

Outstanding Expenses

Select this checkbox to include outstanding expenses on your report. An expense is considered outstanding if it was entered via the Maintain Expenses screen (either manually or through a credit card feed) and the due date has passed. This checkbox is selected by default.

Outstanding Advances

Select this checkbox to include outstanding cash advances on your report. A cash advance is considered outstanding if it has been entered in the Maintain Advances screen but has not been entered against an expense report.

Outstanding Cash Receipts

Select this checkbox to include outstanding cash receipts on your report. A cash receipt is considered outstanding if the expense report has been submitted and the number of days in which the employee has to turn in and process the receipts has passed. (This is based on the task that was set up for the Expense Report Type).



Select the function of the supervisor from the drop-down box. The available selections depend on the rights that you have as a supervisor in the system. If you have more than one functional role, the default value is "Select." If you have one functional role, that role will be the default value.

Your selection determines which groups display in the group list. For example, if you have a primary supervisor function set up in your Functional Roles screen and select "Primary Supervisor," the groups to which you have primary supervisory rights will display in the group list.  Please see the "Functional Roles" section of the Deltek Expense Getting Started Guide for more information.

The groups are listed in alphabetical order.  If you have not chosen a group when you select the Execute pushbutton, the system will display the following error message: "No employee groups are selected."

Select All

Use the Select All pushbutton to select all displayed groups. Once you have made a selection, the pushbutton will become Deselect All.  To select a row, highlight the row using a left mouse click.

Payment Method

The payment method list displays all payment methods in which there are posted expense transactions. They are listed in alphabetical order.  If you have not selected the Outstanding Expenses filter, this group will be non-editable.

Select All

Use the Select All pushbutton to select all displayed payment methods. Once you have made a selection, the pushbutton will become Deselect All. To select a row, highlight the row using a left mouse click.


Select the Execute pushbutton to load the Results tab with the employees that meet the selected criteria.  

If the system finds no employees that meet the criteria, it will display the following error message: "No results found."

If you selected no statuses in the Filter group box, the system will display the following error message: "No Filter is selected."