You can use wizards to enter expense estimates for your expense authorization. There are seven types of wizards are:
Car Rental
Time & Expense with ESS displays the appropriate wizard based on the expense category and expense type selected.
The General Wizard is the starting point of the expense authorization. The information you provide in this wizard determines which options are available for the authorization. When you click the New option, you go to the first screen of the wizard. The screens include the following:
This screen contains information regarding the employee for whom the expense authorization is being entered.
To look up an employee:
Select the person for whom you will be filling out the expense authorization.
If you select Self, then select Next.
If you select Another User, the Functional Role drop-down list enables.
Select the role for which you are entering the expense authorization. This enables the Group drop-down list.
Select a group and click the binocular icon to search for the employee, or select the employee from the drop-down list if you have less than fifty employees.
Then select Next.
This screen gives you the choice of creating a new expense authorization or copying one that already exists. When you have completed your selection, select the Next pushbutton. The screen consists of the following:
Create New Authorization - Select this option to create a new authorization from scratch. You will be required to fill out all of the fields on the next wizard pages. This option is selected by default.
Copy Existing Authorization - Select this option to copy or clone an existing authorization. This will default some information into your new authorization, some of which can be edited, some of which cannot. Each field will detail whether it can be edited if the authorization is copied. If you select this option, you can either enter the Authorization ID of the one you want to copy or use the Lookup and select the authorization you want to copy.
his screen displays general information regarding the expense authorization. Which fields are required depends on which expense authorization type is selected. Some of the fields will be non-editable if you have copied your authorization from an existing authorization. The screen can consist of the following:
Authorization Date - Use the Calendar Lookup to select the date on which the expense authorization is being entered. The Select a Date dialog displays the current and next month. The date you select automatically populates the Authorization date field.
Authorization Type - Use the drop-down box to select the expense authorization type on which to base the authorization. The valid expense authorization types are those that are linked to the expense class of the employee and that have the Expense Authorization field set to "Required" or "Optional." If this is a copied authorization, this field is non-editable.
Blanket Authorization - Select this check box if this is a blanket authorization. Blanket authorizations are used to cover expenses that will occur over a period of time, such as for a series of upcoming business trips. In such cases, multiple expense reports will be submitted against the same authorization.
From Date - Use the Calendar Lookup to select starting date of the expenses for this expense authorization. The Select a Date dialog displays the current and next month. The date you select automatically populates the From Date field.
To Date - Use Lookup to select the ending date of the expenses for this expense authorization. The Select a Date dialog displays the current and next month. The date you select automatically populates the To Date field.
Multiple Locations - Select this check box if you are going to have multiple locations on the expense authorization.
Short Description - Enter a short description for the expense authorization. There is a limit of 30 characters for this field and it is required.
Purpose - Enter the purpose for the expense authorization. This can be much longer than the short description. This field is also required.
Location - If the expense authorization type uses per diem locations, you must select a default location from the drop-down box.
If your system administrator has configured default locations for per diem expenses, the default location displays in the location field. You can override the default by selecting a different location.
To clear the information and start over, click Clear. To see details regarding the location selected (Lodging amount and Meals and Incidental Expenses amounts), select the Details push button.
Country - If the per diem schedule linked to the expense authorization selected requires a Country, select one from the drop-down box. If this is a copied authorization, this field is non-editable.
State/Province - If the per diem schedule linked to the expense authorization selected requires a State/Province, select one from the drop-down box. If this is a copied authorization, this field is non-editable.
City - If the per diem schedule linked to the expense authorization selected requires a City, select one from the drop-down box. If this is a copied authorization, this field is non-editable.
County - If the per diem schedule linked to the expense authorization selected requires a County, select one from the drop-down box. If this is a copied authorization, this field is non-editable.
Use this screen to request a cash advance for expenses. It will be displayed only if all of the following conditions are met:
The employee's expense class allows him to request a cash advance (if the Cash Advance Limit field is greater than 0.00).
The total amount of all Outstanding Cash Advances has not yet been reached (as defined by the expense authorization type)
The total number of all Outstanding Cash Advances has not yet been reached (as defined by the expense authorization type).
The screen contains the following information:
Cash Advance Amount – Enter the amount of the cash advance that you are requesting.
Purpose – Enter a reason for the Cash Advance request. If there is an amount in the Cash Advance Amount field, this field will be required.
Use this page of the wizard to enter the specific charges to which the expense estimates will default. Enter as many charge allocations as necessary and set up the default allocation percentage for each allocation.
Charge Allocation table
This table displays the specific charging information that will default on the expense authorization.
Add Charge Allocation
Click Add Charge Allocation to add a default allocation ID to this expense authorization. You must fill out the following:
Charge Type - Use the drop-down box to select the charge type that will be used. The valid values are "UDT01" or "UDT02."
Charge - Use Lookup to select a valid charge or charges that will be used for this expense authorization. (If your system is set up to provide direct access to a Costpoint database for charge lookups, see Charge Lookup Using Direct Costpoint Access if you need help selecting charges.)
UDT09 Name – The UDT09 value displays automatically if only one valid value is available for the selected charge. If more than one value is available, use Lookup to select a valid UDT09 for this expense authorization.
Default Allocation % - Enter the allocation percentage that will be the default for this charge.
Delete Charge Allocation
Select the check box to the left of the charge allocation you want to delete and click Delete Charge Allocation.
Click Finish to save the entries made to the general wizard. You will be brought back to the main Expense Authorization screen, where you can now enter specific expense estimates onto the expense authorization.
To add individual expense estimates to the expense authorization, click on the "+" sign in the left corner of the details table. You will be taken to the first screen of the wizards where you will fill out information regarding the expense estimate. The wizard pages include the following:
Use this page of the wizard to select the appropriate Category and Expense Type for the expense estimate that you are entering.
Category - The Category drop-down box contains all of the categories that have been set up for the expense authorization type that was selected in the general portion of the expense authorization wizard.
Expense Type - The Expense Type drop-down box will contain the expense types that have been linked to the selected Category for the expense authorization type. If there is only one expense type linked to the selected Category, that expense type will default.
Use the Expense Details page of the wizard to enter specific information about the expense. This information differs depending on the type of expense. Certain fields are available regardless of the expense type; others only apply to certain types.
These are the possible fields:
Location (field)
In the Location field, select the location where the expense will be incurred.
If your system administrator has configured default locations for per diem expenses, the default location displays in the location field. You can override the default by selecting a different location
When you select a location, the start and end dates, per diem location information, and ceiling amount for the expense are set accordingly.
This field is only available if the expense type is set up to allow multiple locations on one expense report and you checked Multiple Locations in the general wizard screen for the expense authorization.
Location: Country, State, City, County
In the Location group box, select the required per diem location information.
What location information you must enter depends on the location requirements specified for the applicable per diem schedule in the Input Requirements group box in the Per Diem Schedules screen.
If your system administrator has configured default locations for per diem expenses, the default location displays in the location field. You can override the default by selecting a different location.
These fields are available only for lodging or meals expense types for which the Per Diem check box is checked on the Basic Information tab in the Expense Types screen. (If the wizard displays dates and location based on the location selected in the Location field, you cannot change these fields.)
Click Details in the Location group box to view detailed per diem information for the location.
Click Clear if you want to clear all per diem location selections.
Start Date
Use the Calendar Lookup to select the starting date of the expenses for this expense. The Select a Date dialog displays the current and next month. The date you select automatically populates the Start Date field.
This field is available for all expense types with Multiday checked on the Input Options tab of the Expense Types screen. However, if the wizard displays the start date based on the location selected in the Location field, you cannot change it here.
End Date
Use Calendar Lookup to select the ending date for the expense. The Select a Date dialog displays the current and next month. The date you select automatically populates the End Date field
This field is available for all expense types with Multiday checked on the Input Options tab of the Expense Types screen. However, if the wizard displays the end date based on the location selected in the Location field, you cannot change it here.
Expense Date
Use the Calendar Lookup next to Expense Date to select the date on which this expense will be incurred.
This field is available for all expense types with Multiday not checked on the Input Options tab of the Expense Types screen. However, if the wizard displays the date based on the location selected in the Location field, you cannot change it here.
Number of Days
If the expense is for car rental, Number of Days displays the number of days to which the expense applies, based on the start and end dates for the expense and on the Late Return check box.
Number of Nights
If the expense is for lodging, Number of Nights displays the number of nights to which the expense applies, based on the start and end dates for the expense.
Late Check Out
If the expense is for lodging, check Late Check Out, if you will not be checking out of your hotel until after the check out time. When you do, the value in Number of Nights is increased by one.
This field displays only for Conference-Lodging expense types.
Select Conference if the expense should be reimbursed at the adjustment percentage rate (for example, 125%), instead of the normal Per Diem Ceiling or Per Diem Allowance rate.
Late Return
If the expense is for car rental, check Late Return if you will be returning your rental car after the late return time. When you do, the value in Number of Days is increased by one.
Number of <expense type units>
In Number of ____. enter the estimated number of units.
This field is only available for Other or Mileage expenses for which the units label is not blank.
Rate per <expense type units>
Rate per ____ shows the rate at which each unit will be reimbursed. If the Override Unit Rate checkbox is checked for the expense type in the Expense Types screen, you can change the rate here. If Override Unit Rate is not checked, you cannot change the rate.
This field is only available for Other or Mileage expenses for which the units label is not blank.
Ceiling displays the ceiling amount for the expense for the time period and location in which it will be incurred.
This field is available for all expenses except Other expenses that are based on a number of units.
Ceiling per <expense type unit>
Ceiling per ____ displays the ceiling amount per unit for the expense.
This field is only available for Other expenses that are based on a number of units.
Estimate contains the estimated expense amount, in the employee's pay currency.
For some expenses, you can enter or edit the estimated expense amount. In the following cases, however, it is calculated and displayed but you cannot change it:
The expense is for mileage.
The expense is an Other expense and is based on a number of units and a rate per unit.
The expense is for lodging or meals, and the expense type is set up with a per diem amount that is an allowance rather than a ceiling.
Use Comments to enter any notes or explanations related to the expense.
This field is available for all expense types.
The Charge Allocation page of the wizard displays information regarding how the expense will be allocated. You can change the percentage or the amount that is allocated for each expense. The table consists of the following information, which you entered in the general portion of the expense authorization wizard:
ID - The ID s a numerical number that identifies the Charge Allocation. This field is non-editable.
Charge Type - This column displays the Charge Type that was selected in the general portion of the expense authorization wizard. This field is non-editable.
Default Charge ID - This column displays the Charge ID that was selected in the general portion of the expense authorization wizard. This field is non-editable.
Description - This column displays the Description associated with the Default Charge ID. This field is non-editable.
Default UDT09 - This column displays the UDT09 that was selected in the general portion of the expense authorization wizard. This field is non-editable.
Default Allocation % - This column displays the allocation percentage that was allotted to this Charge in the general portion of the expense authorization wizard. This field is non-editable.
Override Allocation % - This column is used to override the Default Allocation %.
When you are finished with the Charge Allocation screen, select the Finish pushbutton. The expense estimate will be added to the details table and you will be returned to the expense authorization screen.
You can edit an existing expense estimate by doing one of the following:
Auth ID - Click on the hyperlink in the Auth ID field in the Expense Details table. You will be launched to the Expense Details page of the wizard for that expense estimate.
Estimate - Click on the hyperlink in the Estimate field in the Expense Details table. You will be launched to the Expense Details page of the wizard for that expense estimate.
Once you are in the Expense Details page, you can edit the expense by making the changes and completing the wizard. You can also delete the expense by selecting the Delete pushbutton in the Expense Details page.