Employee Referral
Use this section to view data about employee referral-associated requisitions, such as referral awards and referral activity information.
To view the purpose of any report, hover over its name.
To run a report, click the report name, enter filter options, if necessary, and click the action button (Filter/Search/Run/Generate). In some cases, clicking on the report name runs the report.
If your available reports are numerous, search for a specific report by entering keywords, such as all or part of the report name, in the Search field. Talent Management searches report names for the keywords and returns a list of matches.
- Related Topics:
- Earned Awards by Job Report
Use this report to lists the bonuses and payout schemes earned by referrers. - Jobs With Referral Options Report
Use this report to display current statistics from the Employee Referral Program, such as the total number of referrals by job, as well as the referral amounts and number of hires. - Jobs With Referrals Report
Use this report to display the jobs that were open for referral during the selected time frame, as well as the number of referrals for each job that has referrals. - Referral Activity Report
Use this report to display a list of referrers that refer the most job seekers.
Parent Topic: Recruiting Reports