing Address State
  • Mailing Address Country
  • Allow Changes After Processed
  • Contacts:
    • Contact Key
    • Text
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name
    • Title
    • Company
    • Order
  • Pay rates:
    • Pay Rate Key
    • Start Date
    • Pay Period
    • Is Hourly
    • Salary
    • Pay Rate
    • Overtime Markup
    • Include Overtime In Salary
    • Double Time Markup
    • Include Double Time In Salary
    • Other Time Markup
    • Include Other Time Markup In Salary
  • Gender
  • Birthdate
  • Date Hired
  • Date Rehired
  • Date Terminated
  • Billable Percent
  • Social Security Number
  • Payroll Service ID
  • Company Key
  • Use Expense Reports
  • Credit cards:
    • Bank Account Key
    • Order
    • Cardholder Name
    • Description
  • Notes
  • Employee Type Key
  • Employee Type Description
  • Employee Type Notes

Create Employees in Ajera

This action creates employee entries in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Employee Key: Autopopulated as -1 for creation. Do not change this value.
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Employee Type Key
  • Creation Timestamp: Autocalculated. Do not change this value.
  • Pay Rates:
    • Pay Rates source list
    • Pay Rate Key
    • Start Date
    • Pay Period
    • Pay Rate
    • Is Hourly

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Middle Name
  • Title
  • Status
  • Company Key
  • Department Key
  • Is Supervisor
  • Is Project Manager
  • Is Accounting Manager
  • Is Marketing Contact
  • Supervisor Key
  • Calculate Payment Date Method
  • Number Of Days From Invoice Date
  • Day of the month to pay
  • Primary Phone Number
  • Primary Phone Description
  • Secondary Phone Number
  • Secondary Phone Description
  • Tertiary Phone Number
  • Tertiary Phone Description
  • Fax Number
  • Fax Description
  • Email
  • Website
  • Primary Address Line One
  • Primary Address Line Two
  • Primary Address Line Three
  • Primary Address City
  • Primary Address Zip
  • Primary Address State
  • Primary Address Country
  • Mailing Address Same As Primary
  • Mailing Address Line One
  • Mailing Address Line Two
  • Mailing Address Line Three
  • Mailing Address City
  • Mailing Address Zip
  • Mailing Address State
  • Mailing Address Country
  • Allow Changes After Processed
  • Contacts:
    • Contact Key
    • Text
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name
    • Title
    • Company
    • Order
  • Pay Rates:
    • Salary: required if Is Hourly is set to false
    • Pay Rate
    • Overtime Markup
    • Include Overtime In Salary
    • Double Time Markup
    • Include Double Time In Salary
    • Other Time Markup
    • Include Other Time Markup In Salary
  • Gender
  • Birthdate
  • Date Hired
  • Date Rehired
  • Date Terminated
  • Billable Percent
  • Social Security Number
  • Payroll Service ID
  • Company Key
  • Use Expense Reports
  • Credit cards:
    • Bank Account Key
    • Order
    • Cardholder Name
    • Description
  • Notes
  • Employee Type Description
  • Employee Type Notes

List Deductions for Employees in Ajera

This action lists deductions for employees in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Deduction Status

List Fringes for Employees in Ajera

This action lists fringes for employees in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Fringe Status

List Pay Types in Ajera

This action lists pay types in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Pay Types Status

List Payroll Taxes in Ajera

This action lists payroll taxes in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Payroll Tax Status

List Rate Tables in Ajera

This action lists rate tables in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Rate Table Status

List Wage Tables in Ajera

This action lists wage tables in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional field:

  • Wage Table Status

Get Clients in Ajera

This action retrieves clients from Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Client Key
  • Account ID

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Employee Keys Source List
  • Status
  • Description
  • Date Established
  • Send Statements
  • Create Finance Charge
  • Annual Percentage Rate
  • Pre Payment Beginning Balance
  • Primary Phone Number
  • Primary Phone Description
  • Secondary Phone Number
  • Secondary Phone Description
  • Tertiary Phone Number
  • Tertiary Phone Description
  • Fax Number
  • Fax Description
  • Email
  • Website
  • Primary Address Line One
  • Primary Address Line Two
  • Primary Address Line Three
  • Primary Address City
  • Primary Address Zip
  • Primary Address State
  • Primary Address Country
  • Mailing Address Same As Primary
  • Mailing Address Line One
  • Mailing Address Line Two
  • Mailing Address Line Three
  • Mailing Address City
  • Mailing Address Zip
  • Mailing Address State
  • Mailing Address Country
  • Email Statement Template Key
  • Email Statement Template Description
  • Contacts
  • Contact Key
    • Text
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name
    • Title
    • Company
    • Order
  • Notes
  • Client Type Key
  • Client Type Description
  • Client Type Notes
  • Last Modified Date

List Clients in Ajera

This action lists clients in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Client Key
  • Description

Create Clients in Ajera

This action creates client entries in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Contact Key: Autopopulated as -1 for creation. Do not change this value.
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Creation Timestamp: autocalculated; do not change this value

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Middle Name
  • Title
  • Status
  • Primary Phone Number
  • Primary Phone Description
  • Secondary Phone Number
  • Secondary Phone Description
  • Tertiary Phone Number
  • Tertiary Phone Description
  • Fax Number
  • Fax Description
  • Email
  • Website
  • Primary Address Line One
  • Primary Address Line Two
  • Primary Address Line Three
  • Primary Address City
  • Primary Address Zip
  • Primary Address State
  • Primary Address Country
  • Mailing Address Same As Primary
  • Mailing Address Line One
  • Mailing Address Line Two
  • Mailing Address Line Three
  • Mailing Address City
  • Mailing Address Zip
  • Mailing Address State
  • Mailing Address Country
  • Contact Type Key
  • Contact Type Description
  • Contact Type Notes
  • Notes

Update Clients in Ajera

This action updates client info in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Contact Key
  • Record Update Time Stamp: autocalculated; do not change this value

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Title
  • Status
  • Primary Phone Number
  • Primary Phone Description
  • Secondary Phone Number
  • Secondary Phone Description
  • Tertiary Phone Number
  • Tertiary Phone Description
  • Fax Number
  • Fax Description
  • Email
  • Website
  • Primary Address Line One
  • Primary Address Line Two
  • Primary Address Line Three
  • Primary Address City
  • Primary Address Zip
  • Primary Address State
  • Primary Address Country
  • Mailing Address Same As Primary
  • Mailing Address Line One
  • Mailing Address Line Two
  • Mailing Address Line Three
  • Mailing Address City
  • Mailing Address Zip
  • Mailing Address State
  • Mailing Address Country
  • Contact Type Key
  • Contact Type Description
  • Contact Type Notes
  • Notes

Delete Clients from Ajera

This action deletes clients from Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Contact Key

Get Expense Reports from Ajera

This action retrieves Expense Reports from Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Requested Expense

List Expense Reports in Ajera

This action lists Expense Reports in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Filter By Company
  • Filter By Supervisor
  • Filter By Name Like
  • Filter By Is Processed
  • Filter By Earliest Beginning Date
  • Filter By Latest Beginning Date
  • Filter By Earliest Modified Date
  • Filter By Latest Modified Date
  • Filter By Earliest Ending Date
  • Filter By Latest Ending Date

Update Expense Report in Ajera

This action updates Expense Reports in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Expense Report Key
  • Record Update Timestamp - autocalculated; do not change this value
  • Ending Date
  • Expenses
    • Expense Key
    • File Key
    • File Name
    • Description
    • Mime Type

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Employee Key
  • Is Processed
  • Ending Date
  • Beginning Date
  • Description
  • Advance Amount
  • Total Amount
  • Submitted By Employee Key
  • Submitted By Employee Name
  • Submitted Date
  • Supervisor Approved By Employee Key
  • Supervisor Approved By Employee Name
  • Supervisor Approved Date
  • AccountingApprovedByEmployeeKey
  • AccountingApprovedByEmployeeName
  • AccountingApprovedDate
  • Status
  • Notes
  • NeedsReApproval
  • ReApprovedBy
  • ReApprovedDateTime
  • Date
  • ActivityKey
  • ActivityDescription
  • ProjectKey
  • ProjectName
  • PhaseKey
  • PhaseName
  • IsUnitBased
  • Units
  • UnitRate
  • CostAmount
  • BankAccountKey
  • CreditCardName
  • RejectedByByEmployeeKey
  • RejectedByByEmployeeName
  • Payee
  • IsPersonalExpense
  • Reference
  • ManagerNotes
  • ProjectInfoValid

Upload Expense Report in Ajera

This action uploads Expense Reports in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Expense Key - only optional if Delete field is set to True
  • File Key - only required if Delete field is set to True
  • Delete
  • Description
  • Filename
  • File Data
  • Mime Type

Download Expense Reports from Ajera

This action downloads Expense Reports in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • File Key

List GL Accounts in Ajera

This action lists General Ledger (GL) Accounts in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • GL Account Key
  • ID
  • Description
  • Account Type
  • Account Group
  • Order
  • Status

Get GL Accounts from Ajera

This action retrieves GL Accounts from Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • GL Account Key
  • Account Group Key
  • ID
  • Description
  • Account Group Order
  • Account Group Status
  • Account Type
  • Account Group
  • Account Group Key
  • Allocated
  • Allow Journal Entries
  • Order
  • Status
  • Intercompany Account Type
  • Intercompany Account Type Value
  • Intercompany Account
  • Normal Debit Balance
  • Notes
  • Print NetProfit After Group
  • Summarize Group On FS
  • Amount
  • GL Balance
  • GL Budget
  • GL Cash Basis Balance
  • GL Cash Basis Budget

List Account Groups in Ajera

This action lists Account Groups in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Account Group Status

List Activities in Ajera

This action lists Activities in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Filter By Status

List Bank Accounts in Ajera

This action lists Bank Accounts in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Bank Account Status

List Chargeable Phases in Ajera

This action lists Chargeable Phases in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Project Key

List Invoice Formats in Ajera

This action lists Invoice Formats in Ajera.

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Invoice Format Status

Get Vendors from Ajera

This action retrieves Vendors from Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Filter By Company
  • Filter By Status
  • Filter By Name Like
  • Filter By Vendor Type
  • Filter By Earliest Modified Date
  • Filter By Latest Modified Date

List Vendors in Ajera

This action lists Vendors in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Requested Vendors

Create Vendors in Ajera

This action creates Vendor entries in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Vendor Key
  • Name
  • Status
  • CalculatePaymentDateMethod
  • Record Update Timestamp - autocalculated; do not change this value
  • NumberOfDaysFromInvoiceDate
  • DayOfTheMonthToPay

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • DateEstablished
  • Receives1099Form
  • ReceivesW9Form
  • FormType1099
  • RecipientID1099
  • RecipientName1099
  • ReportedAmount1099
  • FederalTaxWitheld
  • BuisnessTypeW9
  • OtherDescriptionW9
  • DepartmentKey
  • DepartmentDescription
  • AccountKey
  • AccountDescription
  • AccountID
  • VendorAccountID
  • PrimaryPhoneNumber
  • PrimaryPhoneDescription
  • SecondaryPhoneNumber
  • SecondaryPhoneDescription
  • TertiaryPhoneNumber
  • TertiaryPhoneDescription
  • FaxNumber
  • FaxDescription
  • Email
  • Website
  • Primary Address Line One
  • PrimaryA ddress Line Two
  • Primary Address Line Three
  • Primary Address City
  • Primary Address Zip
  • Primary Address State
  • Primary Address Country
  • Mailing Address Same As Primary
  • Mailing Address Line One
  • Mailing Address Line Two
  • Mailing Address Line Three
  • Mailing Address City
  • Mailing Address Zip
  • Mailing Address State
  • Mailing Address Country
    • Contact Key
    • Text
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name
    • Title
    • Company
    • Order
  • Notes
  • Vendor Type Key
  • VendorTypeDescription
  • VendorTypeIsConsultant
  • VendorTypeIsCreditCard
  • VendorTypeNotes
  • CF_Rating

Update Vendors in Ajera

This action updates Vendor info in Ajera.

Get Projects from Ajera

This action retrieves Projects from Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Project Keys

List Projects in Ajera

This action lists projects in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Filter By Status
  • Filter By Company
  • Filter By Name Like
  • Filter By Description Like
  • Filter By Description Equals
  • Filter By ID Like
  • Filter By Project Type
  • Filter By Sync To CRM
  • Filter By Earliest Modified Date
  • Filter By Latest Modified Date

Create Projects in Ajera

This action creates Project entries in Ajera. As of Ajera API version 2.0, Projects can now also use subcategories, allowing for more flexibility and detailed information.

Note: You can create a Project and subcategories, or only the subcategory (see the next rows for additional information).
  • Projects
  • Invoice Groups
  • Phases
  • Resources

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Project Description
  • CompanyKey
  • RateTableKey
  • BillingType

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • Project Key
  • LastModifiedDate
  • OriginalProjectKey
  • ID
  • Project Description
  • Sync To CRM
  • Create In CRM
  • CRM Final Sync
  • Status
  • CompanyDescription
  • ProjectTypeKey
  • ProjectTypeDescription
  • DepartmentKey
  • DepartmentDescription
  • BudgetedOverheadRate
  • ProjectManager
  • PrincipalInCharge
  • MarketingContact
  • Location
  • WageTableKey
  • WageTableDescription
  • Is Certified
  • Restrict Time Entry To Resources Only
  • TaxState
  • TaxLocalKey
  • TaxLocalDescription
  • EstimatedStartDate
  • EstimatedCompletionDate
  • ActualStartDate
  • ActualCompletionDate
  • Apply Sales Tax
  • SalesTaxCode
  • SalesTaxRate
  • Require Timesheet Notes
  • Notes
  • HoursCostBudget
  • LaborCostBudget
  • ExpenseCostBudget
  • ConsultantCostBudget
  • PercentDistribution
  • Is Final Budget
  • RateTableDescription
  • TotalContractAmount
  • LaborContractAmount
  • ExpenseContractAmount
  • ConsultantContractAmount
  • Bill Labor As TE
  • Bill Expense As TE
  • Bill Consultant As TE
  • Lock Fee
  • ConstructionCost
  • PercentOfConstructionCost
  • Contacts
  • Labor Entry
  • ExpenseConsultantEntry
  • ReportedPercentComplete
  • ReportedPercentCompleteDate
  • SummarizeBillingGroup
  • BillingDescription

Create Phase in Ajera

This action creates Phase entries in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Phase Description
  • RateTableKey

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • ProjectKey - Project key from parent project
  • InvoiceGroupKey
  • PhaseKey
  • Phase Parent Key - Leave blank for top level create
  • LastModifiedDate
  • ID
  • Sync To CRM
  • Create In CRM
  • CRM Final Sync
  • Status
  • Is Billing Group
  • Summarize Billing Group
  • ProjectTypeKey
  • ProjectTypeDescription
  • DepartmentKey
  • DepartmentDescription
  • BudgetedOverheadRate
  • ProjectManager
  • PrincipalInCharge
  • MarketingContact
  • WageTableKey
  • WageTableDescription
  • Is Certified
  • Restrict Time Entry To Resources Only
  • TaxState
  • TaxLocalKey
  • TaxLocalDescription
  • EstimatedStartDate
  • EstimatedCompletionDate
  • ActualStartDate
  • ActualCompletionDate
  • Apply Sales Tax
  • SalesTaxCode
  • SalesTaxRate
  • Require Timesheet Notes
  • Notes
  • HoursCostBudget
  • LaborCostBudget
  • ExpenseCostBudget
  • ConsultantCostBudget
  • PercentDistribution
  • Is Final Budget
  • BillingType
  • RateTableDescription
  • TotalContractAmount
  • LaborContractAmount
  • ExpenseContractAmount
  • ConsultantContractAmount
  • Bill Labor As TE
  • Bill Expense As TE
  • Bill Consultant As TE
  • Lock Fee
  • BillingDescription
  • PhaseInvoiceText
  • LaborInvoiceText
  • ExpenseInvoiceText
  • ConsultantInvoiceText
  • Contacts
  • Labor Entry
  • Expense Consultant Entry
  • ReportedPercentComplete
  • ReportedPercentCompleteDate

Create Resources in Ajera

This action creates Resource entries in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Activity Type
  • ParentKey

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • ResourceKey
  • Resource Phase Key or Parent Key
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Resource Description
  • Notes
  • IsTask
  • Employee
  • EmployeeTypeKey
  • EmployeeTypeDescription
  • Reference
  • PercentDistribution
  • Units
  • CostRate
  • CostAmount
  • FeeRate
  • FeeAmount
  • MarkupRate
  • BeginBalanceCostAmount
  • BeginBalanceFeeAmount

Create Invoice Group in Ajera

This action creates Invoice Group entries in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required field:

  • Invoice Group Description
  • ClientKey
  • InvoiceFormatKey

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • ProjectKey
  • InvoiceGroupKey - To add an invoice group use a negative integer value, this must be unique for each group. Example: -1
  • InvoiceFormatDescription
  • EmailInvoiceTemplateKey
  • EmailInvoiceTemplateDescription
  • EmailClientStatementTemplateKey
  • EmailClientStatementTemplateDescription
  • Print Backup
  • Email Include Backup
  • BillingManager
  • BillingContact
  • InvoiceHeaderText
  • InvoiceFooterText
  • InvoiceScope
  • Notes

Update Projects in Ajera

This action updates Project info in Ajera.

Provide a value for the following required fields:

  • Project Key
  • Project Description

You can also provide a value for the following optional fields:

  • LastModifiedDate
  • ID
  • Sync To CRM
  • Create In CRM
  • CRM Final Sync
  • Status
  • CompanyKey
  • CompanyDescription
  • ProjectTypeKey
  • ProjectTypeDescription
  • DepartmentKey
  • DepartmentDescription
  • BudgetedOverheadRate
  • ProjectManager
  • PrincipalInCharge
  • MarketingContact
  • Location
  • WageTableKey
  • WageTableDescription
  • Is Certified
  • Restrict Time Entry To Resources Only
  • TaxState
  • TaxLocalKey
  • TaxLocalDescription
  • EstimatedStartDate
  • EstimatedCompletionDate
  • ActualStartDate
  • ActualCompletionDate
  • Apply Sales Tax
  • SalesTaxCode
  • SalesTaxRate
  • Require Timesheet Notes
  • Notes
  • HoursCostBudget
  • LaborCostBudget
  • ExpenseCostBudget
  • ConsultantCostBudget
  • PercentDistribution
  • Is Final Budget
  • BillingType
  • RateTableKey
  • RateTableDescription
  • TotalContractAmount
  • LaborContractAmount
  • ExpenseContractAmount
  • ConsultantContractAmount
  • Bill Labor As TE
  • Bill Expense As TE
  • Bill Consultant As TE
  • Lock Fee
  • ConstructionCost
  • PercentOfConstructionCost
  • Contacts
  • Labor Entry
  • ExpenseConsultantEntry
  • ReportedPercentComplete
  • ReportedPercentCompleteDate
  • SummarizeBillingGroup
  • BillingDescription

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